“I’ll think about it,” Rollison said. “Thanks, Roger.” He rang off, and looked into Olivia’s troubled eyes. “The law doesn’t share anyone’s faith,” he said. “Like Clay said, she could get seven years.”

“It’ s—impossible!”

“It isn’t, my dear. It’s grimly possible.”

Olivia was silent for a long time; then, suddenly, her face cleared and she gave a bright little laugh.

“It isn’t going to happen—youre going to save her. Rolly, it’s all arranged, The Days sending a van and two men, you and Jolly won’t have to do a thing, and you can get the best counsel in all England with this money. My, what a story this is going to be! You needn’t worry, I know it’s going to be all right!” She flung her arms round him and gave him a hug.

“Excuse me, sir,” said Jolly.

More letters?”

“Telegrams, sir.”

Tele—good Lord!”

“Oh, they’ll come by the hundred,” Olivia declared. “I tell you, you’re only just beginning to understand what people think about Madam Melinska. And they’re right, Rolly, you’ll find out!” She hugged him again, and asked in the same breath: “What shall we do with the money? Open a Madam Melinska Defence Account with it?”

Rollison said slowly: “No. Just a Madam Melinska Account.”

“Rolly, she won’t touch the money.”

“That’s good,” said Rollison.

“You still doubt her, don’t you?” Olivia said. “I—what’s that?” She ran to the window and looked out. “It’s the van! I’ll go and let the men in!”

Before Jolly could open the door she reached it and went bounding down the stairs. As she did so, the unlisted telephone bell rang again.

Rollison lifted the receiver.

“It’s the telephone answering service, Mr Rollison,” a girl said. “There are several calls which I really think you ought to make—two to the B.B.C. about appearing on a news programme tonight, and three from Independent Television. I’ve a note of the people concerned, if—”

“Just tell them I’m very sorry,” Rollison said.

“You don’t want to appear on television?”

“Not tonight,” Rollison said. “How are the other calls coming in?”

“We’ve two operators doing nothing else,” the girl said. “And all except a few are wishing you luck.”

“What about the few?”

“Abusive, sir, but nothing to worry about— not everyone believes in Madam Melinska, I’m afraid.” The girl laughed. “You’re sure about the television?”

“Positive,” said Rollison firmly.

He rang off as Olivia and two youths came upstairs for the mailbags. As she went out, shooing the youths before her, she called:

“Rolly, I keep meaning to find out how Lucifer is. Do ring the hospital.”

He had completely forgotten Lucifer Stride.

*     *     *

“He is doing as well as can be expected, sir.”

“Is he out of danger?”

“No, but every hour improves his chances.”

“Good. Has he had any visitors?”

“The police are at his bedside, sir.”

“Ah, yes. They would be. Thank you.”

*     *     *

“Is Chief Inspector Clay in, please.”

“One moment, sir—”

“Clay speaking.”

“Rollison here. How are you this morning?”

“Very well, sir, thank you. How are you?”

“Coping with many thousands of gifts for Madam Melinska’s defence.”


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