A long, silent minute passed before she showed any reaction to that promise. Caine thought she might

be too overcome with gratitude to speak. Then she moved away from him and looked up into his eyes. He realized she wasn't overcome at all. Hell, she looked downright irritated. 'You've already broken

your word to me, sir. You promised you'd kill me and then changed your mind.'

'This is different,' he argued.

'You really mean what you say?'

'Yes, I mean what I say,' he answered. 'You just explained that you'll be safe once your brother

returns in two weeks. It is two weeks, isn't it?'

Her expression was solemn. 'Perhaps even sooner. But you're a pirate. You cannot be taking such chances keeping me safe for two long weeks. There's a bounty on your head. I won't be responsible

for getting you killed.'

'You don't have much faith in my ability.'

'I don't have any faith in your ability,' she qualified. 'Why should I? You've just admitted that the rumors about you aren't at all reliable. You probably don't even leave a white rose on your victim's pillow, do you?'

Caine was exasperated with her again. 'You don't have to sound so damned disappointed in me.'

'But I am disappointed!' she cried out. 'You aren't even honorable. That's the real pity. Besides, you don't look at all strong enough to take on my enemies. You'd be an easy target, Caine. You're such a… big man. No, I'm sorry. I'm afraid you simply won't do.'

He wanted to throttle her.

She turned her back on him again and tried to leave. Caine was so astonished by her attitude he almost

let her get away. Almost. He caught her just as she reached the walkway outside the door.

His hold wouldn't allow her any freedom as his arm was anchored around her shoulders. He tucked her into his side with as much care as he'd give an old blanket, then turned to speak to Monk. 'I don't want you telling anyone what happened here tonight. Give me your word, Monk.'

'Why should he give you his word when you so freely break yours? A gentleman only asks as much as

he can give in return, sir. Didn't your mama teach you any manners?' she asked.

'Ah, Jade,' he said. 'That's the rub.' He looked down at her and slowly stroked the side of her cheek with his fingertips. 'I'm not a gentleman. I'm a pirate, remember? There's a distinct difference.'

She went completely still the second he touched her. Caine thought she looked quite stunned. He didn't know what to make of that odd reaction. When his hand dropped away, she came out of her stupor and shoved against him.

'Yes, there is a difference,' she muttered. 'Tell me this, Caine. If I make you angry enough, will you

kill me in vexation?'

'The idea's beginning to have merit,' he answered.

'Let go of me. You must never touch me.'

'I mustn't?'

'No. I don't like to be touched.'

'Then how in God's name was I suppose to kill you?'

She obviously hadn't realized he was jesting. 'You were going to use a pistol,' she told him. She paused to give him a suspicious look. 'You do own one, don't you?'

'I do,' he answered. 'And where was I suppose to…'

'One clean shot, directly through my heart,' she explained. 'You'd have to be accurate, of course.

I wouldn't want to linger.'

'No,' he agreed. 'Lingering would definitely be out of the question.'

'How can you find this amusing? We happen to be discussing my death!' she cried out.

'I'm not amused,' he argued. 'Fact is, I'm getting downright angry again. Tell me, do I get to ravage

you first?'

She took a deep breath before answering. 'You certainly do not.'

'That's a pity,' he replied, completely ignoring her outraged expression.

'Sir, do your parents happen to be first cousins? You're acting like a complete simpleton. You're either

an idiot or the most cold-hearted man I've ever met. I find your conduct disgraceful.'

Her eyes were flashing with indignation. Caine had never seen such a dramatic shade of green before. It was as though the purity and the sparkle of a thousand emeralds had all been squeezed dry of their color and given to her.

'I'm not at all convinced you're in any real danger, Jade,' he announced. 'This could very well just be

a product of your overactive imagination.'

'I dislike you intensely,' she whispered. 'And as for your ignorant opinions, well I…'

'Jade, save the bluster for later. I'm not in the mood. Now, I don't want to hear another word about killing you. And if you continue to glare up at me so prettily, I swear I'm going to kiss you just to take your mind off your foolish worries.'

'Kiss me?' She looked stunned. 'Why in God's name would you want to kiss me?'

'I haven't the faintest idea,' he admitted.

'You'd kiss someone you disliked?'

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