Many thousands.”

“Really, sir—they always say there’s one born every minute!”

“Yes. Have the Webbs talked?”

“They haven’t changed their story in any degree at all.”

“Believe them?”

“That’s not for me to say.”

“No, I suppose not. Clay.”

“Yes, sir?”

“Have you talked to Michael Fraser, Edward Jackson and Jane somebody at the Space Age Publishing offices?”

“I have, sir. And they confirm your story.”

“I’m delighted to hear it,” said Rollison drily. “Tell me—do you think they could have tried to run me down? And attacked Lucifer Stride?”

“Not as far as I know, sir. I’ve checked their movements very closely.”

“Could they have murdered Mrs Abbott?”

“The man Jackson admits he was in Mrs Abbott’s flat and that he took away the file on Madam Melinska, but what Fraser and the girl say is correct, then he was back at the office with the file before Mrs Abbott was killed.”

“He was, was he? Going to charge him?”

“No decision has been reached, sir.”

“You’re commendably cautious. Chief Inspector—”

“Yes, sir?”

“Have you found out whether Madam Melinska has in fact substantial funds?”

“Not yet, sir.”

“If you find that she has, this will be evidence against her, won’t it?”

Added evidence, sir.”

“Thank you, Clay, thank you very much; you’re being most helpful.”

“Thank you, sir.”

*     *     *


“Yes, sir.”

Could anyone have known that we were on the threshold of our fiftieth case?”

“I’ve found no evidence to show that they could, sir. I’ve checked with three of the most attentive newspapers and their files show under forty cases.”

“So no one could have known.”

“They could have guessed, sir.”

“Or “seen”?”

“I suppose it is conceivable, sir.”

*     *     *


“Why, hello, Aunt Gloria.”

“It’s nearly lunch-time, and I’ve been expecting you to telephone all the morning.”

“I didn’t want to disturb you, Aunt.”

“There is no need for schoolboy sarcasm. I understand from Miss Cordman that a quite remarkable demonstration of public faith has been shown and that eleven thousand pounds have been subscribed for Madam Melinska’s defence. She is deeply touched.”

“It’s a lot of money, Aunt. Do you think she might now be persuaded to say a word in her own defence?”

“Precisely what do you mean, Richard?”

“I’d like her to meet counsel.”

“I do not believe she would refuse, but you must ask her yourself.”

“I’ll do that. How is Miss Lister?”

“The young woman appears to be greatly distressed.”

“I’m not surprised. Aunt Gloria.”

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