Her insanity was obviously the catching kind.

'You really should be hanged,' she said. 'You certainly had me fooled. You don't look like the sort to

act so dastardly.'

She tried to move away from the table but Caine's hands covered hers, trapping her. He leaned down again, until his mouth was just a scant kiss away. 'I'm a pirate, madam. We're known to be dastardly.'

He waited for another angry rebuttal. She burst into tears instead. Caine wasn't at all prepared for that emotional display.

While he reached for his handkerchief, Monk jumped to his feet and rushed over to comfort her. The barkeep awkwardly patted her on her shoulders. 'There, there, miss, don't cry now.'

'It's all his fault,' she sobbed. 'All I asked was a simple little favor. Just one quick task that wouldn't

take him any time at all; but, no, he couldn't be bothered. I even offered to wait until he'd finished his refreshment,' she continued with a wail. 'I was willing to pay good coins too.'

By the time she'd finished her pitiful tirade, Monk was glaring at Caine. 'You've upset the pretty,' he

told the Marquess. 'Why, you've broken her heart.'

The tavernkeeper grabbed the handkerchief out of Caine's hand and began to awkwardly mop the tears away from her cheeks. 'It will be all right, miss,' he crooned.

'No, it won't,' she argued. Her voice was muffled by the linen cloth Monk had shoved under her nose. 'Do you know I've never asked anyone for anything in all my days? Yet the very first time I do ask,

I'm denied my request. No one wants to make an honest living anymore. No, they'd rather steal than

earn their way. It's a shame, isn't it, Monk?'

Caine was too incredulous to speak. He didn't know if he should take her into his arms and comfort her or grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her. One thing was certain, however. If Monk continued to frown at him, he was going to break his nose.

'Mi'Iady, it really ain't honest work to take coins from a lady and kill her,' Monk argued. He patted

her shoulder in a bid to soften his gentle rebuke.

'Of course it's honest work,' she replied. 'As long as the lady wants the killing done.'

Monk paused to rub his brow. 'She's got a true point there, don't she?' he asked Caine.

'For the love of… now what are you doing?' Caine asked Jade when she began to collect her coins.

'I'm leaving,' she announced. 'I'm sorry I bothered you, Pagan, or Caine, or whatever your real name is,' she whispered.

She tied the string into a knot, then tucked the bag in her pocket.

When she turned and started for the door, Caine called out. 'Where do you think you're going?'

'That's none of your concern,' she answered. 'Still, I'm not half as insolent as you are and so I shall

tell you I'm going to find someone more cooperative. Have no fear, sir. I won't give up. Before this

black night is over, I'll find someone willing to kill me.'

He caught her at the door. His hands settled on her shoulders and he slowly forced her around to look

at him.

The minute he touched her, she started crying again. Caine was exasperated, unsettled too. He gave in

to his overwhelming urge though, and roughly pulled her into his arms.

His bear hug seemed to be all the prodding she needed. She wept against his chest, whispering her apology for her unladylike behavior in between her loud sobs.

Caine was content to wait until she'd regained a bit of control. He couldn't possibly reason with her now. She was making so much noise she wouldn't have been able to hear a word he said anyway. And she

kept blaming her current condition on him too. She was, without a doubt, the most confusing woman

he'd ever encountered.

Lord, she was wonderfully soft. She fit him nicely too. He usually disliked women who cried, yet found he didn't want to let go of this one.

She was hiccupping just like a drunken peasant now, the aftermath of the quick storm.

It was high time he reasoned with her. 'Jade, it can't possibly be as terrible as you now believe,' he told her in a low, husky voice. 'Surely, come morning, you'll be thankful I didn't give in to your request.'

'I'll be dead come morning,' she wailed.

'No, you won't,' he replied. He gave her an affectionate squeeze. 'I won't let anything happen to you.

I promise. You can't really want to die just yet.'

'My brother's bound to be disappointed if I die,' she said.

'I would imagine so,' he answered dryly.

'Still, I'm not strong enough to fight them. They're very mean-hearted men. I fear they'll use me before they kill me. I don't want to die that way. There's no dignity in it.'

'Death with dignity?' he asked. 'You speak like a soldier preparing for the battlefield.'

'I don't want to be remembered as a coward.'

'Will your brother be able to take care of your problem once he returns?'

'Oh, yes,' she answered. She rested her cheek against his chest. 'Nathan wouldn't let anything happen

to me. Since our papa died, he's become my protector. My brother's a very strong man.'

'Then I'll keep you safe until your brother returns. I give you my word.'

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