
'Mr. Jones, about my inventory-'

'If you want to move it, we'll move it for you.'

Kate was so frustrated she wanted to scream. How many boxes had been taken to the warehouse? It appeared the only way to find out was to drive there and see for herself.

They'd have to be moved immediately. She could stack them in her garage, she supposed, but then she'd have to move them again when the house went on the market. Oh Lord, how was she going to tell Isabel and Kiera?

First things first. She tried to get her sisters on the phone to tell them she'd be late, but the answering machine picked up. She left a message informing them that she was back in town but was going over to the warehouse before she came home.

She was just pulling out of the parking lot to get back onto the highway when she noticed how low she was on gas. Since she was in an unfamiliar part of the city, it took her a while to find a filling station. She spotted a McDonald's across the street and decided to get a Diet Coke. She wasn't in a hurry to get to the warehouse because she didn't want to have to wait for Jones.

She arrived at the warehouse a half hour later. It was located at the end of a long winding street in an area that was earmarked for renovation by the city. There were already several trendy lofts just a few blocks away. Pembroke Street hadn't been touched yet, and there were potholes everywhere, requiring a lot of zigzagging. The empty storefronts with broken windows hadn't been repaired yet, but the projected turnaround in this blighted area of Silver Springs and the expansion that would follow were exactly what Kate had been looking for.

The building was still quite a distance from her house, but the rent was doable-or at least she used to think it was-and she had intended to put in a security system for the safety of the employees.

The employees she might have to let go.

'Stop feeling sorry for yourself,' she whispered.

Kate pulled into the lot and parked directly in front of the side door. There weren't any other cars or vans around.

She was about to turn the motor off when her phone rang. She sat back, adjusted the vents, and picked up the phone.

'It's Jones. Are you there yet?'

'Yes,' she answered.

'I should be there in about five minutes,' he said. 'Help yourself to some coffee while you wait.'

'No, thank you.'

'You don't drink coffee?'

'No,' she replied, wondering why they were having this inane conversation.

'Would you mind turning the pot off? Last time I forgot I nearly burned the place down.'

That comment didn't instill a lot of confidence in Kate. 'Yes, I'll turn it off,' she said. 'But about my inventory…' she continued impatiently.


'I'm going to have those boxes moved tomorrow. They never should have been sent over in the first place.'

'I'm really sorry if there's been a mix-up, Miss MacKenna. I'll do whatever you want. I'll see you in a few minutes.'

He disconnected the call before she could tell him that meeting him was really a waste of his time and hers, that she wasn't going to be making any improvements because she wasn't going to be renting the space. Still, she did want to see how many boxes of her scented candles and body lotion had been moved.

Kate tossed her phone on the seat next to her, but it struck her purse, bounced to the floor, and rolled under the seat.

She unfastened her seat belt and was reaching for the phone when the engine began to make an all too familiar knocking sound. She knew what that meant. She quickly turned the air conditioner off and then the motor so that it could cool down. Otherwise, it would be impossible to start again. She leaned across the console and bent down to get her phone.

She was digging under the seat when the warehouse exploded.

The blast, like a sonic boom, rocked Kate's car and blew out the windows. Had she been sitting in the driver's seat, her face would have been slashed by the razor-sharp chunks of glass flying through the air. The shards pounded the hood and roof of her car and impaled the sides. Next came the wall of fire that blew through the building and rolled across the parking lot. The tires of her car buckled from the intense heat. The dashboard stayed in one piece as it was ripped free and propelled through the back window. It landed on top of the Dumpster across the lot.

Kate lay unconscious on the floor, unaware of the destruction surrounding her.

Chapter Thirteen

Those were the first words out of Kiera's mouth when she was finally allowed to see her sister. Kate had been taken to the Silver Springs hospital and had just been moved to her room and helped into her bed when both her sisters came storming in.

'Haven't you been there and done that already?' Kiera asked with a worried smile. She was so overcome with joy that Kate hadn't been seriously injured there were tears in her eyes.

Isabel was beside herself. 'You could have been killed. Why do you have to do things like this?'

'She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time,' Kiera said.

Isabel was shaking her head. 'That's it, Kate. I'm not going to ever let you leave the house again. I'll even give up college and stay home to make sure you stay put and out of harm's way.'

'Isabel, you're not being reasonable,' Kiera said.

'Reasonable?' She sounded frantic now. 'Is it reasonable to get yourself blown up twice in one week? Is that reasonable?' She looked at Kate, pointed a finger, and stammered, 'You scared me.' She burst into tears and turned her back on Kate. 'I mean it. I'm not going to college.'

Kiera walked over to the bed. 'She's been like this since we heard, but now that she knows you're fine, she'll stop crying.'

Kate's head was killing her, and it was difficult to follow the conversation. She was in a dark room, but when Isabel pulled the drapes open, Kate winced. Isabel noticed and immediately closed them again.

'You were really lucky. Your skull should have been split wide open.'

'Oh, that's a picture I won't soon be forgetting, Kiera,' Isabel snapped. She grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes.

'Jordan's called a couple of times,' Kiera said, ignoring Isabel now. 'She's worried about you.'

'How did she know-'

'She called to say hello and Isabel told her what happened and how the fire department had to pry you out of your car. It's totaled, by the way.'

'You should be thankful I didn't call Aunt Nora. She's only now unpacking, I bet, but she would have dropped everything and come back here. She'd make sure you didn't take any more crazy chances,' Isabel said.

Kate closed her eyes. 'When can I go home?'

'Tomorrow at the earliest. The doctor may want to keep you longer.'

Isabel's voice shook. 'Your face looks sunburned. It's probably from the fire. Kate, do you have any idea how close you came to being killed?'

'You aren't going to start crying again, are you?' Kiera asked.

'Sorry. I can't be a robot like you and keep my emotions all bottled up.'

Kiera didn't respond to the comment. 'We should go and let you rest,' she said to Kate.

'Wait,' Kate whispered, surprised her voice sounded so weak. 'What happened?'

'You don't remember?'

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