our way home. He might even wait until tomorrow to bring it up. If I were to push my hair back and point to the stitches, I might get him to say something before.'

The cook had joined them a few minutes before and now asked her mistress's permission to make a suggestion.

'Yes, Elyne?' Jamie asked.

'Why not make a wager?'

Brenna embraced Elyne's idea. If Connor ignored her injury, then she wanted Jamie to plant flowers in front of Connor's home to make it look as inviting as Jamie's. If Connor commented on the injury, then Jamie wanted Brenna to promise to come and see her at least once a week, no matter what the weather or schedule.

Rules were firmly set down so that neither lady would be able to sway the outcome in her favor. Elyne was given the important duty of hiding in the hallway to make certain trickery, such as hints, wasn't used.

The brothers could hear their wives' laughter from outside the entrance and smiled in reaction. Alec was pleased his wife was enjoying her visitor, and Connor was relieved Brenna wasn't as nervous with Jamie as she'd been with Alec.

Brenna heard the doors open and immediately helped Grace get off her lap. She stood up, keeping her back to her husband, and pretended concentration as she folded the plaid the little girl had discarded.

As soon as Grace spotted her father striding toward the table, she went running to the opposite end.

Alec took his place at the head of the table. Jamie sat on his left. Brenna let Connor have the stool across from Jamie and took her seat next to him. Grace was the last to sit down. She and her father faced each other at least sixteen stools apart. Once the little girl had scooted the stool up close to the table, she sat down, stacked her arms on the table, dropped her chin down on top, and stared at her father.

Connor barely glanced at Brenna. He did ask her if everything was all right, but she assumed he only wanted to know if she had stayed out of trouble as he had suggested before he left, and she gave him a quick nod in answer.

'Where are your other children?' Brenna asked Jamie.

'Alec gave them permission to stay outside with Gavin and his wife for another hour,' Jamie explained before turning to her husband. 'Have you told Connor the news yet?'

'No, I haven't,' Alec replied with a smile.

'Is it good news?' Brenna asked.

'Oh, yes, Brenna,' Jamie answered. 'It's very good news.'

'I've just received word, Connor, your stepmother and her son are on their way to your holding. They should reach your land late today or early tomorrow.'

Brenna reacted before her husband did. She was so startled by the announcement, she jumped to her feet, almost upsetting the stool in her haste. 'Now? Your mother's coming for a visit now?'

Connor gently pulled her back down by his side. 'My stepmother,' he corrected.

'Yes, of course, your stepmother. She's coming for a visit now?'

'Yes, now, according to what Alec has just told us. I see no reason to panic. Does this news upset you?'

'No, of course not. I was just taken by surprise to hear that your stepmother could now be waiting.'

'She might not arrive until tomorrow,' Alec suggested.

Connor turned to his wife. 'What's come over you? This is good news, not bad.'

'Yes, it's good news,' she agreed. 'And I will do everything I can to make her feel welcome.'

'How long has Euphemia been away?' Jamie asked.

'Seventeen years,' Connor answered. 'She had only just returned to her relatives to help with an ailing uncle when my father was killed. She couldn't bear to come back once word reached her.'

'You haven't seen her in all that while?' Brenna asked.

'I've seen her several times since then. Three years ago, when Alec and I were settling a dispute near the peaks, we stopped to pay our respects.'

'She was still in mourning,' Alec said.

'She must have loved your father a great deal,' Brenna whispered.

'Of course she did,' he answered.

'She should have moved on,' Alec said. 'Grieving for the dead won't bring them back.'

'You would grieve for me, wouldn't you, Alec?' Jamie asked.

'Of course.'

'How long?'

Alec wasn't about to get into a discussion about the length of time he would mourn his wife. He couldn't even think about losing her without feeling sick.

'You will not die on me. Do you understand?' he ordered in a hard, unbending voice.

Only his wife saw the panic in his eyes and hurried to put his mind to rest. 'No, I won't die on you. Haven't you forgotten to tell Connor your other interesting news?'

Her husband was happy to accommodate her. He turned back to Connor and explained he had also received news from an emissary sent by a laird living on the border. Connor seemed interested and asked several questions. One topic led to another and another, and it wasn't long before Brenna and Jamie were all but forgotten.

Brenna put her concerns about pleasing Connor's stepmother aside for the moment, though she did say a quick prayer the woman wouldn't arrive before she did. Brenna wanted to get her bearings.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Jamie trying to coax her little daughter to join them. Brenna quickly shook her head at her, for she feared Grace would innocently say something to prick the men's curiosity and inadvertently sway the outcome in Jamie's favor. Thus far, Brenna was winning their wager, as neither brother had said a word about her injury. She gave Jamie a sinfully gloating look before she devoured all the food that had been placed in front of her.

Alec waited until the trenchers were taken away before turning to his wife. 'I've been meaning to ask why…'

Her laughter stopped him. He waited for her to control herself before he continued. 'How can you find my question amusing when you've yet to hear it?'

'Pray forgive me, Alec. What were you going to ask?'

'Why is my daughter sitting all the way down at the end of the table? I can barely see her from here.'

Everyone turned to Grace. The little girl didn't seem to be bothered by all the attention she was getting. She smiled for her papa's benefit and continued to stare at him.

'Brenna, would you like to answer Alec's question?'


'You do not deny my brother,' Connor explained.

'She just did deny him,' Jamie remarked before she laughed again.

Brenna believed Jamie's behavior was a direct violation of the rules they'd established because she was deliberately tempting the men's curiosity with her laughter. She wasn't about to let her get away with it. 'Jamie, I believe you should go to the kitchens and thank Elyne for this meal.'

'If I leave, you're coming with me.'

'Neither one of you needs to get up,' Connor interjected. 'Elyne and two other servants are watching us from the back hallway. You can give them your praise from here.'

'Will you try to control yourself?' Alec demanded when his wife was overcome with laughter again.

Brenna bounded to her feet. 'Thank you for this fine meal. Will you excuse me?'

She didn't wait to gain permission. Jamie jumped to her feet next and hurried after Brenna.

Connor heard his wife accuse Jamie of cheating and almost dropped his goblet. He hoped to God Alec hadn't heard the comment. Then, when Brenna stopped in front of the hearth to make the sign of the cross before continuing, Alec was so appalled he knocked his empty goblet over.

Jamie found Brenna's show of respect hilarious. Her laughter followed her out the front doors.

Alec waited until the servants had skirted their way past the table and had hurried after their mistress before turning to Connor.

'We really should be offended.'

'Yes, we should. How do you think Brenna was injured, and why in God's name are the two of them

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