She cried out in loud wails of pleasure, screaming and throwing her legs high in the air as his cock hit and rubbed against the hot, sensitive clit. She arched her back and bucked wildly, digging her long slender fingers deep into his shoulder blades with a wild, frantic passion.

He grabbed hold of her legs and raised them high above his head. He spread them out on each side of her so that he could get right up into her cunt with nothing between them but her fleshy, smooth thighs.

He was pounding into her pussy with all the fury and passion that was in him. He could feel the boiling lava churning in his balls, aching for release.

Then, like the rumbling sound of the eruption of an ancient and powerful volcano, his hot, burning load exploded with glorious fury deep inside her throbbing cunt.

She called out loudly in a high-pitched sigh of pleasure as she felt his love juice shoot like a wild beast into her pussy, giving her frenzied pleasure as it hit against the inner walls of her cunt.

He throbbed and jerked and grunted loudly as it shot from his tool. He continued to pound deeper and deeper into her creaming slit, the cum shooting from his cockhead in great, powerful thrusts.

She was coming.

She could feel the reverberation of the inner walls as her cunt released its soothing liquid and mixed it with his in her tight cunt-hole.

“You’re a good fucker,” Billie calmly said, getting, back into her clothes after a few moments rest.

And he was a good fucker for a shrink.

She fucked him several more times after that, and he wrote a good report. Then she purposely left the door unlocked one afternoon, and his secretary caught them.

Billie laughed.

“What the hell are you laughing at?” her father said.

“Nothing,” she replied, grinding out her cigarette. “I was just thinking.”

“Well, think about this,” he said angrily. “You leave tomorrow. I’ve enrolled you in Briarvale.”

“That’s not a school,” Billie said. “It’s practically a prison… and it’s all girls!”

“That’s the idea,” he said.


Billie emerged from the bathroom toweling her nude body. When she was completely dry, she dropped the towel in the middle of the floor and lit a cigarette.

“Jeez, you’re built,” Ginny said.

Billie smiled and took a deep drag on her cigarette. “A lot of good that will do me around here,” she said sarcastically. “An all-girls school.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Ginny said. “There’s always the Lovers.”

“What’s that?”

“A club… very exclusive, but I’ll bet they would let you in a minute… with a body like that!”

“What’s the Lovers?”

“It’s a club here at Briarvale. Very hush-hush.”

“What’s so hush-hush about it?” Billie asked, eyeing her roommate and friend.

Virginia Morden was small, dark, and very beautiful. She was always laughing a quality that endeared her to Billie, who hadn’t laughed much lately. But Ginny’s most interesting characteristic, as Billie was to discover, was her frank, honest, intense interest in life and everything about it. To Ginny, nothing was good or bad, right or wrong. Nor, as Billie was already beginning to discover, was anything moral or immoral.

Everything was just plain interesting.

“You know the boy’s school over at Clearview Redwood?”


“Well, the Lovers is a little club where the boys from Redwood and the girls from Briarvale get together,” Ginny said.

“What do they get together for… chess tournaments and debate sessions?”

“No, silly… they get together to fuck!”

“WHAT?” Billie’s pussy tinged between her legs.

“And I know,” Ginny said, lowering her voice, “it’s in the basement of the Administration Building. You want to go down there and take a peek tomorrow night?”

“Sounds exciting!” Billie agreed.

The student body of Briarvale was all money. They were also all problem girls from rich homes, whose parents were tired of keeping track of them. Billie was sure she was going to hate it, but she was willing to go because she still wanted her share of her father’s wealth. She figured she had earned it.

“My name is Marcia Tompkins,” a voice said from the desk beside her. “What’s yours?”

“Billie Whiteburn.”

“I guess we’re the two new students,” Marcia said. “Everybody else appears to belong.”

She was a pretty, auburn-haired girl with the most beautiful eyes Billie had ever seen. She was smartly but quietly dressed, and there was an air of poised self-possession about her.

And something else, something Billie couldn’t put her finger on.

“You look as though you belonged,” Billie said. “But I’ll admit, this is my first day.”

Billie had missed two weeks of the term.

“We were lucky to find a spot for you at this late date,” her father had said grimly. “It cost plenty, but it’s worth it. I want you to go out to Briarvale, be a model student and…”

And what?

Be totally and thoroughly ashamed of herself?

Billie shook her head to clear her mind. What had Marcia said? Oh, yes. “I agree with you,” Billie smiled. “It would be a good idea if we stuck together until we learn the ropes!”

“I wonder how a girl can find any action around here,” Marcia said.

Billie was on the verge of mentioning the Lovers, but remained silent as the class quieted around them.

At that moment the instructress came in a pretty woman, perhaps in her late thirties. She was severely dressed, more so than necessary, and wore her golden blonde hair in a tight, unattractive bun on the top of her head.

She stepped to the platform where her desk was placed and surveyed the room. Her eyes traveled the room, flicked over Billie, and came to rest on Marcia.

They seemed in no hurry to move away from the girl, and Billie glanced over and saw her fellow newcomer returning the gaze quietly and with complete poise.

Billie was sure it was her imagination, but she thought something passed between the two. A look of understanding.

When the instructress spoke, she said, “For the benefit of the new girls, I am Miss Carr. Marilyn Carr. We all get along very well in this class and I’m sure you’ll both fit in very well.”

But Miss Carr was still looking at Marcia when she said that, and Billie got the quick impression that the teacher was not really aware that she was also in the class.

The rest of the day was hectic, rushing to classes, meeting new instructors and some of the other students, and getting oriented to the rules of the school. She forgot, in the activity of the day, her plans about the meeting of the Lovers Club. So she was comfortably in bed studying when Ginny came in.

“Aren’t you ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“To sneak up on the meeting!”

They were in a basement that was like an underground catacomb. Both girls wete squeezed into a niche looking down into a lighted room.

“We’ve got to be quiet,” Ginny whispered.

Billie could feel Ginny’s braless tits pressing into the back of her shoulder. For some reason, the combination

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