He took a step away from the door. 'Why are you so interested in…'

'You'll be having two guests in the next few days, Sterns, but no one must tell that they're here. Your staff must keep silent.'

'The Marquess hasn't mentioned any guests to me,' he argued, seeming mildly injured.

Jade rushed past him and threw the door wide. 'Caine doesn't know about the visitors just yet,' she said. 'That's the reason he hasn't told you. It's going to be a surprise, you see.'

She could tell from his befuddled expression that he didn't see. 'I just thought you'd like to be forewarned so you could have the guest chambers made ready,' she explained. She picked up her skirts and started down the steps. 'Now quit frowning, Sterns. I shall tell Caine you tried to keep me inside.'

'And I shall inform mi'lord that you weren't in your room,' he called out.

* * *

Jade found Caine going through the remains of what had been his stables. Only smoldering embers remained. The destruction was absolute.

The horses, she noticed, were now housed in a large rectangular corral the men had just put together.

Caine's white shirt was covered with soot. 'Have you collected all your horses?' she asked when she reached his side.

He slowly turned to look at her. The scowl on his face could very well start a fresh fire. His tone, however, was deceptively mild when he said, 'All but the one you borrowed.'

'Borrowed?' she asked, feigning innocence.

'Go and wait for me in the drawing room,' he commanded.

'But Caine, I want to help.'

'Help?' He almost lost his temper then and there. 'You and your men have helped enough.' Several

deep breaths later, he said, 'Go back inside. Now.'

His roar accomplished his goal. Jade immediately turned around and hurried back to the house. She

could feel Caine's stare on her back and wouldn't have been surprised if her gown had caught fire.

The man was spitting-embers angry.

It would be pointless to try to reason with him now. She'd have to wait until his anger had dissipated

just a little.

When she reached the bottom step, she turned back to him. 'Caine? If you must stay outside, don't be such a bloody easy target.'

Sterns rushed down the stairs, grabbed hold of her elbow, and whispered, 'Do as he orders, Lady Jade. You don't want to prod his temper now. Come along inside now,' he added as he assisted her up the stairs. 'I don't believe I've ever seen mi'lord in such a rage.'

'Yes, he is in a rage,' Jade whispered, irritated by the tremor in her voice. 'Sterns, do you think I might have a cup of tea? This day seems to have gone completely sour,' she added. 'And it's not even half done.'

'Of course I shall fix you some tea,' Sterns rushed out. 'Mi'lady, I'm certain the Marquess didn't mean

to raise his voice to you. Once he gets over his anger, I'm certain he'll apologize.'

'He might not ever get over his anger,' she muttered.

Sterns opened the front door for her, then followed her inside. 'The stables weren't even a month old,'

he said.

Jade tried to pay attention to what Sterns was saying, but Caine's words kept echoing through her mind. You and your men have helped enough. Yes, those were his very words. He knew about Matthew and Jimbo. But how? she wondered, and more importantly, what else did he know?

While Sterns went to see about her tea, Jade paced the confines of the large drawing room. She opened the pair of French doors at the end of the room to let in the fresh spring air. It was a precautionary measure as well, for if Caine was bent on killing her, she'd have a possible escape.

'Nonsense,' she muttered as she resumed her pacing. Caine would never raise his hand against her, no matter how angry he became. Besides, he couldn't possibly know the full truth.

* * *

The front door suddenly bounded open. It banged against the interior wall twice before it was slammed shut. Caine had arrived.

Jade rushed over to the gold brocade settee, sat down, and folded her hands in her lap. She forced a serene smile on her face. He wasn't going to know she was shaking. No, she'd go to her grave before she'd let him know he had her worried. The doors to the drawing room flew open next. Caine filled the entrance. Jade couldn't hold her smile once she saw his expression. He looked ready to kill. Why, he

was so furious, he was actually trembling.

'Where did you go this morning?' he roared.

'Don't take that tone of voice with me, sir. You'll make me deaf.'

'Answer me.'

She glared at him because he'd ignored her order and had shouted once again, then said, 'I went to

visit your dear papa.'

That announcement took a little of the bluster out of him. Then he shook his head. 'I don't believe you.'

'I'm telling you the truth,' she stated.

Caine walked into the room and didn't stop until he towered over her. The tips of his boots touched the hem

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