inside her. Her nails dug into his shoulder blades. She would have shouted for him to come to her if his mouth hadn't covered hers. Caine kept the torment up until she took him in her hands and tried to bring him inside her. He threw the coverlet off the bed, then followed it down to the floor with Jade protected in his arms. He cushioned the fall, taking most of the force on his back. Jade was sprawled on top of him. She tried to roll to her side, but Caine held her tight. 'Take me inside you now, love,' he whispered as he pushed her thighs apart to straddle him.

She was trembling too much to help. Caine took over. He held her by the sides of her hips and slowly eased into her. He let out a low groan of raw pleasure. She whimpered at the same moment.

When he was deep within her, he twisted her hair around his hands and pulled her down for another hot kiss.

The mating rhythm took over. Caine's discipline deserted him. His thrusts became more powerful, more determined. 'Take me to heaven again, Jade,' he whispered when he was about to spill his hot seed

inside her. 'I'll keep you safe.'

Jade found her release seconds later. She arched against Caine, squeezed him tight, biting her lip to keep herself from crying out, and then collapsed on top of him.

Her face was buried in the crook of his neck. They were both covered with a sheen of perspiration.

Jade tasted his skin with the tip of her tongue while she waited for her heart to slow down. She was too exhausted, too content, to move. Caine held her close. She could feel his heart pounding against her own.

'What are you thinking, Jade?' he asked.

When she didn't answer him, he pulled on her hair. 'I know you found fulfillment. Are you going to

deny it now?'

'No,' she whispered shyly.

Caine moved to his feet in one fluid motion with Jade in his arms. When they were both back in bed

and under the covers, she tried to turn her back to him. He wouldn't allow her retreat, but forced her

to face him. 'Well?' he demanded.

'Well, what?' she asked, staring into those dark eyes that made her feel fainthearted.

'I'm good, aren't I?'

The dimple was back in his cheek. She couldn't help but smile. 'Good at what?' she asked, pretending innocence.


She slowly nodded. 'Very good,' she whispered.

'And did I impress you?' he asked.

'Perhaps just a little,' she answered. She let out a gasp when the palm of his hand pressed against the junction of her thighs. 'What are you doing?'

'Impressing you again, sweetheart.'

The man was as good as his word, Jade decided a long while later. And he had far more stamina than

she did. When he finally rolled away from her, she felt like a limp rag.

She fell asleep with Caine holding her close, whispering words of love. She didn't have any nightmares that night.

* * *

By noon, they were back at Caine's house. Matthew and Jimbo couldn't leave for Shallow's Wharf quickly enough. They were both mortified by their slip up of the night before. They'd obviously underestimated the Marquess. Matthew didn't think he'd ever live down the disgrace; though, of course, Jade promised not to tell anyone he'd been caught so unaware.

Hell, Caine had prodded him awake, and how in God's name such a big man was able to get into his

room without making a sound still baffled him.

As soon as they returned to Caine's home, Jade changed her gown and then went to Caine's study to make copies of the letters for him. She listened to him explain his plan. She argued something fierce

about trusting Richards, but agreed that Lyon could hold a confidence.

'When you meet Richards, you'll like him as much as you like Lyon,' Caine replied. 'You'll trust him

as much, too.'

She shook her head. 'Caine, I like Lyon, yes, but that isn't the reason I trust him. No, no,' she

continued. 'Liking and trusting are two different kettles of fish.'

'Then why do you trust Lyon?' he asked, smiling over the censure in her tone.

'I read his file,' she answered. 'Do you know, in comparison, Caine, you've led the life of a choirboy.'

Caine shook his head. 'I wouldn't mention reading his file to him,' he advised.

'Yes,' she agreed. 'He'd probably get as prickly as you did when I told you,' she added. 'Lyon's file is just as fat as yours, but he didn't have a special name.'

Caine looked thoroughly irritated with her. 'Jade, exactly how many files did you read?'

'Just a few,' she replied. 'Caine, I really must concentrate on these letters. Please quit interrupting me.'

The library door opened then, drawing Caine's attention. Nathan walked inside. 'Why hasn't anyone tried to get to you, Caine, since you've been here? It's damned isolated, and I would think…'

'Someone did try to get to Caine the day we arrived, Nathan,' Jade said without looking up.

When Jade didn't continue, Caine filled Nathan in on the details of the failed attempt.

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