of the girl’s body and her assumption of what she was about to see excited her. Her pussy was oozing juice.

There were voices in the room beneath them.

“Jesus, I wish they would hurry up. I’ve already got a fucking hard-on that won’t quit,” a boy was saying.

“Want me to suck it for you?” a girl giggled.

“Shit, no,” he laughed. “I want something new. That’s what I came over tonight for.”

“Let’s get out of here,” Billie said. “I like to fuck, but I don’t dig just watching.”

“You go ahead. I like to watch,” Ginny aid.

“But they might have heard us,” Billie protested.

“I don’t think so. But what if they did? They can’t find us. And if we’re quiet from now on…”


“All right, go ahead!”

Billie felt a tremor of fright at facing the pitch-black, winding corridor without benefit of light. But she was too proud to ask Ginny for the flashlight.

“All right,” she said. “I’ll see you back in the room. But for heaven’s sake, be quiet. At least give yourself an even chance of coming out safely.”

“You’re too nervous,” Ginny whispered back.

Then she was gone, and Billie knew she’d moved back toward the niche to get a thrill out of hearing what was said. Billie turned and moved back along the corridor, her hands outstretched in front of her, her eyes squinted.

Each step seemed interminable; she had a wild, half-panicky vision of spending an eternity walking through the darkness– darkness of her own folly, she thought.

She took three more steps.

Then a hand came out of nowhere and hooked itself cruelly over her mouth. She tried to jerk away, but an arm encircled her waist from behind. She tried to kick backwards, but whoever had trapped her was too strong. He pushed her against the wall and pressed his knee up between her legs until it was mashed against her cunt.

Finally, gasping for breath, she stopped kicking. The knee in her crotch was hurting her cruelly and site tried to lift herself up off it by standing on her toes.

The man sensed what she was doing, caressed her with his knee. Then he spoke for the first time.

“All right, baby, now that’s over, let’s understand one another. I spotted your whisper from the room. So happens I knew a way up here. I came to investigate. And I got lucky.”

Billie was as angry as she was scared. “What… what are you going to do to that?”

He chuckled. “When a man gets a girl where he wants her, what does he usually do to her?”

“You bastard,” Billie hissed. She loved the idea of fucking, but hated not to be the one in control. She couldn’t really get all her kicks unless she was putting the man down a little at the same time. It had been like that ever since the time with Harrison, and the orgy at the cabin.

The man let his hand slip off her mouth and down over her throat. It lay there lightly, but Billie had the feeling that a scream would be choked off ruthlessly.

“Baby,” the voice crooned. “You know what’s going to happen, don’t you?” When Billie didn’t answer, the brutal knee pressed in harder, more painfully. “You know what’s going to happen, don’t you?” the man repeated.

“Yes,” Billie said weakly. “I guess I do.”

The pressure of the knee was lessened. “Fine. We’ve gotten that far. Now let’s go a little farther. I’m damned if I can figure out why a girl gets all panicky when she’s going to get it under one set of circumstances, and hot and loving when it comes another way.”

“If you don’t know,” Billie said, “I’m afraid I can’t tell you.”

“If you’re real nice,” the voice said, “maybe I’ll coax you a little, instead of just pulling you down and throwing a cock to you.”

His knee rubbed against her cunt. Billie was getting hot and she knew it. “All right,” she shrugged. “Coax me a little.”

Her skin chilled as the arm around her waist went lower, as she felt the zipper to her slacks being pulled down, as lustful fingers moved across her belly to her cunt.

The slacks, down around her ankles, let chill air brush against her naked legs. She had not worn panties. So she stood there naked from the hem of her blouse, just below her navel, to the shucked-off slacks around her ankles.

“Lift your leg.”

She obeyed the command, felt the leg of the slacks pulled off over her sneakers. He paid no attention to the other leg.

One hand rested lightly on her throat while the other caressed each breast in turn, giving special attention to the nipples. And Billie felt a deep inward resentment at the natural result, a result she could not control. The nipples rose and became hard just as Ginny’s nipples had hardened against her back there in the narrow niche.

The man chuckled his appreciation of her quick response and proceeded to demonstrate his skill. He pressed the inside of her thigh with his knee until she was standing only on the toe of that foot. Then his hand went lightly and skillfully to work on her pussy. The muscles in her thigh quivered in reaction.

The fingers were a whisper against her sensitive flesh as he picked out nerve ends and touched parts she didn’t even know she possessed. He found nerve clusters that reacted like tiny threads of fire and Billie clenched her teeth. Her body couldn’t help responding. The man chuckled as he discovered proof that Billie, no matter what the state of her mind, was reacting physically to his expert attentions.

“That’s it, baby,” he crooned. “Relax; relax and enjoy it.”

“Damn you!” Billie spit at him. Damn myself, she thought in despair. Why can’t I resist him? She knew the answer. She didn’t want to resist. Her cunt wanted his cock.

She was slipping. Then she felt the cold concrete beneath her. Then he was between her legs, his hands cupping her breasts, the head of his prick rubbing her inner thighs.

Billie could feel her tits leaping to meet his caressing hands. She could hear her own moans as her body began to react to the stimulation he was giving it.

He reached out and began to stroke her wet cunt lips, sliding his fingers back and forth, and eventually stopping at her clitoris.

“All right,” she said.

“What, baby, what?” he chuckled.

“Fuck me, you bastard!” she hissed. “You know I want it, so go ahead and fuck me!”

He let go of her clitoris and rammed two fingers far up her cuntal passage. She hunched against him and moaned loudly.

“Oh, I’ll fuck you all right,” he said, “but there’s a few other things I wanna do first.”

He grabbed her by the hips and raised her up so that she was on her hands and knees. Billie knew at once what he was going to do and it excited her. It also, for some perverse reason, excited her not to know who he was or what he looked like.

Now he was crouched behind her, shooting his tongue in and out of his mouth. It was brushing against her wet cunt lips, driving her to distraction, arousing her lust.

He seemed perfectly content to eat her pussy before fucking her. She was creaming in his mouth already and he was alternating strokes between her cunt and her asshole, driving her even more crazy with lust.

Soon Billie was pleading for it, feeling that she was going to come before he entered her. She reached around and grabbed for his cock, but it was hard to find it and grip it from her position. She was going to have to wait until he decided to fuck her.

In the meantime, he had awakened every tingling nerve in her cunt and her asshole with his tongue.

“Dammit,” Billie groaned at last. “Are you gonna fuck me or not!”

All pretense of tenderness was dropped. The man pushed her backward until she was against the hard, cold floor of the corridor, looking upward into pitch darkness. His face was there, close to hers, but she could not see it. She could only feel his hot breath on her face, his mouth hard against hers, his voice choking with sex.

“I’ll fuck you all right.”

Вы читаете The Boss Daughter
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