She looked so grateful he was afraid he'd never get out of there with his pecker in his pants. But he managed, and catching up with Sheriff Tegner outside, murmured, 'It worked. Albeit not the way we planned. She lies like sin, and you're going to need way more evidence before you haul her before any grand jury, pard. But I'll send you what we have once we wrap the fool case up. Meanwhile, I fear arresting her might tip her pals off that I'm on their trail at last!'

Tegner shrugged and said, 'I reckon she'll keep here on her own place for now. But what did she tell you if she was lying so much?'

Longarm replied, 'Nothing. I took every word she said with a peck of salt. Then I suddenly figured out who she's been reminding me of ever since I first laid eyes on her mean little face!'


Later that week Longarm had an even less friendly conversation in the chambers of Judge Dickerson of the Denver District Court. Then he legged it over to the Tremont House to relieve Deputies Smiley and Dutch, who looked mighty relieved as they lit out a full hour before they'd expected to that afternoon.

As soon as Longarm found himself alone with the voluptuous honey-blonde they had down as a soiled dove known as Elvira Carson, he came right to the point, saying, 'I've cleared it with my own office, which was easy enough, but the prosecuting attorney had a fit when I suggested he let you off scot free, Miss Margaret. He seems to think you were going to testify in court against your lover, Frank Keller, of the notorious Keller gang, which only goes to show how much they teach such dudes at Harvard Law.'

The buxom half-naked blonde, wearing only a shantung kimono that late of a summer's afternoon, and not bothering to sash it all that modestly, leaned back on her hotel bed to smile up at him dreamy-eyed and puff, 'I haven't had any lover in a coon's age, and what was that funny name you just called me, handsome?'

Longarm remained planted in the middle of her bedroom rug as he calmly replied, 'Margaret, ma'am, Margaret Runeberg of Brown County, Minnesota, before you went wild. The real Elvira Carson died of the clap mixed with yellow jack over a year ago, and I reckon one of her admirers told you the name was up for grabs, just as the old boy they were expecting you to testify against must have heard about the real Frank Keller getting shot by the Mounties trying to rob the Canadian and Pacific even earlier. I just found out about that myself by including some old boys I know up at Fort MacLeod, even though the current Canadian government is sore at President Hayes, as the bunch of you were banking on.'

She stared up at him thunderstruck, the wheels in those familiar blue eyes ticking visibly as he gently continued. 'I never would have strained that hard, this not being my case at all, had not I gotten to know your older and uglier sister better back where you both hail from, and suddenly recalled where I'd seen such wickedly innocent eyes before. Once I had the least notion who you might really be out this way, it became a heap plainer what you were up to.'

She said, 'I don't know what you're talking about. Why would any girl adopt the name of a notorious trail-town whore if she was really some innocent child off a cattle spread in... Minnesota, did you say?'

He smiled thinly and replied, 'I did say Minnesota. I never said a thing about no cattle spread. You got to develop a good memory to be a good liar, ma'am. I'd like you to put some duds on now. I'm taking you over to Curtis Street, where I mean to check us into another hotel as man and wife.'

She laughed incredulously and declared, 'This is so sudden, dear!' as she sat up to calmly shrug out of her thin kimono.

She shrugged mighty temptingly, and Longarm hadn't met anybody half that willing on the long train ride back from New Ulm. But he told her, 'Maybe. I'm only human. But first we got to get some more serious matters settled. Like I said, I'm checking into that other hotel with you, and so it won't matter in court whether we did anything else or not. As a lady who's ridden the owlhoot trail as long as you have, you know what a pickle I'd be in, trying to testify against you in court, after you had documented proof I'd slept with you within an easy walk from the courthouse!'

He could see she did as she rose to her feet naked anyway and moved over to a corner wardrobe to start dressing herself with skill and speed to make one suspect she was used to getting in and out of her duds at short notice.

As she sat back down, still mostly unbuttoned, to pull on her high-button shoes, she asked with a puzzled frown, 'You say a federal judge and prosecutor wanted you to be so good to me?'

Longarm chuckled and replied, 'They wanted to lock you up and throw away the key, should you go back on your promise to testify against the cuss they've been holding as a dead train robber. I convinced them how tough that could be, if you had any sort of lawyer of your own, once you threw the case so comically, with members of the fourth estate in court to describe the hilarity on the front pages of the Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News in an election year.'

She stood up and asked him to button the back of her bodice for her while he told her where he got such wild ideas.

He managed to keep his hands steady, with some effort, as he got her fit to be seen on the streets with, saying, 'I've seen a hostile witness throw a case before. It's even happened to me. I could be a hair off as to your exact moves, but as soon as I figured out who you had to be, I saw how easy it was going to be for you to wait until they were trying to swear you in as a woman of ill repute with an arrest record going back to Sodom and Gomorrah. I'd laugh too if I saw a bailiff trying to swear in another lady entirely as a long-dead trail-town hooker. I'd likely wonder how much attention the prosecution had been paying to its other homework.'

She said he surely had a vivid imagination, and asked who he thought the prisoner they had down as Frank Keller might be.

He said, 'We'll get into that after I get into you, or at least compromise myself forever as a witness. You see, I ain't just doing this because you're concave where I'm convex. I know plenty of gals here in Denver. I'll tell you what I really want as soon as you have me over a barrel. Let's go.'

They went. She brought along her purse and carpetbag, saying she could hardly wait to get him over a barrel after she took the usual precautions.

They walked arm in arm in broad daylight to a more affordable but fairly clean hotel on Curtis Street, and she stood there pretending butter wouldn't melt in her mouth as he signed them in as U.S. Deputy Marshal Custis Long & Spouse. The room clerk, who knew Longarm of old, looked surprised but said nothing as he handed over their key.

Longarm helped her upstairs with her carpetbag, and she said the hot stuffy room needed airing. So he locked the door and opened a window while she naturally bolted for the door.

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