Duncan 's second-in-command, a large but soft-spoken man by the name of Robert, came running up to give his accounting. While Gerald sought to hush Adela, Robert explained that the king's soldiers had come for Madelyne.

'Was the king's seal on this missive?' Duncan asked.

Robert frowned over the question. 'I do not know, Baron. I didn't see the summons. And your wife insisted that she take the letter with her.' Robert lowered his voice to a whisper when he added, 'She didn't want anyone to read the contents of the summons to your sister.'

Duncan wasn't sure what to make of his wife's action. He concluded the directive must have included some sort of threat toward Adela and that Madelyne was trying to protect his sister from worry.

The king wouldn't have threatened. Nay, William wouldn't treat his loyal barons in such a way. Duncan had sufficient faith in his leader to believe his king would wait to hear all the explanations.

Louddon's hand was in this treachery. Duncan would stake his life on it.

He immediately shouted the order to prepare to ride again. Duncan was so angry, he could barely think logically. The only calming thought was the fact that Anthony had gone with Madelyne. His loyal vassal had taken a small contingent of Duncan 's fittest warriors with him. Robert explained that Anthony dared not take too many soldiers, lest the king think he was being distrustful.

'Then Anthony believes the summons came directly from our king?' Duncan asked.

'I was not privy to his thoughts,' Robert answered.

Duncan called for a fresh mount. When the stablemaster led Silenus to him, Duncan asked why Madelyne hadn't chosen his stallion to carry her to court.

James, unaccustomed to speaking directly to his lord, stammered out his reply. 'She worried her brother would abuse the horse if he found out Silenus belonged to you, milord. Those were her true words.'

Duncan nodded, accepting the explanation. How like his gentle wife to be concerned about the horse. 'She demanded one of the king's horses,' James added.

Adela actually begged to go along with them. Duncan had already gained his saddle but was forced by his sister's hysterics to wait precious minutes while Gerald disengaged himself from his intended.

After declining Adela's plea to go with them, Gerald had to vow on his mother's grave he'd return to her unscratched, a vow Duncan knew to be false since Gerald's mother was still alive. He certainly didn't comment on the contradiction, for he saw how Gerald's promise had calmed his sister.

'Will you be able to catch up with milady?' James dared to ask his lord.

Duncan turned to look down at the stablemaster. He saw the frightened look in the man's eyes and was warmed by his concern. 'I'm at least a week late,' Duncan said. 'But I will bring your mistress back, James.'

Those were the last words Duncan spoke until he was halfway to London. If the horses hadn't needed rest, Gerald thought Duncan wouldn't have stopped at all.

Baron Wexton separated himself from his men. Gerald left him alone for a few minutes and then went over to speak to him. 'I would offer you a word of advice, friend.'

Duncan turned to look at Gerald. 'Remember my reaction when I saw Morcar. Don't let your rage control you, though I vow I'll try to defend your back while we are in court.'

Duncan nodded. 'I'll be under control as soon as I see Madelyne. She's been in court at least a week now. God only knows what Louddon has done to her. I swear to God, Gerald, if he has touched her, I'll…'

'Louddon has too much at stake to harm her, Duncan. He needs her support, not her anger. Nay, there will be too many people watching him. Louddon will play the loving brother.'

'I pray you're right,' Duncan answered. 'I… worry about her.'

Gerald patted him on the shoulder. 'Hell, man, you're scared of losing her, just as I was scared of losing Adela.'

'What an arrogant pair we make,' Duncan announced. 'Don't worry about my anger. When I see my wife, I'll be disciplined again.'

'Yes, well, there is another issue that needs discussion,' Gerald confessed. 'Adela told me about the letter you received from the monastery.'

'How could she know about the letter?' Duncan asked.

'Your Madelyne told her. It seems she found the letter and read it.'

Duncan 's shoulders sagged. His worries had just multiplied. He wasn't sure what his wife would do. 'Did Adela tell you how Madelyne reacted? Was she angry. God, I hope she was angry.'

Gerald shook his head. 'Why would you want her angry?'

'I lied to Madelyne, Gerald, and I would hope she's angry over the lie. I don't want her to think that I… used her in ill faith.' Duncan shrugged. It was difficult for him to put his feelings into words. 'When I first met Madelyne, she tried to convince me Louddon wouldn't come after her. She told me she wasn't worthy of his attention. Madelyne wasn't trying to deceive me, Gerald. God's truth, she really believed what she said. Louddon made her feel that way, of course. She was under his thumb for nearly two years.'

'Two years?'

'Aye, from the time her mother died until he sent her to her uncle, Louddon was Madelyne's sole guardian. You know as well as I what cruelty Louddon is capable of, Gerald. I've seen Madelyne grow stronger each day, but she is still… vulnerable.'

Gerald nodded. 'I know you wish you'd been the one to tell her that Laurance wasn't a true man of the cloth, but consider how unprepared she would have been if Louddon had been the one to explain it.'

'Aye, he would have caught her unprepared,' Duncan admitted. 'Do you know that Madelyne asked me to teach her how to defend herself. There wasn't time. Nay, I didn't make time. If anything happens to her…'

Duncan was a man tormented. His innocent wife was back in the devil's hands. The thought chilled his soul.

Gerald didn't know what words to offer to give Duncan solace. 'The moon gives us sufficient light to continue on through the night,' he suggested.

'Then we will take advantage of the light.'

The barons didn't speak again until they'd gained their destination.

Madelyne tried to sleep. She was locked inside the chamber next to her sister Clarissa's room. The walls were parchment-thin. Madelyne tried not to listen to the discussion Louddon was having with Clarissa.

She'd already heard enough. Madelyne was so sickened by her sister and her brother, she'd made herself ill. Her stomach wouldn't keep any food down and her head pounded with pain.

Louddon had been very predictable. He greeted her in front of the king's soldiers, kissed her on the cheek, even embraced her. Aye, he played the role of loving brother, especially in front of Anthony. As soon as they were alone in her chambers, however, Louddon had turned on her. He raged accusations, ending his tirade by knocking Madelyne to the floor with a powerful fist against her cheek. It was the same cheek he'd kissed in greeting.

Her brother regretted his outburst immediately, for he realized Madelyne's face was going to bruise. Since he knew some of his enemies would conclude he was responsible, he kept Madelyne locked in her room and gave everyone the excuse that his sister had been through such an ordeal in the hands of Baron Wexton that she would need a few days to regain her strength.

Yet, while Louddon had been predictable, Clarissa had proven to be a devastating disappointment to Madelyne. When she had time to think about it, Madelyne realized she'd built up a fanciful picture of her older sister. Madelyne wanted to believe Clarissa cared about her. Yet every time she sent messages to both her sisters, neither Clarissa nor Sara ever bothered to answer her. Madelyne had always made excuses for their behavior. Now she realized the truth. Clarissa was every bit as self-serving as Louddon.

Sara hadn't even come to London. Clarissa explained her absence by telling Madelyne that Sara was newly married to Baron Ruchiers and didn't wish to leave his side. Madelyne hadn't even known Sara was betrothed to anyone.

Madelyne gave up trying to rest. Clarissa's voice grated like a shrill rooster's call. The sister was prone to whine, was doing so now as she complained to Louddon about the humiliation Madelyne had caused her.

A snatch of conversation drew her over to the connecting door. Clarissa was talking about Rachael. Her voice was filled with loathing as she so easily defamed Madelyne's mother. Madelyne knew Louddon hated Rachael, yet never thought his two sisters felt the same way.

'You wanted the bitch from the day she walked through the door,' Clarissa said.

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