Longarm took the smoke back for a thoughtful drag as the naked lady in his lap reached down to adjust his semi-erection for more comfort, to her, and coyly asked, 'Can't it wait, darling?'
He leaned his bare back harder against the tufted leather to thrust up into her at a friendlier angle as he said soothingly, 'No need to put you to that much bother, you sweet little Swedish doll. The most eccentric beekeeper fixing to get herself murdered would hardly have known she wanted to close her bank account first. The timing sounds right, and I don't suppose you'd recall how much she had with you at the usual rate of interest?'
Viggy writhed her bare bottom to take it even deeper as she told him in a surprisingly conversational tone, 'I'd really have to look that up. All I recall at this late date was Mister Plover swearing because it was the last day of a busy week and he had to send for more cash after she and several others withdrew better than four-figure amounts during the holiday shopping season.'
Longarm nodded and said, 'That's all I really needed. In figures, I mean. Let me get rid of this fool cheroot and see if we can't do this right!'
They could, dog-style, with her bare belly hooked over one softly padded arm of the chesterfield and her big pale rump thrust up at an interesting angle.
As he watched his old organ-grinder sliding in and out of her, he was reminded, by the contrast, of the smaller darker gal he'd had at dawn in a similar position. Good old Mato Takoza was likely to make out well enough on her own in the beekeeping business. That handsome withdrawal by her Miss Jasmine likely meant the so-called Bee Witch had left for good without bothering to sell off her ramshackle raft and beehives. She'd doubtless been paid so much for her secret railroad survey she could have given that pony to some kid in town for a Christmas present.
Viggy arched her spine and moaned that she was coming again. So he buckled down to serious screwing for a time. But then he was out of wind and recovering his conscience. So leaving it in but sort of soaking, he told her, 'Tempting as it may be to drift with the easy answers, I like to wrap things tight as I can. So now I'm fixing to ask you to be really naughty, Viggy.'
The beautiful blonde sighed and thrust her tailbone higher as she said, 'Well, if you really can't be content with the way we've been coming. But only after we've both had a bath at my place and if you promise not to low-rate me as a queer-girl afterwards.'
He started to assure her that hadn't been what he'd had in mind. Then he asked her how far her place was and what sort of a place they were talking about.
She explained how, being an out-of-town gal with a warm nature, she'd boarded here and boarded there in New Ulm until she'd found herself a carriage-house loft fixed up as a furnished flat with its own indoor plumbing as well as a bitty kitchen and all.
Longarm caught himself starting to thrust some more, and forced his bare ass to hold still as he soberly warned her, 'I could sure use a place to stay that nobody else in town knew about. But I got to tell you there could be one or more hard-cases hunting for me even as we speak and, well, I'd sure hate to see any bullet holes in hide so fine, honey lamb.'
She moaned, 'If you're not going to move it, take it out so's we can get dressed and out of here before dark! What would it look like if others spied us slipping out the back door in the gathering dusk, as if we'd been up to something like we've just been up to?'
He chuckled and withdrew, saying, 'I admire a natural gal who's good at acting innocent. But as to other transgressions I had in mind, if only you'd hold still and let me tempt you, I'd like you to rustle me up the bank ledger that would have the last transactions of Miss Janice Carpenter now.'
Viggy rolled into a nude seated pose on the tufted leather as she gasped, 'Good heavens, I'd feel less wicked taking it Greek-style! Mister Plover would have a fit if he knew I'd been screwing you in his private office, but he'd fire me for sure if he ever caught me letting an outsider go through our books!'
Longarm slid down beside her. 'I only want to have me a peek at that one doubtless filed-away and inactive ledger, honey lamb. What if I was to just slip it under my arm, escort you home, and mayhaps take some notes from it on your kitchen table--when we weren't in bed, I mean. That way, nobody could possibly catch me at it here in the bank after business hours.'
She sighed and said, 'I swear I'm going to wind up Frenching you before this night is over, you persistent thing. Even one such ledger is heavy and awkward, and what on earth do you expect to find that I haven't already told you?'
He said, 'Exact numbers, for one thing. If there should be any record of just whom she was getting regular checks from, I know some railroad dicks I could wire to make certain the old colored lady got out of here alive and rich instead of dead and robbed.'
Viggy gasped, 'Good heavens, you do deal with a rough crowd, don't you? But I'm sure the poor thing was never robbed. Now that I recall, she made that Friday withdrawal late in the day. So who but I could have known she was carrying that much money and... Surely you don't suspect me of any crime, Custis?'
He patted her bare thigh and assured her, 'Not federal leastways. I ain't sure what Brown County has on its statute books on cohabitation, and you just made me promise never to tell.'
He bent over to gather up the shirt they'd thrown to the floor and rustle up a cheroot and a light as he explained. 'Eating the apple a bite at a time, I don't mean to worry about the old gal getting in any trouble around here before I figure out where she would have gone from here and whether she ever got there.'
So while he lit the smoke, the big buxom blonde went bare-ass into another room, and soon returned with her big firm tits draped over the spine of an oblong ledger bound in slate-gray buckram. When she asked why he couldn't just jot down the little they had on one depositor, Longarm explained, 'Might spot something interesting about others who put money in or took some out around the same time. I once caught a crook so dumb that after he'd held up a bank with a mask on he deposited the exact same amount with them, doubtless figuring it was the safest place in town to leave his money, knowing he was the only serious bank robber about.'
Viggy laughed and said she couldn't believe any crook could be so stupid. Longarm had to chuckle fondly before he agreed. 'Leavenworth ain't exactly a rival of Yale or Harvard. If the average crook was half as smart as he thought he was, he'd go into some safer line of work. You take that morose Indian I met up with earlier today, for example. He's been wanted for years. But he'd found himself a job as a cowhand well clear of town, and I'd have likely never considered looking for him out at the Runeberg spread if he'd only had enough sense to stay put. I don't have anything on Miss Helga Runeberg, or didn't until this very day. But old Chief Youngwolf couldn't leave it at that. He had to come looking for me with a sissy English shotgun, and now look where he's spending the night.'
He took a drag on the cheroot before he added, 'They don't aim to plant him in Potter's Field before we can