Mary Rose saw very little of Harrison during the next week. He and Douglas went into town together on Monday and didn't return until twilight. Douglas had the five rental horses from the town's stable with him. Neither her husband nor her brother explained why they'd taken the horses.

On Tuesday Travis accompanied Harrison into Blue Belle. They both looked grim when they returned home. Harrison made love to her that night. He was far more demanding than usual. He did things to her she hadn't thought were possible, and she climaxed three times before he gave in to his own fulfillment.

On Wednesday Harrison spent all day going over his notes. The next morning Dooley rode out to the ranch to pass along the news that Judge Burns got tired of fishing and was back at Belle's house again. Elliott was anxious to read the evidence against Adam, but Harrison didn't take him into town until almost eleven o'clock. He was fully occupied taking care of his sick wife.

She'd been throwing up since ten. She tried to get him to leave, insisting she was fine, really, but then she'd start in gagging again, and Harrison got all worked up.

She started feeling better an hour later. She knew she looked like hell. She was draped over the bed, flat on her stomach with her hair hanging down over the side. Harrison squatted down beside her while he mopped her brow with a cold damp cloth.

'This is all my fault, sweetheart. I hurt you last night, and now…'

'You didn't hurt me… well, you did, but it was a nice kind of hurt. I liked it. I've been feeling nauseated for several days. It isn't your fault. It's the trial. I can't help fretting about it.'

Douglas came in the bunkhouse to check on his sister.

'Where the hell have you been?' Harrison demanded. 'She's been sick for over an hour now. Do something, for God's sake.'

Douglas was a bit taken aback by the fury in Harrison 's voice. 'She scared you, didn't she? She doesn't get sick very often. I'll take care of her. She's got some color back in her face. I think she's already recovering. Dooley's getting ready to leave. Didn't you want to talk to him?'

'Your sister is going to have to promise me that when I get back this afternoon, I'll find her in bed. Give me your word, Mary Rose, or I'm not going anywhere.'

She let out a dramatic sigh. 'All right. I'll be in bed.'

He lifted her hair away from her face so he could kiss her. Then he let it drop back down again.

Douglas waited until he'd left before broaching a rather delicate subject.

'Do you know what this is all about?' he asked.

'I'm sick. That's what it's about.'

He sat down on the side of her bed. 'What kind of sick? Did you eat something that made you ill?'

'No. I'm just worked up about the trial, Douglas.'

'Could you be pregnant?'

The question astonished her. She had to think about it a long while.

'Have you missed your monthly?'

She turned beet red in less than a minute. 'You're embarrassing me. You're my brother, for heaven's sake. You shouldn't ask such personal questions.'

'Have you?'


'How many?'

'Two… no, three.'

Mary Rose lifted her head off the pillow. 'Do you think…'

She couldn't go on. The wonder of it all was just settling in. A baby. She might really be having a baby. She was suddenly overwhelmed with joy.

'I think I'm going to become an uncle,' Douglas said. He patted her on her shoulder and smiled down at her.

'We can't tell Harrison. Don't tell anyone until I'm certain, Douglas. My husband has enough to think about. He'll be happy about my news, but he might become distracted. We can't have that.'

Douglas agreed. Harrison left an hour later to take her father over to Belle's house so he could look over the evidence against Adam. Then he went back into town again. He spent the day there and didn't return to the ranch until suppertime.

He went directly to the bunkhouse to make certain Mary Rose was where he'd left her. He took one look at her and knew she'd gotten out of bed.

She wasn't about to admit it.

'Did you rest all day, sweetheart?'

'Yes, I did.'

He smiled. 'You stayed in bed?'

She smiled back. 'You should be happy with me,' she answered, which wasn't a proper answer at all. 'You didn't think you'd find me in bed, did you? I could tell you were surprised. How did your day go?'

He decided to force her to lie outright. She hadn't yet. She'd evaded his questions. She looked damned proud of herself too.

'Did you rest in bed all day?'

She didn't miss a beat. 'Now, why would you ask me that again? Don't you believe me, Harrison? You'll have to trust me, I suppose.'

He shook his head. His sweet wife had completely disregarded his instructions. He didn't know what he was going to do about that. He let out a loud sigh. There really wasn't a damned thing he could do about it. She was stubborn and willful, and unless he tied her down to the bed, she'd do what she thought best.

'Just promise me that when you feel ill, you'll rest. All right?'

She sat up in bed. 'Why don't you believe me?'

He didn't answer her. 'I'm going up to the house. You might want to put something on your face before you join me, sweetheart.'

He knew she'd ask him why, of course, and he couldn't wait to tell her. He started counting to ten as he opened the door and started out.

'Wait,' she called out. 'What's wrong with my face?'

'It's sunburned.'

She wasn't the least bit contrite, but she was thoughtful. He'd give her that much. She waited until he'd pulled the door closed before she started laughing.

Was it any wonder why he loved her?

Everyone had just finished supper when Alfred Mitchell came riding down the slope.

'Stranger's here. Take a look, sir. Is he one of your relatives?'

Elliott squinted out the window. 'Can't tell from this distance, but I don't believe I know the man.'

'Then it's Alfred Mitchell. Harrison, do you want us to wait inside while you talk to him?'


'Offer him some refreshment,' Mary Rose called out.

She wasn't sure if Harrison heard her or not. He'd already gone outside. Harrison didn't wait for the attorney on the porch. He went down the steps and kept walking. The two men met halfway across the meadow.

Mitchell let out a loud groan when he dismounted. The two men shook hands and introduced themselves.

'You look worn out,' Harrison remarked.

Mitchell nodded. He looked up at Harrison, for Mitchell was quite a bit shorter. He appeared to be several years younger as well.

'I am worn out,' he admitted in a slow southern drawl. 'I've gotten what you asked for, but I also bring you some terrible news. Can we walk while we talk? I'd like to work the cramps out of my backside before I ride back to my campsite.'

'You're welcome to stay the night here, Alfred.'

'I'm afraid I won't be able to keep quiet about what's happening if I do stay. I've made camp close to town. I think I'll stay there tonight, if you don't mind my being unsociable.'

'You'll have to testify tomorrow,' Harrison reminded him.

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