United Nations
United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFL)
United States
as adopting Al Qaeda’s worldview
Afghani view of
comparing Saddam to the
continuing involvement of, in spiraling violence
and control over Saddam’s execution, issue of
demanding compensation from
failure of the, to question the invasion
focus of the, from the beginning of the occupation, issue with
ignoring involvement of
influence of, loss of, due to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
international community waiting for leadership from, on the refugee crisis
and Iraq, previous relationship between
Iraqi views of the
Jordanian jihadis view of
Lebanese views of the
and Lebanon
military alliance backed by
perceptions/views held by the
planners and observers, exaggerated claims of
presidential campaign in the
push by, in Palestine and Lebanon
response to Iran’s nuclear intransigence
sermon blaming the
and shifting support between sects
and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
and the Taliban, previous relationship between
trepidation in, over the Iraqi elections
victory for, magazine declaring
Unity, calls for
sectarianism in the
as targets
University of Baghdad
University of Haifa
University of Jordan
University of Technology
University of Zarqa
U.S. Army, manual for
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
U.S. Combined Arms Center (USACAC)
U.S. Defense Department
U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
U.S. embassy, Afghanistan
U.S. Government Accountability Office
U.S. House Armed Services Committee
U.S. Marine Corps.
in Afghanistan
manual for
U.S. National Security Agency
U.S. National Security Council (NSC)
U.S. occupation
actions during, giving a bad name to democracy
based on a vision
COIN theorists’ failure to question the U.S. invasion and
demographic changes brought by, article warning of
failed, strange epitaph for a
focus of the U.S. administration from the beginning of the, issue with the
impact of, aspects of the
incompetency of the
and making major decisions without Iraqi input
new security plan for
opposition to, from the beginning
role shift during the
stated goal of the
suffering brought on by
as a systemic imposition of violence
U.S. Senate
U.S. Special Forces
U.S. State Department
U.S. troops
in Afghanistan, number of
cease-fire with
change in behavior of, for the better
changing role of the
COIN manual for
continuing presence of, as a constant implied threat
decline in casualties of
films of the resistance against
Iraqi views of
leaving more, than previously agreed, talk of
legitimizing withdrawal of, need for
onerous presence of
power dynamic between the street and
provincial presence of, expected reduction of
questioning the approach of
recruiting by
withdrawal of, timetable for, issue of
U.S. troop surge
in Afghanistan
airstrikes during
alleged success of, problem with the