Madelyne edged the door open. She saw Clarissa sitting on a padded cushion in the window well. Louddon was standing next to his sister. His back faced Madelyne. Clarissa was looking up at her brother. Both held goblets in their hands.

'Rachael was very beautiful,' Louddon said. His voice was harsh. 'When Father turned against her, I was amazed. Rachael was such an appealing woman. Father forced the marriage, Clarissa. It was assumed that Baron Rhinehold would wed her.'

Clarissa snorted. Madelyne watched her take a long drink from her cup. Dark red wine spilled down the front of her gown, but Clarissa seemed oblivious to the mess and poured another cupful from the jug she held in her other hand.

The sister was as pretty as Louddon, with the same white-blond hair and hazel eyes. Her expression, when she was angry, was also just as ugly as her brother's. 'Rhinehold was no match for our father back then,' Clarissa said. 'But Father was played the fool, wasn't he? In the end Rachael mocked him. I wonder, Louddon, if Rhinehold knows Rachael was carrying his child when she wed our father?'

'No,' Louddon answered. 'Rachael was never allowed to see Rhinehold. When Madelyne was born, Father wouldn't even look at her. Rachael was punished for her folly.'

'And you hoped Rachael would turn to you for comfort, didn't you, Louddon?' Clarissa asked. She laughed when Louddon turned to glare at her. 'You were in love with her,' she goaded. 'Rachael thought you were disgusting, though, didn't she? If she didn't have her brat to look after, I think she really might have killed herself. God knows I suggested it to her often enough. Perhaps, brother dear, Rachael didn't fall down those steps. She might have been pushed.'

'You were always jealous of Rachael, Clarissa,' Louddon snapped. 'Just as you're now jealous of her daughter, illegitimate or not'

'I'm not jealous of anyone,' Clarissa screamed. 'God, I'm looking forward to getting this over and done with. Then I swear I'm going to tell Madelyne about Rhinehold. I might even tell her you killed her mother'

'You will say nothing,' Louddon screamed. He slapped the goblet out of Clarissa's hand. 'You're a fool, sister. I didn't kill Rachael. She did slip and fall down those steps.'

'She was trying to get away from you when she fell.' Clarissa sneered.

'Let it be,' Louddon yelled. 'And no one must ever know Madelyne isn't one of us. The shame would affect you and me.'

'Will the little bitch do as you demand? Will Madelyne perform before our king the way you have decided? Or will she turn against you, Louddon?'

'She'll do whatever I tell her to do,' Louddon boasted. 'She obeys me because she's afraid. What a coward she is. She hasn't changed in temperament since she was a child. Besides, our little Madelyne knows I'll kill Berton if she displeases me.'

''Tis a shame about Morcar's death,' Clarissa said. 'He would have paid handsomely for Madelyne. Now no one will want her.'

'You're wrong, Clarissa. I want her. I won't let anyone marry her.'

Madelyne shut the door on Clarissa's obscene laughter. She made it to the chamber pot just in time to throw up the bile from her stomach.

She wept for her mother, Rachael, and the hell Louddon and his father had put her through. She'd been appalled to learn that Rachael had gone to her marriage bed carrying another man's child. And then the full truth dawned on Madelyne. She wept tears of joy next, for she'd just realized she wasn't blood relative to Louddon after all.

She'd heard the name Rhinehold from Duncan, knew they were allies. She wondered if Baron Rhinehold was in court. She wanted to see what he looked like. Had he ever married? Louddon was right; no one must ever know… and yet, Madelyne knew she'd tell Duncan the truth. Why, he'd probably be as pleased as she was.

She was finally able to force her emotions under control. She would need her wits about her. Aye, she must try to protect Father Berton and Duncan. Louddon believed Madelyne would willingly betray one to save the other. There was also the problem of Adela, of course, but Madelyne wasn't concerned about Duncan 's sister now

Nay, Gerald would marry Adela soon, and when that happened, the king couldn't very well threaten to give Adela to Louddon.

Madelyne spent most of the night formulating her plan. She prayed Louddon would stay predictable, that Duncan would remain safe, and that God would give her courage for the battle ahead.

She finally closed her eyes to sleep. And then she played the same pretense she used to play when she was a little girl. Whenever she was frightened that Louddon was going to take her back home, she'd pretend Odysseus was standing over her, guarding her. The pretense changed, however. It was not Odysseus but Duncan standing guard now.

Aye, she'd found someone more powerful than Odysseus. She had her wolf to protect her now.

The following afternoon Madelyne accompanied Louddon to meet with their king. When they neared the king's private chambers, Louddon turned to Madelyne and smiled at her. 'I am counting on your honesty, Madelyne. You need only tell the king what has happened to your home and to you. I'll do the rest.'

'And the truth will damn Duncan, is that what you believe?' Madelyne asked.

Louddon's smile abruptly soured. He did not like the tone his sister used with him. 'Dare you find your backbone now, Madelyne? Remember your precious uncle. Even now I have men ready to ride. If I give the word, Berton's throat will be slit.'

'How do I know you haven't already killed him?' Madelyne argued. 'Aye,' she added when Louddon grabbed hold of her arm in a threatening manner. 'You can't control your temper, Louddon. You never could. How do I know you haven't already killed my uncle?'

Louddon proved her comment about his temper was accurate. He lashed out, striking her face. The bejeweled ring he wore cut the edge of her lip. Blood immediately began to trickle down Madelyne's chin. 'Look what you've made me do,' Louddon bellowed. He arched his hand again to inflict another blow, and suddenly found himself slammed up against the wall next to Madelyne.

Anthony had appeared out of the shadows. He now had Louddon by his neck, and was giving Madelyne every indication he was going to strangle her brother.

Madelyne had deliberately provoked her brother into losing his temper. God's truth, she wasn't even thankful for Anthony's interference. 'Anthony, unhand my brother,' Madelyne commanded. Her voice was harsh but she softened the order by placing her hand on the vassal's shoulder. 'Please, Anthony.'

The vassal shook off his anger, let go of Louddon, and calmly watched the baron crumble into a coughing fit to the floor.

Madelyne took advantage of her brother's weakened condition. She leaned up and whispered into Anthony's ear. ' 'Tis time for me to put my plan into action. No matter what I do or say, do not argue with it. I am protecting Duncan.'

Anthony nodded so that Madelyne would know he'd understood her. He longed to ask her if her plan was to goad Louddon into killing her. And why was she thinking to protect Duncan? It was obvious to the vassal that his mistress wasn't the least bit concerned about her own safety.

It took all of Anthony's determination not to show any reaction when Madelyne helped Louddon to his feet. He didn't want Madelyne to touch the bastard.

'Louddon, I don't believe you haven't harmed Uncle Berton,' Madelyne said when her brother tried to drag her away from Anthony. 'We will solve this problem here and now.'

Louddon was astonished by Madelyne's boldness. His sister wasn't acting timid or frightened now. 'What do you think to tell the king when he notices the marks on my face, Louddon?'

'You aren't going to see the king,' Louddon bellowed. 'I've changed my mind. I'm taking you back to your chambers, Madelyne. I'll speak to our leader on your behalf.'

Madelyne pulled out of her brother's grasp. 'He'll want to see me and hear my explanation,' she said. 'Today, tomorrow, or next week, Louddon,' she added. 'You have only extended the wait. And do you know what I'll tell our king?'

'The truth.' Louddon sneered. 'Aye, your honesty will trap Baron Wexton.' He actually laughed over his own announcement. 'You can't help yourself, Madelyne.'

'I would tell the truth if I spoke to the king. But I'm not going to say a word. I'll simply stand there and stare

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