pretending nothing happened?'

'There's only one quick way to find out.'


Alec smiled. 'Grace?'

'Yes, Papa?'

'Come and sit with your father.'

'When I'm ready, can I come sit with you?'

'You're ready now, Grace.'

The little girl kept her head down and walked as though she were on her way to a bath. Connor winked at her as she passed him.

Alec swept her up into his arms, kissed her brow, and sat her down on the edge of the table. He then ordered her to tell him what had happened.

'The lady yelled at Mama.'

'Her name is Brenna, Grace. Now tell me the truth.'

'She probably is telling the truth,' Connor interjected.

'And what did your mother do?'

'She cried.'

Alec looked at Connor. 'None of this surprises you, does it?'


'Mama yelled too, Papa.'

'What did you do, Grace?'


Alec didn't believe that nonsense for a minute. 'What more do you have to tell me?'

'The lady laughed when Mama cried again.' She was so happy she'd remembered, she scrunched up her shoulders with pleasure.

'Connor, I'm going to have to address Brenna's appalling lack of respect for my wife. I mean to talk to her.'

'You will not offend her, Alec.'

'The lady didn't cry, Papa.'

'Is that so,' Alec said.

'Mama put a needle in the lady's head.'

'How did Brenna hurt herself?' Connor asked.

'She fell down the steps.'

'What the hell was she doing on the steps?'

'Connor, you won't get any answers from my daughter by shouting at her,' Alec said. 'Remember how young she is.'

'I thought you said this would be quick.'

'The lady Brenna told Mama she was out of her mind.'

'Tell me why she was on the steps,' Alec ordered.

'I love you, Papa.'

The ploy didn't work. Neither did the child's attempt to wiggle out of her father's arms. 'Answer me, Grace.'

'She had to catch me.'

Alec could picture in his mind exactly what had happened. Connor was at a disadvantage because he'd left Alec's household long before Grace was born and, therefore, didn't know about the child's history of mischief.

'I still don't understand how Brenna could have lost her footing,' Connor said.

'Grace, tell your uncle how she caught you,' her father instructed.

The little girl was thrilled to have both her father's and her uncle's attention. She put her feet down on his lap, stretched her arms up above her head, and tried to leap up in the air in an attempt to reenact the event.

Alec held on to his daughter and gently forced her to sit back down again.

'You're going to be the death of me, Grace,' he muttered with a shake of his head.

'I know, Papa. You already told me before. Lots of times.'

'She'll be the death of your dear wife too, Laird,' the cook remarked as she hurried back toward the kitchens.

Alec turned to the older woman. 'My daughter catapulted herself off that top step, didn't she, Elyne?'

'I didn't see it happen, Laird, but my mistress did tell me Grace came flying down the stairs, and with as much speed as a stone hurling down from the top of a tower. Lady Brenna had to jump up so she could catch her.'

'They both could have broken their necks.'

'Aye, they could have, Connor,' Alec agreed before turning back to the loyal servant. 'Explain why our wives don't want us to know what happened.'

Elyne couldn't refuse her laird's command and quickly told him about the wagering.

The brothers weren't at all amused by their wives' bet. They were, however, willing to go along with them.

Jamie and Brenna joined them a few minutes later. Both husbands stood up when the ladies entered the hall, but after being ignored for several minutes, they sat back down. Alec poured wine into their goblets. He downed his drink in one long swallow.

Brenna had already gained Alec's loyalty as soon as she married his brother. She received his devotion the minute he found out she'd saved his precious daughter from a serious injury, and she won his admiration and love when he heard her tell Jamie she must immediately remove the tapestry. Jamie vehemently refused.

'Then at least remove the yellow threads of the halo as soon as possible. You cannot saint William the Conqueror just because you think he should be a saint. It's a sacrilege.'

'William will be a saint just as soon as the church gets around to it.'

Brenna shook her head. 'No wonder your husband looked like he was staring at the devil. Why in heaven's name would you hang the former king of England in the home of a Highlander? Even I know he doesn't belong here. You must take it down, Jamie. Good Lord, I've been making the sign of the cross every time I pass in front of him, and if that isn't a blasphemy, I don't know what is. Are there any of your kings you could hang?'

'Why would I want to?'

'Why? Because you're a Highlander, that's why.'

'You don't know, do you? Brenna, I was born in England, raised there too.'

Needless to say, she took the wind out of Brenna's argument with her startling revelation. Jamie laughed over the upset she'd just given her new sister.

'You sound like a Highlander, and no one told me you were…' Brenna paused to glare at her husband. 'You could have told me.'

'No, I don't suppose Connor would tell you. You might as well accept the fact that men never tell their wives anything without prodding, Brenna. My news should please you, though, not anger you.'

Brenna finally managed to stop frowning at her husband. 'I am pleased. No wonder I like you so much.'

'You'll like Mary too. Alec, do you realize how blessed I am? I have a sister on each side of my land now.'

'Aye, you do,' Alec agreed.

'Connor, Brenna must meet Mary as soon as possible.'

'Could we stop on our way home?' Brenna asked.

'It's too late to make another stop,' Connor answered.

Determined not to let him dampen her enthusiasm, she hurried over to the table and put her hand on his shoulder. 'Another time then?'


She patted him to let him know how much she appreciated his cooperation. Alec turned as he stood up so Brenna wouldn't see him smile. He was pleased to see she was affectionate toward his brother, but what made him smile was the fact that he knew Connor was trying not to like it.

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