Shatila refugee camp

Shawish, Zuheir

Shawkat, Asef

Shehab, Fouad

al-Sheikh, Fattah

“Shiite crescent,”

Shiite Hizballah-Iranian model

Shiite House

Shiite militias

accusations against

in Amriya

cease-fire of

depending on Al Qaeda for protection from

and ease of integration into the ISF

Hizballah training, media accusation of

linked to Iraqi Security Forces

other targets of

and the road to civil war

treatment of Palestinians

See also specific militia groups and leaders

Shiite mosques See also specific mosques

Shiite pilgrims

Shiite Political Council

Shiite revival

Shiite shrines See also specific shrines

“Shiite south” label


actual representation of Sunnis and

American perception of

beliefs held by

common epithet involving

divided, and U.S. strategic interests

empowerment of

failed uprising against Saddam by

in the first outbreaks of civil war

as the first target of AQI

important holidays of

moderate, losing

and mosque attendance

new Saddam of the

periphery vs. center

preferred burial site for

reported missing on the Internet

Salafi view of


as the winners

Zarqawi’s warning to

See also specific Shiite leaders/people and organizations

Shiite-Sunni conflict/violence. See Iraqi civil war; Sectarian cleansing; Sectarianism; Shiite militias; Sunni militias

“Shock and awe” doctrine

“Shock therapy” techniques

Shoter, Faris Sayid Hassan

Shrine of Ali

Shuhada Mosque

Shuqair, Wafiq

Shurufi Mosque


Siniora, Fouad

al-Sistani, Grand Ayatollah Ali

Slocombe, Walter


Soccer, views of

Social engineering

Solagh, Bayan Jabr


Sons of Iraq (SOI) See also Awakening program/groups

Soviets/Soviet Union. See Russia

Special Republican Guard

Stalin, Joseph

Status of Forces Agreement

Straw, Jack


al-Sudani, Abdul Falah


Suicide bombings

Suleiman, Michel

Suleiman, Muhamad Haidar

Sunna, the, Salafis view of

“Sunni Arab” label

Sunni Endowment

Sunni militias

believed to be lying dormant

building, in Lebanon

cease-fire of

escalation between Mahdi Army and

funding for, significant source of

new, creation of

other targets of

paid by the U.S. military

See also specific militia groups and leaders

Sunni mosques See also specific mosques

Sunni newspapers

Sunni revival

“Sunni Triangle” label


American perception of

changing attitude of

coup attempts by

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