and DECthreads, for all the help, thought-provoking discourse, and assorted skin-thickening exercises, including Andrew Birrell, Paul Borman, Bob Conti, Bill Cox, Jeff Denham, Peter Gilbert, Rick Greer, Mike Grier, Kevin Harris, Ken Hobday, Mike Jones, Steve Kleiman, Bob Knighten, Leslie Lamport, Doug Locke, Paula Long, Finnbarr P. Murphy, Bill Noyce, Simon Patience, Harold Seigel, Al Simons, Jim Woodward, and John Zolnowsky.

Many thanks to all those who patiently reviewed the drafts of this book (and even to those who didn't seem so patient at times). Brian Kernighan, Rich Stevens, Dave Brownell, Bill Gallmeister, Ilan Ginzburg, Will Morse, Bryan O'Sullivan, Bob Robillard, Dave Ruddock, Bil Lewis, and many others suggested or motivated improvements in structure and detail—and provided additional skin-thickening exercises to keep me in shape. Devang Shah and Bart Smaalders answered some Solaris questions, and Bryan O'Sullivan suggested what became the 'bailing programmers' analogy.

Thanks to John Wait and Lana Langlois at Addison Wesley Longman, who waited with great patience as a first- time writer struggled to balance writing a book with engineering and consulting commitments. Thanks to Pamela Yee and Erin Sweeney, who managed the book's production process, and to all the team (many of whose names I'll never know), who helped.

Thanks to my wife, Anne Lederhos, and our daughters Amy and Alyssa, for all the things for which any writers may thank their families, including support, tolerance, and just being there. And thanks to Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll), who wrote extensively about threaded programming (and nearly everything else) in his classic works Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, and The Hunting of the Snark,

Dave Butenhof

Digital Equipment Corporation 110 Spit Brook Road, ZK02-3/Q18 Nashua, NH 03062 December 1996

1 Introduction

'The time has come,' the Walrus said,

'To talk of many things;

Of shoes—and ships—and sealing wax—

Of cabbages—and kings—

And why the sea is boiling hot—

And whether pigs have wings.'

Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

In a dictionary, you would probably see that one of several definitions for 'thread' is along the lines of the third definition in the American Heritage paperback dictionary on my desk: 'Anything suggestive of the continuousness and sequence of thread.' In computer terms, a thread is the set of properties that suggest 'continuousness and sequence' within the machine. A thread comprises the machine state necessary to execute a sequence of machine instructions—the location of the current instruction, the machine's address and data registers, and so forth.

A UNIX process can be thought of as a thread, plus an address space, file descriptors, and an assortment of other data. Some versions of UNIX support 'lightweight' or 'variable weight' processes that allow you to strip some or all of that data from some of your processes for efficiency. Now, whether you're using a 'thread' or a 'lightweight process,' you still need the address space, file descriptors, and everything else. So, you might ask, what's the point? The point is that you can have many threads sharing an address space, doing different things. On a multiprocessor, the threads in a process can be doing different things simultaneously.

When computers lived in glass caves and were fed carefully prepared punch cards, the real world outside could be kept waiting with no consequences more severe than some grumbling programmers. But the real world doesn't do one thing at a time, and gradually computers began to model that world by adding capabilities such as multiprogramming, time sharing, multiprocessing, and, eventually, threads.

Threads can help you bring your application out of the cave, and Pthreads helps you do it in a way that will be neat, efficient, and portable. This chapter briefly introduces you to what you need to begin understanding and using threads. Don't worry—the rest of the book will follow up on the details left dangling in this chapter.

Section 1.1 presents the framework for a number of analogies that I will use to explain threading as we go. There is nothing all that unusual in the brief story—

but hereafter you will understand when I talk about programmers and buckets, which, otherwise, might seem mildly odd.

Section 1.2 defines some essential concepts and terms used in this book. The most important of these concepts deserves a special introduction, which will also serve to demonstrate the convention with which various particularly important points shall be emphasized throughout this book:


Any two operations are 'asynchronous' when they can proceed independently of each other.

Section 1.3 describes how you already use asynchronous programming on a regular basis, both as a UNIX programmer and user, and as a human being in the real world. I wouldn't dare to claim that asynchronous programming is easy, but the basic concepts it tries to model are so easy and natural that you rarely need even to think about them until you try to apply them to software.

Threads are, to some extent, just one more way to make applications asynchronous, but threads have some advantages over other models that have been used to build asynchronous applications. Section 1.5 will show you some of the advantages as we apply various programming methods in several versions of a simple alarm clock. You will get to see 'threads in action' right away, with a brief description of the few Pthreads interfaces needed to build this simple application.

Armed, now, with a basic understanding of what threads are all about, you can go on to Section 1.6, where we will explore some of the fundamental advantages of a threaded programming model.

Although there are a lot of excellent reasons to use threads, there is a price to be paid. Section 1.7 provides a counterpoint to the previous section by describing some of the costs. What it boils down to, though, is simply that you need to learn how the model works, and then apply it carefully. It is not as hard as some folks would have you believe.

You have seen some of the fundamental benefits and costs. It may be obvious that you do not want to rush out and put threads into every application or library you write. Section 1.8 asks the question 'To thread, or not to thread?' and I will attempt to guide you toward determining the proper answer in various cases.

You will know at that point what threads are, what they do, and when to use them. Aside from brief examples, you haven't yet seen any detailed information about the particular programming interfaces (APIs) that compose Pthreads. Section 1.9 points out some of the basic landmarks of the Pthreads universe to get you oriented before we plunge ahead. The most important part of this section is 1.9.3, which describes the Pthreads model for reporting errors—which is somewhat different than the rest of UNIX and POSIX.

1.1 The 'bailing programmers'

This was charming, no doubt: but they shortly found out

That the Captain they trusted so well

Had only one notion for crossing the ocean,

And that was to tingle his bell.

Lewis Carroll, The Hunting of the Snark
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