'I could have been inside another building, or perhaps riding Nathan's fine horse, or even…'

'Jade, stop rambling,' he demanded. 'Just tell me where you were and what you saw.'

'What I heard is just as significant, Caine.'

'Are you deliberately trying to make me angry?'

She gave him a disgruntled look. 'I was just about to walk into the church when I heard all the commotion. They weren't actually on top of the church. No, they were dragging this poor man across

the rectory's roof. It's a bit lower. From my position, I could see the gentleman was trying to get away from them. He was struggling and shouting for help. That's how I knew, Caine. I wasn't just imagining it.'

'And?' he prodded when she suddenly quit her explanation.

'They tossed him over. If I'd been just a foot to the left, well sir, you wouldn't be having to protect me now. I'd be as dead as the poor gentleman is.'

'Where is this church?'

'In Nathan's parish.'

'And where is that?' he asked.

'Three hours north of here,' she answered.

'Am I interrupting?' Christina asked from the doorway.

Jade turned to smile at her.

'Of course not,' Jade answered. 'Thank you for the lovely breakfast, and for loaning me your beautiful riding clothes. I shall take good care of them,' she added.

Lyon came up behind his wife and put his arms around her. While Caine and Jade watched, Christina's husband nuzzled the top of his wife's head.

'Miss me?' he asked.

'Of course,' Christina answered. She smiled up at her husband, then turned back to Jade. 'I went into your room…'

'Nothing happened,' Jade rushed out. 'It's all his fault, really. But nothing happened, Christina. I tried to use my knife on him. That's all. He took exception, of course,' she added as she waved her hand in Caine's direction. 'He was so bloody furious, he dragged me into his room. Oh Lord, I'm making a muddle out of this, aren't I?'

She turned to Caine. 'Will you say something, please? My new friend is going to think I'm…'

She quit her explanation when she noticed Caine's astonished expression. He wasn't going to be any help at all, she realized. He was back to thinking she was daft.

She could feel herself burning with embarrassment.

'I went into your room to fetch your knife,' Christina explained. 'You actually tried to cut him with that dull blade?'

Jade wanted to find a place to hide. 'No,' she answered with a sigh.

'But you just said…'

'At first, I did try to cut him,' she explained. 'He woke me up trying to put my nightgown back on…'

'You did?' Lyon asked Caine. His grin was downright shameful.

'Lyon, stay out of this,' Caine ordered.

'Well, as soon as I realized who it was, I quit trying to stab him. He gave me a startle. I thought he was

a thief.'

Lyon looked like he was dying to say something more. Caine glared him into keeping silent.

'Did you find out anything?' Caine called out.

Lyon nodded. He started into the room. 'Christina? Take Jade into the drawing room, would you?'

'She'll have to go in there on her own,' Christina answered. 'I promised to sharpen her knife for her. Jade? I couldn't find it under your pillow. That's what I've been trying to explain.'

'He took it,' Jade answered with a wave in Caine's direction. 'I believe I saw him put it on the mantle, though I'm not absolutely certain. Would you like me to help you look for it?'

'No, I'll find it. You go and keep Dakota company. He's playing on his blanket inside. I'll join you in

just a few minutes.'

Jade hurriedly followed Christina out of the room. She paused at the drawing room doors when she

heard Lyon's booming laughter. She smiled then, guessing Caine had just told his friend what an imbecile he thought she was.

She was feeling quite smug now. It took a certain concentration to be able to ramble on and on so convincingly, and she thought she'd pulled it off quite nicely. She had no idea she was so talented. Still, she was honest enough to admit to herself that there had been a moment when she hadn't really been pretending. Jade straightened her shoulders. Pretense or not, rambling was definitely a plus when dealing with Caine.

She went inside the room then and closed the door behind her. She spotted the quilted blanket in front

of the settee right away. Christina's son, however, was quite another matter. She couldn't find him anywhere.

She was about to shout an alarm when she noticed a tiny foot protruding from the back of the settee.

She hurried over and knelt down, briefly thought about pulling him out by his one foot, and then decided she'd better find the rest of him first. With her backside in the air, she leaned down until the side of her face rested on the

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