'No, only one went after Colin, a boy named Samuel if I remember correctly. Anyway, Samuel must have known Caine would retaliate, and he raced home to get his own reinforcements.'

'Caine could have been killed,' she whispered.

'Actually, my dear, your sympathy should be for the Bradley brothers. Caine was only going to put the fear of God into the boy who'd hurt Colin, but when they came at him in force, he gave them what for! My boy gave equal measure.'

Jade shook her head. She didn't find the horrid story the least bit amusing. Yet Caine's father was smiling like a proud papa.

'And so you see, my dear, it isn't out of mistrust that Colin made you give your promise. It's just that Colin knows Caine very well. Colin must be thinking to protect Caine until he can explain the full situation to him. He doesn't want him charging into another group of Bradleys again. Of the two, Colin's always been the more cautious. Caine didn't know Colin was working for our government,' he added. 'As to that, I didn't know either. I never would have allowed it, especially when I learned that Sir Richards wasn't his superior.'

'Richards,' she whispered. 'Yes, he was Caine's director, wasn't he?'

Caine's father looked surprised over that statement. 'You've gathered quite a bit of pertinent information, haven't you? I cannot help but wonder how you came by it. Will you tell me who gave you such secrets?'

She was a little insulted by that question. 'No one gave me anything,' she said. 'I found out on my own. I'm most resourceful, sir. My brother, Nathan, was helping Colin sort out a rather complex problem for the government. Someone didn't want them to succeed, however. A trap was set. The only reason

they're both still alive is that… Pagan became suspicious. The pirate was able to intervene in time.'

'Does Colin know who is behind this treachery?'

She shook her head. 'We only know that it's someone high up in the War Office. Nathan and Colin are safe only as long as they are believed dead. I cannot tell you anything more. When Colin returns…'

'Will you take me to see him?'

'He should be home in just a few more days, sir. He cannot stay here, of course, unless you've cleaned your house of the servants… the details will have to be worked out.' She paused to smile at him. 'I wonder if you'll recognize your son. His hair has grown way past his shoulders. Both he and Nathan

look like true pirates now.'

'That must please Pagan.'

'Oh, it pleases Pagan very much.'

'Were their injuries severe?' he asked.

'They had been bound and gagged, then shot and tossed into the waters. Their enemies knew they weren't dead yet.'

'They left them to drown.'

'No, they left them for the sharks. The waters were infested with the predators and the fresh blood… drew their notice.'

'My God…'

'The sharks didn't get them, though I will admit there were several close minutes. Pagan lost a good

man in the rescue.'

'Pagan went into those waters with this other man?'

'Yes,' she answered. 'Pagan is the strongest swimmer. Besides, the pirate would never ask others what… he could not do himself.'

Jade started for the door, but was stopped by his next question. 'Are you in love with my Colin?'

'Oh, heaven's no,' she answered. She unlocked the door, then turned back to her new confidant.

'When we next meet, you must pretend not to know me. I'm keeping Caine occupied for the present.

As you know, he's determined to track down Pagan. The hunt has put him at risk, but that soon will be resolved.'

'But Pagan wouldn't…'

'Pagan's protecting Caine,' she said. 'The pirate has been blamed for killing Nathan and Colin. Your government put a price on his head. Caine, as you probably know, has doubled that amount. Now consider what would happen if Caine were able to find Pagan and talked to him before he…'

'Pagan might be able to convince Caine he didn't kill Colin.'

'Exactly,' she replied. 'Do you see? Whoever is behind this treachery wants to make certain Pagan isn't found.'

'Or have Caine killed before he hunts down the truth.'


'My God, Caine is at risk. I must…'

'Do nothing, sir,' Jade announced. 'As I've explained, Pagan is watching out for Caine.'

'Good Lord, Pagan isn't our enemy,' the Duke whispered. 'I owe the man a debt I shall never be able

to repay. Dear lady, is there nothing I can do for you?'

'I must take care of Caine for now,' she answered. 'He's a very stubborn man, but a protector by

nature. He's occupied by thinking he's taking care of my problems now. When Colin comes home, then the three of you can decide what's to be done.'

'Pagan sent you to Caine then?'

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