She slowly nodded. And then she braved a smile for him. 'I was hoping you wouldn't ask,' she whispered. 'It would seem, Anthony, in our king's mind, there are two sisters, two barons. William wants the feud ended, suggesting that perhaps… aye, he uses just that word, perhaps each sister be returned to the rightful brother.'

Madelyne's eyes brimmed with tears. 'The other alternative is for Duncan to wed me,' she whispered.

'The king obviously doesn't know you're already wed,' Anthony interjected. His frown intensified, for he knew Madelyne wasn't aware of the fact she really wasn't married to Duncan yet.

'And if Duncan weds me, then Adela will become Louddon's bride.'

'God help us,' Anthony muttered with disgust.

'Adela mustn't know about this, Anthony,' Madelyne rushed out 'I will tell her only the king demands my presence.'

Anthony nodded. 'Can you write as well as read, Madelyne?' he suddenly asked.

When Madelyne nodded, he said, 'Then perhaps, if the king hasn't already dispatched his troops, we might gain a little time.'

'Time for your husband to return to you,' Anthony told her.

The vassal hurried over to the chest, picked up the oblong wooden box, and carried it over to Madelyne. 'There is parchment and dye inside,' he told Madelyne.

Madelyne sat down and quickly prepared for the task ahead. Anthony turned his back on her. He began to pace while he decided what he'd tell his king.

Madelyne noticed the rolled missive on the table then, next to the jar of flowers. The torn seal was from Roanne monastery. Out of curiousity, she took the time to read the letter from Father Laurance's superiors.

Anthony turned back to Madelyne just as she was finishing the missive. He recognized the seal, knew then the pretense was over. 'He didn't want you to worry,' Anthony said to Madelyne. He put his hand on her shoulder, offering her comfort.

Madelyne didn't make any comment. She tilted her head up to look at him. Anthony was stunned by the amazing change in his mistress. She looked very serene. He knew then how terrified she really was. Aye, it was the same expression she wore those first few weeks she'd been Duncan 's captive.

He didn't know how to help her. If he tried to explain that Duncan meant to marry her as soon as he returned, he might just make the situation worse. They both knew the baron had lied to Madelyne. 'Madelyne, your husband loves you,' he said, sorry he couldn't keep the harshness out of his voice.

'He isn't my husband, is he, Anthony?'

She didn't give him time to answer but turned her back on him. 'What is it you wish me to say to our king?' she asked. Her voice was mild, almost pleasant.

Anthony admitted defeat. He'd have to leave the explanation to Duncan, he decided. He turned his attention to his dictation.

In the end, it was a simple message, giving only the notification that Baron Wexton hadn't returned to his fortress, and therefore had no knowledge of the king's demand.

Anthony made Madelyne read the message twice. When he was satisfied, she fanned the parchment dry, then oiled the back until it was pliable enough to roll into a scroll.

Anthony gave the message to the king's soldier and commanded him to make haste returning to his king.

Madelyne went to her room to pack her gowns. It was a precaution, for Madelyne knew the king's soldiers could arrive at any moment.

She went and explained to Adela what had happened, using most of the afternoon to visit with her friend. She didn't tell Adela the exact wording of the king's message. Nay, Madelyne deliberately left out any mention about Adela possibly going to Louddon.

Madelyne wouldn't ever let that happen. Nor would she put Duncan in the position of having to choose.

She didn't eat dinner that night but went up to the tower room instead. Madelyne stood in front of the window for over an hour, letting her emotions control her mind.

Laurance really should have been found out sooner. Madelyne blamed herself for being too preoccupied to notice all the little oddities. Then she blamed Duncan. If he hadn't frightened her so much during that wedding ceremony, she'd have caught on to Laurence's deception.

She never considered the possibility that Duncan knew all along. No, she was certain he thought Laurance had truly married them. She was still angry. He had blatantly lied to her about the contents of the letter from the Roanne monastery. Duncan knew how much she valued the truth. She never lied to him. 'Just you wait until I get my hands on you,' she muttered. 'Adela isn't the only one who knows how to scream.'

Her burst of anger didn't help her mood much. She started to cry again.

By midnight she had exhausted herself. She leaned against the window. The moon was bright. Madelyne wondered if it was shining down on Duncan now. Did he sleep outdoors tonight or in one of the king's chambers?

Madelyne's attention turned to the crest of the hill outside the wall. A movement had caught her eye, and she looked just in time to see her wolf climb the ridge.

It really was a wolf, wasn't it? Maybe even the same one she'd seen months before. The animal looked large enough.

She wished Duncan were here, standing beside her, so she could prove to him that her wolf did exist. She watched the animal lift the meaty bone she'd left there for him, turn, and disappear down the other side of the hill.

Madelyne was so exhausted, she decided she was getting fanciful again. It was probably just another wild dog after all, and not even the one she'd seen before.

Duncan was her wolf. He loved her. Madelyne never doubted him on that issue. Aye, he lied to her about the letter, yet she instinctively knew he'd never lie to her about his love for her.

It was a comforting admission. Duncan was too honorable to deceive her in such a manner.

She tried to sleep. Fear made it impossible though. How content she'd been to let Duncan take care of the future. She felt so safe because she carried his name. Aye, she was bound to him.

Until today.

Now she was terrified again. The king demanded her attendance in court. She was going back to Louddon.

Madelyne began to pray. She pleaded with God to keep Duncan safe. She asked favor for Adela's future, Gerald's, too, and even prayed for Edmond and Gilard.

And then she whispered a prayer for herself. She begged for courage.

Courage to face the devil.

Chapter Twenty-One

'Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.'

Old Testament, Proverbs, 26:5

Duncan knew something was wrong the minute he rode into the lower bailey. Anthony wasn't there to greet him, and neither was Madelyne.

A feeling of dread settled around his heart. He goaded his stallion forward, galloped over the bridge and into the courtyard.

Adela came rushing out of the castle just as he and Gerald dismounted. She hesitated a short distance away from the two men, finally seemed to make up her mind, and then ran and threw herself into Gerald's arms. When she embraced him, she started to cry.

It took patience and several long minutes to gain any information from Adela.

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