'I've been meaning to have a word with Father Laurance,' Duncan muttered.

'You don't like the man?' Gerald asked.

'I do not.'

Madelyne was surprised by her husband's comment. ' Duncan, he's never around you. How can you like or dislike him? You barely know him.'

'Madelyne, the man doesn't do his duty. He hides in his chapel. He's too timid to suit me.'

'I didn't know you were such a religious man,' Gerald interjected.

'He isn't.' Anthony commented

' Duncan just wants the priest to do what he was sent here to do,' Madelyne said. She reached over and refilled Anthony's goblet with more wine.

'He insults me,' Duncan announced. 'This morning a missive arrived by messenger from his monastery. I've requested his replacement. Madelyne wrote the petition for me,' he ended with a boastful tone of voice.

Madelyne nudged Duncan 's arm, nearly upsetting his cup of wine. Duncan knew she didn't want him telling anyone she could read or write. He smiled at her, amused she was ashamed of such a remarkable talent.

'What did the missive say?' Madelyne asked.

'I don't know,' Duncan answered. 'I've had other pressing matters to attend to, wife. It can wait until after dinner.'

Another bellow stopped the conversation. Adela was obviously working herself into a fine state. 'Madelyne, for God's sake, go and make Adela cease her screams. Gerald, I'm beginning to dread your visits,' Duncan told his friend.

Madelyne rushed to soften the rebuke. 'My husband didn't mean to sound rude,' she told Gerald. 'He has many important matters on his mind.'

Duncan sighed, long enough to make his wife turn back to look at him. 'You needn't excuse my behavior, Madelyne. Now see to Adela.'

Madelyne nodded. 'I shall also invite Father Laurance to our dinner table. He won't come, but I'll invite him all the same. If he does give us his presence, please be polite to the man until supper is over. Then you may yell at him.'

It was phrased as a request, yet given in a voice that reeked of command. Duncan scowled at Madelyne. She smiled at him.

As soon as Madelyne left the hall, Gerald said, 'Our king is back in England.' His voice was a low whisper.

'I'm ready,' Duncan answered.

'I'll go with you when the petition arrives,' Gerald said.

Duncan shook his head. 'Surely you can't believe our king will ignore your marriage, Duncan. You'll have to give an accounting for your actions. And I've as much right to challenge Louddon as you have. Perhaps more. I'm determined to kill the bastard.'

'Half of England would like to kill him,' Anthony interjected.

'The petition has already arrived,' Duncan commented. His voice was so mild, it took a moment for the other men to react.

'When?' Gerald demanded.

'Just before you arrived,' Duncan answered.

'When do we ride?' Anthony asked.

'The king demands I leave for London immediately,' Duncan said. 'The day after tomorrow will be soon enough. Anthony, you will stay behind this time.'

The vassal showed no outward reaction to his lord's decision. He was puzzled, however, for he usually rode by his lord's side.

'Will you take Madelyne with you?' Gerald asked.

'No, she'll be safer here.'

'Safe from the king's wrath or from Louddon?'

'Louddon. The king would protect her.'

'You have more faith than I do,' Gerald admitted.

Duncan looked at Anthony now. 'I leave my greatest treasure in your hands, Anthony. This could all be a trap.'

'What do you suggest?' Gerald asked.

'That Louddon has access to the king's seal. The instructions in the missive weren't given in the king's voice. That is what I'm suggesting.'

'How many men will you take and how many will you leave to guard Madelyne?' Anthony asked. He was already thinking about the protection of the fortress. 'This could be a plan to get you away from here so that Louddon can attack. He knows you won't take Madelyne with you, I'm thinking.'

Duncan nodded. 'I've considered that.'

'I've only a hundred men with me now,' Gerald interjected. 'I'll leave them here, with Anthony, if that is your wish, Duncan.'

Gerald and Anthony discussed the issues of numbers while Duncan stood up and walked over to stand in front of the fire. He happened to turn just in time to see Madelyne go around the corner. She was probably going to speak to Father Laurance now, he thought. The little boy, Willie, had hold of her skirt and was running to keep up.

Duncan dismissed his wife from his mind when Anthony and Gerald joined him again. A good ten minutes elapsed in heated debate over the defense of Wexton fortress Anthony and Gerald both pulled up chairs and Duncan also sat down in the chair Madelyne had declared belonged to him.

All of a sudden, Willie came running into the hall. The child skidded to a halt when he saw Duncan. Willie had a wild, terrified look in his eyes.

Duncan thought the boy looked as though he'd just seen the devil. He never took his gaze off the child. Willie timidly walked over to stand beside Duncan 's chair.

'What is it, lad? Do you wish to speak to me?' Duncan asked. He kept his voice soft so the little one wouldn't become any more frightened.

Anthony started to ask Duncan a question, but his baron held up a hand for silence.

Duncan turned in his chair until he was facing the child. He leaned down and motioned Willie closer. Willie started whimpering, but he edged between Duncan 's legs, sucking on his thumb while he stared up at his lord.

Duncan 's patience was wearing thin. Suddenly Willie pulled his thumb out of his mouth and whispered, 'He's hitting her.'

Duncan bounded out of the chair, overturning it, and was halfway across the room before Gerald and Anthony knew what was happening.

'What's going on?' Gerald asked Anthony when the vassal started after his lord.

Gerald was the last to catch the fear. 'Madelyne.' Anthony shouted her name. Gerald jumped to his feet and chased after Anthony. His sword was drawn before he reached the steps.

Duncan reached the chapel first. The door was barred against him but he made quick work of ripping it apart. Rage gave him added strength.

The sound he made alerted Father Laurance. When Duncan rushed into the vestibule, the priest was using Madelyne as his shield. He held her in front of him and pointed a dagger against the side of her neck.

Duncan didn't look at Madelyne. He didn't dare. His rage would explode then. He kept his attention totally focused on the demented man challenging him.

'If you come any closer, I'll slit her throat,' the priest screamed. He was slowly backing away, half dragging, half pulling his hostage.

Each step the priest took in retreat, Duncan measured with a step in advance.

The priest backed up against a small square table laden with burning candles. He dared a quick look behind him, obviously judging the distance around the obstacle to the side door, and that was the miscalculation Duncan was waiting for.

Duncan attacked. He wrenched the knife away from Madelyne's face, forcing the blunt side of the blade

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