in his tone.

'As ridiculous as giving back everything I take?' she countered, her attention focused on her book.

Caine added two more candles to the bedside table. He went to the hearth next. 'Where's Sterns?'

he asked.

'Sterns has gone to bed,' she answered. 'You'd make a good butler, Caine. Your man has trained you well.'

He didn't jump to the bait. 'You're spoiling for a fight, sweetheart, but I'm not going to accommodate you.'

'I'm not spoiling for a fight,' she snapped. She slammed her book shut while she watched him add another fat log to the embers.

In the firelight, his skin looked as bronzed as a statue. His shirt was opened to the waist, his sleeves

rolled up to his elbows. The fabric was stretched tight across the back of his shoulders, showing the

splay of muscle there when he reached for the iron staff to prod the fire into a full blaze.

She thought he was the most appealing man in all the world.

Caine turned, still bent on one knee, and smiled at her. The tenderness in his gaze tugged at her heart.

He was such a good man, a trusting man, a loving man.

He deserved better than the likes of her. Why didn't he realize that obvious fact?

Tears welled up in her eyes and she started trembling. It was as though the blankets had suddenly turned into snow. She was freezing… and terrified.

Don't ever let me leave you, she suddenly thought. Make me stay with you forever.

Oh, God, how she wanted to love him, to lean on him.

And then what would she become, she asked herself, when he left her. How in God's name would she survive?

The change in her was startling. Her face had turned the color of her white nightgown.

'Sweetheart, what's the matter?' he asked. He stood up and walked toward the bed.

'Nothing,' she whispered. 'Nothing's wrong. I'm just cold,' she added in a stammer. And afraid, she wanted to add. 'Come to bed, Caine.'

She desperately needed to hold him close. Jade added to the invitation by pulling the covers back for him. Caine ignored her request. He went to the wardrobe, found another blanket on the top shelf, then draped it over the other covers on the bed.

'Is that better?' he asked.

'Yes, thank you,' she answered, trying not to sound too disgruntled.

'If you aren't too tired, I want to ask you a few questions,' he said.

'Ask your questions in bed, Caine,' she suggested. 'You'll be more comfortable.'

He shook his head, then sat down in the chair and propped his feet up on the foot of the bed. 'This will do,' he said then, trying his damnedest not to smile.

She wanted him, perhaps even as much as he wanted her. And by God, she was going to have to tell

him so.

Jade tried to hide her irritation. The man was as dense as rain. Didn't he realize she wanted to be held? She'd told him she was cold, damn it. He should have immediately taken her into his arms, then kissed her of course, and then…

She let out a long sigh. Caine apparently didn't realize what she needed when he started in with his questions about the stupid files again.

It took all her determination to hold onto her concentration. She had to stare at her hands so his heart- stopping smile wouldn't detract her.


'Yes?' She looked startled.

'I just asked you if you read the files on our Williams,' he said.

'They aren't our Williams,' she replied.

She gave him an expectant smile, waiting for his next question.

Caine's smile widened. 'Are you going to answer me?' he asked.

'Answer what?'

'You seem preoccupied.'

'I'm not.'

'Sleepy then?'

'Not at all.'

'Then answer my question,' he instructed again. 'Did you read the files…'

'Yes,' she interrupted. 'You want to hear them, don't you?'

'Yes, I do,' he answered. 'Was there something else you wanted to do?' he asked.

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