
The most magnificent blue eyes she'd ever seen were just inches away from her now. Dakota. Jade thought she might have startled him by her sudden appearance. His eyes did widen. He didn't cry,

though. No, he stared at her a long, drooling moment, and then gave her a wide, toothless grin.

She thought he was the most amazing infant. Once he'd finished smiling at her, he went back to his main interest. He seemed determined to gum his way through the ornately carved wooden leg of the settee.

'Oh, that can't be at all good for you, little boy,' Jade announced.

He didn't spare her a glance as he continued to chew on the wood. 'Stop that now, Dakota,' she commanded. 'Your mama will be unhappy if she sees you eating the furniture. Come out here, please.'

It was obvious that she had no experience handling children. It was also a fact that she didn't realize

she had an audience watching her either.

Both Caine and Lyon leaned against opposite door frames observing the pair. They were both trying

not to laugh.

'You aren't going to cooperate, are you, Dakota?' Jade asked.

The baby gurgled happily in answer to that remark.

'She's innovative, I'll give her that,' Lyon whispered to Caine when Jade lifted the edge of the settee

and moved it to the side.

She then sat down on the floor next to the little one. He immediately wiggled his way toward her. She wasn't at all certain how to lift a baby. She'd heard that their little necks weren't strong enough to hold their heads up until they were at least a year or so. Dakota, however, had lifted his chest off the carpet and seemed to be strong enough on his own.

He made the most delightful sounds. He was such a happy little boy. She couldn't resist touching him. She gingerly patted the top of his head, then eased her hands under his arms and slowly dragged him

up onto her lap.

She wanted to cuddle him against her bosom.

He wanted something else. Dakota grabbed hold of a clump of her hair, pulled on it, hard, while he tried to find his supper.

It didn't take her any time at all to realize what he was trying to do.

'No, no, Dakota,' she whispered when he arched up against her and started to fret. 'Your mama's going to have to feed you. Shall we go and find her, love?'

Jade slowly gained her feet, keeping the baby close against her. His grip on her hair stung, but she didn't mind.

The baby smelled so wonderful. He was beautiful, too. He had his mother's blue eyes, but his dark curls came from his father. Jade stroked the baby's back and softly crooned to him. She was in awe of him.

She turned and noticed the men then. Jade could feel herself blush. 'You have a fine son,' she told Lyon in a stammer.

Caine stayed by the door while Lyon went to claim Dakota. He had to pry his son's hands away from Jade's hair. She stared at Caine, wondering over the odd expression on his face now. There was tenderness there, but something else as well. She didn't have any idea what he was thinking.

'He's the first baby I've ever held,' she told Lyon after he'd lifted his son into his arms.

'I'd say that you are a natural,' Lyon replied. 'Wouldn't you agree, Dakota?' he asked. He held the

baby up until they were eye level. Dakota immediately grinned.

Christina breezed into the room, drawing Jade's attention. She hurried over and handed her friend the sharpened knife. The dagger was inside a soft leather carrier. 'It's sharp enough now,' she told Jade.

'I made the pouch so you wouldn't accidentally prick yourself.'

'Thank you,' Jade replied.

'You aren't going to need a knife,' Caine announced. He moved away from his lazy repose and walked over to Jade's side. 'Let me keep it for you, sweet. You'll hurt yourself.'

'I will not give it to you,' she announced. 'It was a gift from my uncle and I promised him I'd always have it with me.'

He gave in when she backed away from him. 'We have to get going,' he told her then. 'Lyon, you'll…'

'I will,' Lyon returned. 'Just as soon as I've…'

'Right,' Caine interrupted.

'They seem to be speaking in a different language, don't they?' Christina said to Jade.

'They don't want me to worry,' Jade explained.

'Then you understood what they were saying?'

'Of course. Lyon is suppose to start his investigation. Caine's obviously given him a few suggestions.

As soon as he's found out anything of consequence, he'll get in touch with Caine.'

Lyon and Caine were staring intently at her. 'You deducted all that from…'

She interrupted Caine with a nod. Then she turned to Lyon. 'You're going to try to find out if there's anyone gone missing of late, aren't you?'

'Yes,' Lyon admitted.

'You'll need a description, won't you? Of course, the poor man's nose was a bit scrunched from the fall. Still,

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