“I didn’t ask you that.”

He turned and looked at her. “No, not particularly,” he said.

“Do you service anything besides bathroom fixtures?”

He dropped his tools, turned, and took her into his arms.

His kiss was hard and rough. There was no tenderness in his lips as he pried hers apart, forced his tongue into her mouth. He explored brazenly, and even while she responded physically to the contact, she realized the contempt in his action.

She wanted to protest, to cry out, but her words were crushed in her throat as she felt his hand on her knee, then up under her skirt against the bare flesh of the thighs.

The kiss continued, probing, searching. Her body stiffened as his callous invasion continued, as he inserted his fingers under her panties, closing his hand around them. Then he gripped the cloth in his fist and jerked. A second jerk ripped the panties at the point where they narrowed between her legs. The pressure of the tearing cloth against her sensitive cunt-flesh brought her tongue forward in even sharper protest. Her hips hunched forward automatically, her legs opening to relieve the painful pressure.

His free hand moved lightly over her chest, pushed her bra upward, and examined each breast minutely.

Her nipples rose and hardened at his touch. This purely physical reaction, which her mind was powerless to control, brought a humorless smile to his face. He released her tongue. His eyes spoke eloquently of the satisfaction the act gave him.

“Tell me,” he said.

“Tell you what?”

“Tell me how much you want me to fuck you.”

Billie’s mind whirled back to the tunnel. Could this be the same man who had raped her?

Would it make any difference?

“Maybe I’ve changed my mine,” she said.

He let her go and walked to the door. Locking it, he returned, took her arm and pulled her to the bed.

“Bull shit,” he said.

Again his hands were under her clothes, his fingers toying with her cunt.

She moaned. She wanted to be the aggressor, but he was taking that pleasure away from her and there was nothing she could do about it.

His eyes glowed with the passion of triumph, flashing at what was happening her sprawled legs, her naked hips and belly moving up and down in rhythm to his hand on her cunt.

“That’s it, baby,” he crooned. “That’s the way to loosen up. Relax and enjoy it.”

One of Billie’s hands was now free but he was too preoccupied to notice it. Hot, ecstatic fire was flaming through her lower body. She wanted to obey him, to relax and moan, more, more, more… do it to me!

Her free hand pressed first against his chest, then moved lower, her fingers searching for and finding his hard cock.

She squeezed.

“Take me,” she moaned, “take me!”

“Say please.”


“Say, ’Please fuck me’!”

“All right, dammit,” Billie moaned. “Please, fuck me!”

His manner changed instantly. He became the lover instead of the raper. Gently, slowly, he undressed her, admiring and caressing her silken skin as it appeared before his eyes.

“Oh, God, what a beautiful body you have,” he whispered hungrily. “What a fantastic body.” He clasped her hotly, his mouth every place at once all over her, his tongue sliding down her neck, his lips on her shoulders, his hands moving frantically to embrace her. Then he was kneeling, his mouth on her breast, drawing the nipple in with his tongue, making it harder and harder, sucking on it with a thirsty need, gripping the two round cheeks of her ass, pulling them against him as his mouth worked hotly on her breast.

“God, I want you,” he whispered, his mouth making long hot trails down her stomach, and burying itself in the spongy curls of her pubic hair, which he caught in his teeth and chewed at. Then he worked his way to the outer lips of her cunt, moving the fleshy lobes with his tongue, exploring the small ridges and wrinkles, sucking and pulling, kissing and biting, furiously, hotly, until he found the wet burning place where the folds parted and the long tunnel began. There he stabbed with his tongue frantically again and again.

Billie swayed dizzily, supported only by his hands gripping her ass cheeks, pressing her cunt to cunt. Her eyes were tightly shut, propelling her into a dark world illuminated by short, sharp, bright lightning flashes of pleasure as his mouth ate at her, ate her cunt, chewed and sucked and devoured the most inner, tingling, electric center of her being.

Then slowly he pulled away and she fell back on the bed, still twitching and tingling. She heard him taking off his clothes. Hurry up, she thought, hurry up, Goddamn you! I want you to fuck me! I want you to do it to me, to take me like I’ve never been taken before! Hurry, hurry, hurry… fuck me!

It seemed like forever before he was on the bed beside her.

His hands groped for her, kneading her firm flesh all over. “How do you feel?” he said hoarsely.

“Like my whole, body’s on fire!” she said, her voice filled with passion and lust. “Sex can be hell, sometimes, can’t it?”

“No,” he replied. “Sex is great… love is hell.”

“Oh, please, hurry… fuck me!” she said. His words, ’sex is great… love is hell’, ran through her mind, but the pressure of his hard cock on her hip drove them from her mind.

Her tanned breasts rose up to perfect mounds in front of his lips. He bent over and took a luscious tit into his mouth, sucking the tip until it was burning hot and hard between his teeth. His hand circled her waist and clasped her close; the hand moved down the slope of her back to cup her rubbery-hard ass cheeks. He mashed his body against hers and she felt the hard swell of his cock against her thighs. She pressed her thighs against him and they ground together with passionate urgency and need.

The throbbing prick jumped at the touch of her skin. She reached down and rubbed the head of it.

“It’s beautiful,” she smiled.

She played with it until little drops of fluid appeared from the tiny opening in the head. Up and down on the velvety head she massaged his cock; he bent, breathing heavily, and bit her on the neck, hard, his hands never leaving her swollen breasts.

“You keep fucking around like that, I’m gonna come before I even get inside you.”

Quickly she leaned over and put her lips to the head of the cock; it throbbed violently at her sensitive touch and he pushed it a little way into her face. She let the massive instrument play all over her face, over his lips and chin, across her cheeks, down onto her neck where she hugged it tightly. And then she drew back and held the cock with both hands. She brought her mouth on it and laved the head with her wet tongue.

His body shuddered violently against her. Now she was sucking his huge prick with a plunging motion, in and out, letting the head dart partially into her throat, controlling his surging motion, licking the length of it each time.

“I’m gonna shoot off…” he stammered.

She began to work frantically on the pushing rod. Letting go one hand, she reached underneath him and caught his pulsing balls, massaging them, tickling in the mass of pubic hair.

“Jesus, that’s great,” he moaned.

Her mouth worked back and forth in a wide motion, making a slippery, gushing sound. Again and again she felt the blood-gorged bulb of his cock jam into her throat and back out. She gulped hard and felt his cock grow steamy hot, throbbing wildly. She sucked harder, squeezing his buttocks with one hand and milking his taut balls with the other.

“Oh. Jesus, I’m shooting off!” he bellowed. He tried to pull away from her frantic mouth, but she wouldn’t release him. Harder and faster she sucked the pulsating shaft, feeling her whole being about to explode along with his boiling lava.

And then it hit. His huge cock began pumping furiously and she felt the first wave of hot sperm in her mouth. Lap after lap of it gushed into her throat and down into her belly. She worked furiously, clenching her teeth on his

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