Sadr, Imam Musa

al-Sadr, Muhammad Baqir

al-Sadr, Muhammad Sadiq

al-Sadr, Muqtada See also Mahdi Army

Sadrein camp

Sadrists See also Mahdi Army; Sadr Current

al-Saedi, Sheikh Abdel Karim


“Safawis” epithet

al-Saghir, Jalaluddin

as-Said, Nuri

Salafi chanting

Salafi Current

Salafi Mujahideen movement



Salahedin Camp

Salahuddin Brigades

Salam Mosque

al-Samarai, Sheikh Ahmad Abdel Ghafur

Samarra shrine attack

Sanctions, impact of

Sattar, Sheikh. See Abu Risha, Sheikh Sattar

Satterfield, David

Saudi Arabia

and Afghanistan

and Al Qaeda

aligning with Jordan

apprehension of

and Fatah al-Islam

ignoring involvement of

interference and money from, effect of

and Lebanon

and the March 14 coalition

regional rivalry between Iran and

sectarianism in

Saudi proxies

Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul

al-Sayyid, Ridwan


ban on attending

religious, in Pakistan

teaching jihad ideas in

Schwarzenegger, Arnold

Secret prisons

Sectarian cleansing See also Iraqi civil war


artificial, in Lebanon

and Basra

blaming Americans for

continued slaughter due to, aspects of the

degree of, diminished

descent into

dividing the militias, effect of

in the Education Ministry

in Egypt

elections that enshrined

frustration over, potential for continued

in the government

history of

and identity politics

of the Iraqi Security Forces

and Jordan

and Lebanon

as more covert

overt, receding of

perceptions based on

in the police force

provoking in the regional, possibility of

regional, rise in

rise in

and Saddam

sign of shift away from

during the surge

Syria and

in universities towards students

U.S. occupation promoting

See also specific geographical areas

Sects, religious. See specific sects

Secure Plus security company

Seidiya Guard

Selection bias

Sepp, Kalev

September 11 attacks

Sermons, impact of


Shab-e-Barat holiday

Shah of Iran

al-Shahal, Sheikh Dai al-Islam

Shallaq, Fadil


See also Jund al-Sham (Soldiers of Sham/Levant)

al-Shami, Abu Anas

Shanshal, Falah Hassan

Shaqis, recruitment of

Sharikat al-Sadr (Rays of Sadr) newspaper

al-Sharman, Muhamad Mahmud

Sharon, Ariel

Sharqiya television

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