Three programmers sail out to sea one fine day in a small boat, They sail quite some distance from shore, enjoying the sun and sea breeze, allowing the wind to carry them. The sky darkens, and a storm strikes. The small boat is tossed violently about, and when the storm abates the programmers are missing their boat's sail and most of the mast. The boat has sprung a small leak,and there is no land in sight.

The boat is equipped with food, water, oars, and a bailing bucket, and the programmers set to work. One programmer rows, and monitors the accumulating water in the bottom of the boat. The other programmers alternately sleep, watch the water level,or scan the horizon for sight of land or another ship.

An idle programmer may notice rising water in the boat, and begin bailing. When both idle programmers are awake, and become simultaneously concerned regarding their increasing dampness, they may both lunge for the bailing bucket—but one will inevitably reach it first, and the other will have to wait.

If the rower decides that bailing is required while both his companions sleep,a nudge is usually sufficient to awaken a programmer,allowing the other to continue sleeping. But if the rower is in a bad mood, he may resort to a loud yell,awakening both sleeping programmers. While one programmer assumes the necessary duty, the other can try to fall asleep again.

When the rower tires, he can signal one of the other programmers to take over the task, and immediately fall into a deep sleep waiting to be signaled in turn. In this way, they journey on for some time.

So, just what do the Bailing Programmers have to do with threads? I'm glad you asked! The elements of the story represent analogies that apply to the Pthreads programming model. We'll explore some additional analogies in later sections, and even expand the story a little, but for now consider a few basics:

A programmer is an entity that is capable of independent activity. Our programmers represent threads. A thread is not really much like a programmer, who, as we all know, is a fascinatingly sophisticated mixture of engineer, mathematician, and artist that no computer can match. Still, as a representation of the 'active element' in our programming model, it will be sufficient.

The bailing bucket and the oars are 'tokens' that can be held by only one individual at a time. They can be thought of as shared data, or as synchronization objects. The primary Pthreads synchronization object, by the way, is called a mutex.

Nudges and shouts are communication mechanisms associated with a synchronization object, on which individuals wait for some condition. Pthreads provides condition variables, which may be signaled or broadcast to indicate changes in shared data state.

1.2 Definitions and terminology

'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean —neither more nor less.'

Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

This book will use several critical terms that may be unfamiliar to you unless you've already had some experience with parallel or asynchronous programming. Even if you are familiar with them, some of the terms have seen assorted and even contradictory uses within research and industry, and that is clearly not going to help communication. We need to begin by coming to a mutual agreement regarding the meaning of these terms, and, since I am writing the book, we will agree to use my definitions. (Thank you.)

1.2.1 Asynchronous

Asynchronous means that things happen independently (concurrently) unless there's some enforced dependency. Life is asynchronous. The dependencies are supplied by nature, and events that are not dependent on one another can occur simultaneously. A programmer cannot row without the oars, or bail effectively without the bucket—but a programmer with oars can row while another programmer with a bucket bails. Traditional computer programming, on the other hand, causes all events to occur in series unless the programmer takes 'extraordinary measures' to allow them to happen concurrently.

The greatest complication of 'asynchrony' has been that there's little advantage to being asynchronous unless you can have more than one activity going at a time. If you can start an asynchronous operation, but then you can do nothing but wait for it, you're not getting much benefit from the asynchrony.

1.2.2 Concurrency

Concurrency, which an English dictionary will tell you refers to things happening at the same time, is used to refer to things that appear to happen at the same time, but which may occur serially. Concurrency describes the behavior of threads or processes on a uniprocessor system. The definition of concurrent execution in POSIX requires that 'functions that suspend the execution of the calling thread shall not cause the execution of other threads to be indefinitely suspended.'

Concurrent operations may be arbitrarily interleaved so that they make progress independently (one need not be completed before another begins), but concurrency does not imply that the operations proceed simultaneously. Nevertheless, concurrency allows applications to take advantage of asynchronous capabilities, and 'do work' while independent operations are proceeding.

Most programs have asynchronous aspects that may not be immediately obvious. Users, for example, prefer asynchronous interfaces. They expect to be able to issue a command while they're thinking about it, even before the program has finished with the last one. And when a windowing interface provides separate windows, don't you intuitively expect those windows to act asynchronously? Nobody likes a 'busy' cursor. Pthreads provides you with both concurrency and asynchrony, and the combination is exactly what you need to easily write responsive and efficient programs. Your program can 'wait in parallel' for slow I/O devices, and automatically take advantage of multiprocessor systems to compute in parallel.

1.2.3 Uniprocessor and multiprocessor

The terms uniprocessor and multiprocessor are fairly straightforward, but let's define them just to make sure there's no confusion. By uniprocessor, I mean a computer with a single programmer-visible execution unit (processor). A single general-purpose processor with superscalar processing, or vector processors, or other math or I/O coprocessors is still usually considered a uniprocessor.

By multiprocessor, I mean a computer with more than one processor sharing a common instruction set and access to the same physical memory. While the processors need not have equal access to all physical memory, it should be possible for any processor to gain access to most memory. A 'massively parallel processor' (MPP) may or may not qualify as a multiprocessor for the purposes of this book. Many MPP systems do qualify, because they provide access to all physical memory from every processor, even though the access times may vary widely.

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