adjacent bedchamber. Jade guessed the woman was the Duchess.

At the end of the long corridor in the south wing, she found the library. It was an out-of-the-way, unusual place to house the study. Caine's father was inside. He was sound asleep in his chair behind the mahogany desk.

After locking the door against intruders, Jade studied the handsome man for a long while. He was very distinguished looking with silver-tipped hair, high, patrician cheekbones, and an angular face very similar to Caine's. There were deep circles under his eyes. The color of his skin was sallow. Even in sleep he looked as though he was in torment.

Jade couldn't decide if she should blister him with a stern lecture or apologize for causing him such needless pain.

Her heart went out to him, though. He reminded her of Caine, of course, though the father certainly wasn't as muscular. He certainly had the height, however. When she touched his shoulder, he came awake with a start and bounded out of his chair with a quickness that surprised her.

'Please don't be alarmed, sir,' she whispered. 'I didn't mean to startle you.'

'You didn't?' he asked, imitating her low tone of voice.

The Duke of Williamshire slowly regained his composure. He ran his fingers through his hair, then shook his head in an attempt to clear his mind.

'Who are you?' he asked.

'It doesn't matter who I am, sir,' she answered. 'Please sit down, for I have important information to share with you.'

She patiently waited until he'd obeyed her request, then leaned against the edge of the desktop close to

his side. 'This grieving must stop. You've made yourself ill.'


He still looked confused to her. She noticed, too, that the color of his eyes was the exact shade of gray as Caine's. His frown was similar as well.

'I said that you must stop grieving,' she stated again. 'Sir Harwick thinks you might well be dying. If you don't stop this nonsense…'

'Now see here, young lady…'

'Do not raise your voice to me,' she interjected.

'Who in God's name are you? And how did you get into…'

The bluster went out of him and he slowly shook his head.

Jade thought he seemed more incredulous than angry. She decided that was a good beginning.

'Sir, I simply don't have time for a lengthy discussion. First, you must give me your promise that you'll never tell anyone about our conversation. Do you give me your word?'

'You have it,' he replied.

'Good. Now, I believe I must apologize to you, though in truth I'm no good at it. I hate apologizing to anyone.' She shrugged, then added, 'I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner. You've been caused needless grief, and I really could have spared you. Do you forgive me?'

'I have no idea what you're talking about, but if it will make you happy, I shall forgive you. Now tell me what it is you want from me.'

'Your bark, sir, is just as irritating as your son's.'

'And which son is that?' he asked, a hint of a smile coming into his eyes.


'Is this visitation concerning Caine? Has he done something to offend you? You might as well know

now that Caine's his own man. I won't interfere unless there's real cause.'

'No,' Jade answered. 'This isn't about Caine, though I'm happy to know you have such faith in your eldest son's ability to make his own decisions. By not interfering, you show your pride in your son.'

'Then who is it you wish to discuss?' he asked.

'I'm a friend of Colin's.'

'You knew him?'

She nodded. 'I know him, yes. You see, he's…'

'Dead,' he interjected, his tone harsh. 'Pagan killed him.'

Jade reached out and put her hand on his shoulder. 'Look at me, please,' she commanded in a soft whisper when he turned his gaze toward the windows.

When Caine's father did as she ordered, she nodded. 'What I am about to tell you will be difficult for

you to believe. First, understand this. I have proof.'


She nodded again. 'Pagan didn't kill Colin.'

'He did.'

'I'm sick of hearing about Pagan's sins,' she muttered. 'Colin…'

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