'Damn, this is all my fault,' Duncan stated. 'I should have seen to my household as thoroughly as I see to my men's training.'

Madelyne put her hands on Duncan 's shoulders. ' 'Tis my duty to see to your home. Though, now that I think about it, none of this would have happened if-'

His sigh stopped her. 'I know, none of this would have happened if I'd been there to protect you,' he interjected.

His voice was filled with anguish. Madelyne shook her head. 'I wasn't going to say that,' she told him. 'You mustn't jump to conclusions, Duncan. It's a sorry trait. Besides, you have more important matters to attend to.'

'You come before everyone and everything else,' Duncan stated quite emphatically.

'Well, I was only going to tell you that this wouldn't have happened if I'd known how to protect myself.'

'What are you suggesting?' Duncan asked. He really didn't have a clue as to what was going on inside her mind. He smiled then, for he had just realized he rarely did know what she was thinking.

'Father Laurance wasn't much bigger than I am,' she said. 'Ansel is just my height.'

'How did my squire get into this conversation?' Duncan asked.

'Ansel is learning about defense,' Madelyne announced. 'Therefore, you must instruct me in the ways of defending myself also. You see the way of it, don't you?'

He didn't, but decided not to argue with her. 'We'll speak of this later,' Duncan announced.

Madelyne nodded. 'Then you must now see to my needs, Duncan. I order it.'

Duncan reacted to the teasing tone in her voice. 'And what is this order you dare give your husband?' he asked.

Madelyne explained by slowly pulling the ribbon free that kept her chemise in place. The garment edged off her shoulders. Duncan shook his head, trying to deny her. 'You're too bruised to think of-'

'You'll think of a way,' Madelyne interrupted. 'I know I don't look very pretty now. I do look a fright, don't I?'

'You're bruised, as ugly as one of your Cyclops, and I can barely stand to look at you.'

His words made her laugh. She knew he was teasing because he was trying to pull her down on top of him and take her chemise off at the same time.

'Then you'll have to close your eyes when you make love to me,' Madelyne instructed Duncan.

'I'll suffer through it,' he promised.

'I can still feel his touch,' Madelyne whispered. Her voice had a tremor in it now. 'I need you to touch me now. You'll make me forget. I'll feel clean again, Duncan. Do you understand?'

Duncan answered her by kissing her. Madelyne soon forgot everything but kissing him back. Within moments only the two of them mattered.

And she was cleansed in body and heart.

Chapter Nineteen

'Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'

New Testament, John, 8:38

Though it was ironic, the attack Madelyne suffered helped to reconcile Gerald and Adela.

Madelyne had insisted on eating dinner with the family and their guest. When she and Duncan walked into the hall, Adela was already seated at the table. Gerald was pacing in front of the fireplace, looking lost in thought.

Duncan sighed, letting Madelyne know he wasn't in any mood for another one of Adela's scenes. Madelyne started to tell him to please be patient and then decided against it. She wasn't in the mood for dissension either.

When Adela saw Madelyne, she let out a loud gasp. She completely forgot Gerald. 'What has happened to you? Did Silenus finally unseat you?' she asked.

Madelyne turned to frown at Duncan. 'Just before we left our room, I specifically remember you telling me I looked all right' she whispered to him.

'I lied,' Duncan answered, grinning.

'I should have looked in Adela's mirror,' Madelyne returned. 'Adela looks like she's going to be sick. Will I ruin everyone's appetite, do you suppose?'

Duncan shook his head. 'An invasion wouldn't wreck my hunger. I've just used up all my strength trying to satisfy your-'

She nudged him to be quiet, for they were close enough for Adela to overhear. 'I needed you to love me,' she whispered. 'I've forgotten all about the priest's foul touch now. It was the only reason I was a little… bold.'

'Bold?' Duncan chuckled. 'Madelyne love, you turned into a-'

She nudged him again, more forcefully, then turned to watch Gerald and Adela.

It was Gerald, in fact, who gave Adela explanation about Madelyne's injuries.

'Oh, Madelyne, you look terrible,' Adela confessed in a sympathetic voice.

'It's a sin to lie,' Madelyne said to Duncan, glaring at him.

Duncan demanded Father Laurance's name not be mentioned during dinner. Everyone complied. Adela went back to ignoring Gerald too. The baron offered Duncan 's sister a compliment when everyone stood to leave the table. Adela made a rude comment back to him.

Duncan 's patience was gone. 'I would speak to both of you,' he demanded. His voice had a hard edge to it.

Adela looked frightened, Gerald looked puzzled, and Madelyne looked like she was going to smile.

Everyone followed Duncan over to the hearth. Duncan sat in his chair, but when Gerald started to take a chair for his own, Duncan said, 'Nay, Gerald. Stand next to Adela.'

He turned to Adela then and demanded, 'Do you trust me to know what's best for you?'

Adela slowly nodded. Her eyes were as large as trenchers, Madelyne thought.

'Then let Gerald kiss you. Now.'

'What?' Adela sounded appalled.

Duncan frowned over her reaction. 'When my wife was attacked by Laurence, she wanted me to wipe the memory away. Adela, you've never been kissed or touched by a man who loves you. I suggest you let Gerald kiss you now and then decide if you are repelled or enlightened.'

Madelyne thought it was a wonderful plan.

Adela was turning red with embarrassment. 'In front of everyone?' she asked. Her voice sounded like a squeak.

Gerald smiled. He took hold of Adela's hand. 'I would kiss you in front of the world if you'd allow it,' he told her.

Duncan thought Gerald was going a little overboard, telling Adela she could allow or disallow, yet he kept his thoughts to himself.

Besides, his command was finally being carried out. Before Adela could back away, Gerald leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

Duncan 's sister looked up at Gerald in confusion. And then he kissed her again. His hands never touched her but his mouth held her captive all the same.

Madelyne felt foolish watching the pair. She walked over and sat on the arm of Duncan 's chair and tried to stare at the ceiling instead of the two people kissing each other so thoroughly.

When Gerald took a step back, Madelyne looked at Adela. Duncan 's sister looked flushed, embarrassed, and

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