Hitler, Adolf

Hix, Bill


Hizb-e-Islami faction

Homosexuals, targeting

Honorable resistance, defined

Hospitals, issues facing

Hot Bird (broadcast company)

al-Huda, Bint

Human Rights Watch

Huquq political party

Hurra television


Hussein, King (of Jordan)

Hussein, Qusay, death of

Hussein, Saddam

comparing America to

comparing Bush to

comparing Maliki with

comparing the SCIRI to

coup attempts on

failed uprising against

honoring/praise for

Lebanese views of

regime of, collapse of

and sectarianism

treatment of prisoners under

trial and execution of, impact of

Hussein, Sheikh

Hussein (son of Ali)

Hussein, Uday


Ibn al-Alqami

Ibn Taimiya

Ibrahim al-Khalil convent

Ibrahim, Khalil (Abu Omar)

Identity politics

Idu, Walid

IED attacks and ambushes

Imam Ali. See Ali (cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad)

Imam Hussein. See Hussein (son of Ali)

Imam Ridha shrine

Implementation and Follow-up Committee for National Reconciliation (IFCNR)

Independent High Electoral Commission

Independent Islamic Gathering


Institute for the Study of Diplomacy

Integrity Committee

Interim government

Internal displacement See also Iraqi refugees; specific areas with displaced population groups

International Crisis Group

International Islamic University

International Rescue Committee

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)


accusations against

and Afghanistan

and the Badr Brigade

and Chalabi

exiles in

fear of

holy city of

illegals from, paranoia about

interference and money from, effect of

and the July War

and Lebanon

and the Mahdi Army

and the March 8 coalition

nuclear intransigence of, American response to

perceived gain from Iraqi civil war

possible intervention by

regional rivalry between Saudi Arabia and

role of

seen as gaining more power

Shah of

as Syria’s ally

talk in Washington about

Iranian pilgrims

Iranian proxy

Iranian Revolution

Iranian Revolutionary Guards

Iranian-sponsored militias

See also Badr Brigade

Iran-Iraq war

Iraq Study Group report

Iraqi Accord

Iraqi army

critique of the, during the Battle for Baghdad

disbanding of the

former colonel of

and the impact of cooperation with U.S. troops

including leaders of the, in planning sessions

national embrace of the

vs. the police

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