Jade was washed and dressed in the finery a scant fifteen minutes later. She sat in a straight-backed chair while Cook pulled on her hair. The elderly woman was tall and rotund. Her salt and pepper hair had been clipped into short, bobbing curls. She attacked Jade's hair as if it were a side of beef. Still, Jade would have put up with the mild discomfort for the rest of the day if it would put off having to face Lyon and Sir Richards again.

The meeting couldn't be avoided, however. 'You're a looker, you are,' the servant announced when she'd finished her task. She held up a hand mirror and gave it to Jade. 'It's a simple braid, but those little wisps of curls along the sides of your face soften the look. I would have put it up in clusters atop your head, mi'lady, but I fear the weight would have toppled you over.'

'Thank you so much,' Jade replied. 'You've done a splendid job.'

Cook nodded, then hurried back downstairs. The meeting couldn't be avoided any longer. Caine would only come and fetch her if she stayed closeted in his room. When Jade opened the door, she was surprised and irritated to find two guards in the hallway. Both men looked a little undone by the sight of her. Then one stammered out what a fair picture she was. The other blurted out that she looked just like

a queen.

Both guards followed her downstairs. The dining room doors were closed. The bigger of the two men rushed ahead to see them opened for her. Jade thanked the man for his consideration, then straightened her shoulders and walked inside.

* * *

Everyone was seated at the long table, including Sterns. And everyone, including the rascal butler, was staring at her.

All but Colin stood up when she entered the room. Jade kept her gaze on Caine. When he moved to pull out the chair adjacent to his, she slowly walked over to his side.

He leaned down and kissed her brow. Nathan broke the horrid silence. 'Get your hands off her, Caine.'

'My hands aren't on her, Nathan,' Caine drawled out. 'My mouth is.' He kissed Jade again just to goad her brother. Jade fell into the chair with a sigh.

Sterns saw to her breakfast while the men continued their discussion. Sir Richards sat at one end of the long table, Caine at the other. When her plate had been taken away, Sir Richards called everyone to attention. She realized then that they had all been waiting for her. 'My dear, we've decided that you

must come to London with us,' Sir Richards announced. 'We'll keep the security tight,' he added with

a glance in Caine's direction.

Richards then pulled the pen and ink well close. 'I'd like to make a few notes while I question you,'

he explained.

'Sir? Why must I come to London?' Jade asked.

The director looked a little sheepish now. Lyon, Jade noticed, was grinning.

'Well, now,' Richards began. 'We need to get in the file room. If I request the keys during working hours, my name will have to go into the entry book.'

'They want to go during the night,' Colin interjected. 'Without keys.'

'You did say you'd broken into the building once and read the files,' Richards reminded her.

'Three times,' Jade interjected.

Sir Richards looked as if he wanted to cry. 'Is our security so puny then?' he asked Lyon.

'Apparently,' Lyon returned.

'Oh, no,' Jade said. 'The security is very good.'

'Then how…' Richards began.

Caine answered. 'She's better than good, Richards.'

Jade blushed over the compliment. 'Sir Richards, I understand your need for secrecy. You don't want

the Tribunal knowing you're hunting them, but I believe they probably know already. They've sent men here. Surely they saw you and Lyon arrive and reported back…'

'No one who was sent by the Tribunal has returned to report to anyone,' Lyon explained.

'But how…'

'Caine took care of them.'

Jade's eyes widened over Lyon's statement. He sounded so certain. She turned to look at Caine. 'How did you take care of them?'

Caine shook his head at Lyon when he thought his friend might explain. 'You don't need to know,' he told Jade.

'You didn't kill them, did you?' she whispered.

She looked frightened.


Jade nodded, then turned to look at Lyon again. She noticed his exasperated expression but decided to ignore it. 'He didn't kill them,' she announced. 'Caine doesn't do that sort of thing any longer. He's retired.'

She seemed to want Lyon's agreement. He nodded, then knew his guess had been correct when she smiled at him.

'Jade?' Colin asked, drawing her attention. 'You can stay with Christina and Lyon when you reach London. Caine will stay in his town house, of course…'

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