He wasn't there. She was wide awake by the time she'd made that determination, and shaking so much she could barely get the covers out of her way.

She couldn't stay in bed, but went to the window and stared out at the starless night while she contemplated her bleak situation.

She didn't know how long she stood there, worrying and fretting, before she finally gave in. She was going to have to go to him.

* * *

Caine woke up as soon as the door opened. Since it was dark, he didn't have to hide his smile. 'I don't know how to dance, Caine,' she announced.

She slammed the door shut after making that statement, then walked over to his side of the bed. 'You might as well know that right off. I can't do needlework, either.'

He was resting on his back with his eyes closed. Jade stared at him a long minute, then prodded his shoulder. 'Well?' she demanded.

Caine answered her by pulling the covers back. Jade pulled off her nightgown and fell into bed beside him. He immediately took her into his arms.

The shivers vanished. She felt safe again. Jade fell asleep waiting for Caine to answer her.

He woke her up a little past dawn to make love to her, and when he was done having his way with her and she having her way with him, she was too sleepy to talk to him. She fell asleep listening to him tell her how much he loved her.

* * *

The next time she was nudged awake, it was almost noon.

Caine was doing the nudging. He was fully dressed and sweetly demanding she open her eyes and

wake up.

She refused to open her eyes, but tried to kick the covers away and make him come back to bed. Caine insisted on holding the covers up to her chin. She didn't understand why he was being so contrary until she finally opened her eyes and saw Sterns standing at the foot of her bed.

She took over the task of shielding her nakedness then. Jade could feel her face turning crimson. It

would be pointless to try to bluster her way through this embarrassment. 'Oh, Sterns, now you're ashamed of me, aren't you?'

The question came out in a wail. Sterns immediately shook his head. 'Of course not, mi'lady,' he announced. 'I'm certain my employer dragged you into his bed,' he added with a nod in Caine's


'By her hair, Sterns?' Caine asked dryly.

'I wouldn't put it past you, mi'lord.'

'He did,' Jade announced, deciding to let Caine take all the blame. 'You mustn't tell anyone,' she added.

Sterns' smile was gentle. 'I'm afraid there isn't -anyone left to tell.'

'Do you mean Sir Richards and Lyon know?'

When Sterns nodded, she turned to glare up at Caine. 'You told them, didn't you? Why don't you just post that in the dailies too?'

'I didn't tell,' Caine countered, his exasperation obvious. 'You didn't shut your door when you…' He paused to look at Sterns, then said, 'When I dragged you in here. They noticed the empty bed on their way downstairs.'

She wanted to hide under the covers for the rest of the day.

'Jade? Why is my silver under my bed?'

'Ask Sterns,' she said. 'He put it there.'

'It seemed an appropriate place, mi'lord,' Sterns announced. 'One of your guests, the big man with the gold tooth, certainly would have taken a liking to the silver. Mi'lady suggested a safe haven for the pieces once I'd explained their special meaning to you.'

She thought he might thank her for saving his treasures. He laughed instead. 'Come downstairs as soon

as you're dressed, Jade. Richards wants to start questioning you again.'

Sterns didn't leave the room with his employer. 'The Duchess has sent over several gowns belonging to one of her daughters. I believe the fit will be close, mi'lady.'

'Why would she…'

'I requested the clothing,' Sterns announced. 'When I was unpacking your belongings, I couldn't help

but notice there were only two gowns.'

She looked as though she were going to protest, but Sterns didn't give her time. 'The selection is hanging in the wardrobe. Cook will act as your lady's maid. I shall go and fetch her immediately.'

It wouldn't do her any good to argue with him. Sterns had turned from butler to commander. He selected the garment she'd wear, too-a deep, ivory-colored gown with lace-embroidered cuffs. The gown was so elegant looking, Jade couldn't resist.

There were undergarments as well. Though Sterns didn't make mention of them, he put the silk treasures on the foot of her bed, next to the thin-as-air stockings and matching ivory-colored shoes.

* * *
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