global fatwa calling on all

lack of alternatives facing

loss accepted by

and mosque attendance

overrepresentation of

percentage of, comprising the Muslim world

periphery vs. center

reported missing on the Internet

Salafi belief about Shiites view of

as the second target of AQI


Sunni-Shiite conflict/violence. See Iraqi civil war; Sectarian cleansing; Sectarianism; Shiite militias; Sunni militias

Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI)

Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council

Suyuf Allah group

Swindell, Sean


accused of helping Al Qaeda

blamed for major terrorist attack in Baghdad

closed borders of

exiles in

Fatah al-Intifada in

and Fatah al-Islam

foreign fighters from

and the March 8 coalition

patrolling the borders

political and military domination of Lebanon

population of

and sectarianism

and starting jihad in Sham

U.S. threat toward

Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP)



Tactical Humintelligence Team

Taha, Abu Salim

al-Taha, Sheikh Ahmad

Tahash, Muhamad Mahmud

Taif Accords

Tajik-dominated government

Tal Afar

Talabani, Jalal


origins of the

and the resurgence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, aspects of

speedy defeat of the, in 2001, 464

symptoms before the fall of the

al-Tamimi, Abu Azzam

al-Tamimi, Sheikh Safaa

Tariq al-Jadida area

Tawhid and Jihad group See also Al Qaeda

Tawhid Brigade

Tawhid (Harakat al-Tawhid al-Islami) group

Tawhid movement

Tawhid (Unity) association

Team Ironhorse

Team Prowler

Tel al-Zaatar refugee camp

Terror in the Hands of Justice (television show)

Terrorism vs. freedom fighting, difficulty distinguishing

Thar Allah group

Thuwar. See Fursan (Amriya Freedom Fighters/Thurwar)

Tigris River, banks of the


Tikriti Mosque (Fardos Mosque)

Time magazine

al-Titi, Muhamad Jamil

Together Forward I and II,

Torture device, popular

Townsend, Steve

Treaty of Portsmouth

Tribal elders in Afghanistan

Tribal leaders, shift in treatment of See also specific leaders

Tribal militias See also specific groups

Trinquier, Roger

Tripoli See also specific districts and neighborhoods

Tripoli Brigades


Turki, Prince

al-Tuweijiri, Sheikh Abdullah


Um Al Qura Mosque (Um al Maarik)

Um Qasr, fall of

Um Qasr prison

al-Umama, Sheikh Adnan

Umayyad dynasty

UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)

UN Security Council

United Arab Emirates

United Iraqi Alliance

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