brothers had. Elliott had hurt Mary Rose. He should have to pay before they started being hospitable to him.

'Where's the mean one?' Elliott asked.

'Right here, sir,' Cole answered before he could stop himself. Then he smiled. ' Harrison told you I was mean?'

'It was given with a great deal of admiration,' he assured the brother. 'I've heard a great amount about you. Some of the remarks were made by a young lady named Eleanor. She seemed to believe you would try to shoot me and told me to be careful around you. As to Eleanor,' he continued. 'I was wondering…'

Cole raised an eyebrow. 'What's that, sir?'

'Would all of you mind taking her back?'

The brothers shouted the word no at the same time. Elliott laughed. So did Cole, 'Sir, you're stuck with her,' he said then.

'She's happy there,' Mary Rose insisted. 'Father, you must be hungry. We've already had our supper, but we'll sit with you while you have yours. Take a chair now. You must be weary from your journey.'

She didn't wait to hear his agreement but hurried on into the kitchen. She couldn't quit smiling. She was going to have to get down on her knees and give God a proper thank you for helping her father.

Harrison caught her around the waist and pulled her up against him in the hallway. He leaned down and kissed her ear.

'It's good to see you happy again,' he whispered. 'Turn around and make me happy. I need to kiss you.'

She put her heart into the task. She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and drew him down for a long, passionate kiss.

One wasn't enough, and it wasn't long before they both realized that if they didn't stop now, they wouldn't stop at all.

She was breathless and flustered when she pulled away from him. She was just the way he liked her to be.

'You made him understand, didn't you? Thank you, Harrison.'

'No, you made him understand when you left. You gave it all up, and once he realized what you considered valuable, he began to understand. I'm happy he's here too, sweetheart. I've been looking for an edge.'

'For Adam?'

Harrison nodded. 'Elliott won't let me miss anything. He's the edge I need.'

'Let him have his supper before you tell him about Adam. I don't think he'll feel like eating… after.'

Harrison knew the brothers wouldn't mention it to Elliott. He went back to the table and sat down next to Cole. Adam was seated adjacent to Mary Rose's father. They were talking about the sleeping arrangements.

Cole grinned at him. Harrison should have known something was up. He had a feeling he wasn't going to like it either, because Cole only smiled when he had sorry news to give.

'It's already been decided, Harrison. He's taking Mary Rose's bedroom. You two can sleep in the bunkhouse. You'll have more privacy out there.'

'When you were out of the room,' Travis told him. 'We voted.'

Harrison wasn't about to sleep in a bunk bed with his wife. He started to argue, but was waylaid when Mary Rose came back into the dining room. She didn't look happy.

'Cole, Samuel's waving his butcher knife at me again. He won't let me feed Father. Do something, for heaven's sake.'

'I'll do something,' Harrison roared. He started to stand up. Cole shoved him back down.

'Now, Harrison, he'll only cut you if you go in there. He's not quite ready to like you yet. I'll go.'

Elliott looked stunned. 'Someone's in the kitchen with a knife… threatening my daughter?'

'Yes, sir,' Cole answered on his way to the door. He paused to draw his gun, cock it, and then shoved the door open.

'Samuel, you're sure a trial to my patience,' he bellowed.

'Good Lord.' Elliott couldn't think of anything more to say.

Harrison relaxed. He turned to Elliott and smiled. The man looked completely befuddled. 'They pay him a wage too. Makes you want to pound your head against something hard, doesn't it, sir?'

Elliott nodded. Harrison burst into laughter. Honest to God, there was never a dull minute at the ranch. Adam shook his head and looked sheepish. He guessed maybe to outsiders it did seem crazy to put up with Samuel.

'Samuel's our cook,' he explained.

Mary Rose stood tapping her foot against the floor while she waited. Cole finally called to her. She let out a little sigh and went back into the kitchen.

Her father was given a proper supper a few minutes later. The men drank coffee while they waited for him to finish. Mary Rose took his empty plate back into the kitchen.

'I'll be a while. I have to make up with Samuel. He's going to make me beg. I just know it.'

'You going to tell him?' Cole asked Harrison with a nod towards Elliott.

'Yes. Sir, we're all a bit irritable these days. You see, next Friday…'

Adam interrupted him. 'I'm going to be tried for murder.' Elliott blinked, but it was the only outward reaction he showed to the news. 'Did you do it?'

'Yes, sir.'

'That's the last damned time you're going to admit it, Adam,' Harrison snapped.

'Don't curse, son.'

'Yes, sir.'

'Were there extenuating circumstances?'

Adam nodded and then proceeded to give him a full explanation. Elliott listened intently without once interrupting.

' Harrison, are you prepared to defend him?'

'Not quite yet, sir, but I'm getting there. I still have quite a lot of work to do.'

Elliott gave him a piercing look. 'Do you have a specific plan of action?'


'Will I like the approach you're going to take?' he questioned.

Harrison stared right into his eyes when he answered him. 'No, sir, you won't like it at all.'

Elliott nodded. 'I need paper, pen, and ink. We're going to start all over again, Adam. Harrison, I would like to see your notes.'

'Tell us your gut feeling,' Cole requested. 'Do you think…'

Elliott slammed his hand down on the table. 'I won't have it. That's what I think.'

He leaned back in his chair and waited while Harrison went to get the writing supplies and his notes.

No one said a word. They all knew Elliott was thinking about the case, and they didn't want to interrupt him. Mary Rose came back into the room and joined them at the table again.

The silence continued. The air became charged with anticipation. The brothers and their sister sat on the edge of their chairs while they waited to hear Elliott's opinions. They all felt something was about to happen but couldn't explain why. They just knew.

When Elliott finally spoke, he addressed Adam. His voice was whisper soft and somewhat chilling.

'He's the best there is, you know. I almost pity your accusers. He won't show any mercy, not in a courtroom, and not after the grievous insult done to his family. Oh, yes, I almost pity them.'

Goose bumps covered Mary Rose's arms. 'Didn't you train him, Father?' she asked.

'I taught him the law. He has his own unique way of arguing it. He's brilliant, yes, but he's also ruthless. He becomes a predator when he walks into court. I've seen him, watched him, and I'll tell you now, there have been a few instances when I've actually feared him. I would never go up against him. You see, I've only just figured out what he's going to do, and when he's finished, your accusers may not be able to get out of this town alive.'

Harrison came back into the dining room a few minutes later with his notes and the writing supplies for Elliott. He noticed the silence immediately. They were all staring up at him, and he knew something significant had happened. He waited for someone to tell him.

No one said a word. And then he noticed something else. He saw it in Adam's eyes.


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