Chapter 17

Quinlan returned from England empty-handed. Thoroughly frustrated and bewildered, he gave his accounting to his laird.

'MacNare had already dispatched troops to England. We followed their tracks from the Lowlands on, knew their number, and exactly that many returned from Baron Haynesworth's fortress.'

'How many were they?'

'Twenty-six soldiers, all fully armed.'

'But they didn't have Faith with them.'


'You're certain.'

'We watched them leave, Connor. Yes, I'm certain.'

'And what did you do to them?'

'What do you think we did?'

Connor nodded approval. 'How many of my men engaged in this battle?'

'There were eleven of us.'

'A fair fight then. Were any of my men injured?'

'Donovan's thigh was cut through, but his was the most serious of the injuries. The others suffered only paltry cuts. To be honest, I don't think Donovan would have made it back if it weren't for…'

'Weren't for what?'

'This is where it becomes a little bizarre,' he said. 'The baron's soldiers watched the fight from their tower, and I had only just decided to go inside the fortress to find out where Faith was when the drawbridge was lowered and a procession came out. Your wife's mother was leading the soldiers.'

Quinlan paused to smile before he continued. 'Her Gaelic is worse than Lady Brenna's,' he said. 'Her soldiers were armed, of course, but it didn't take long for me to realize they meant only to protect their mistress. I understand where your wife gets her courage. Her mother dismounted, demanded to know who was in charge, but before I could tell her, she spotted Donovan and went over to him. Needless to say, your soldier didn't want her to touch him. It didn't matter to her though. She had her supplies with her and cleaned and stitched his injury for him.'

'And what were you doing?'

'Answering her questions about your wife. I assumed she was worried about her, but she insisted she wasn't worried at all. She explained that if Brenna had been in serious trouble, she would have sent her medallion to one of her sisters or brothers. Because she didn't, her mother knew she was safe. She was worried about you, though, and sent a message to you.'

'What is it?'

'Treat her well or answer to her family. They had all heard what happened to Lady Brenna's escort, of course, and she assured me the baron hadn't realized what a monster the laird was. Oh, and you're going to love this. You have his gratitude for rescuing his daughter.'

Connor shook his head. An Englishman's gratitude? What in thunder was he supposed to make of that?

'What about Faith?'

'She has vanished. Her mother was worried until MacNare's soldiers showed up. They had no advance warning, she explained, and they searched every corner of the keep looking for her. The mother believes someone came to her assistance. She thinks she knows who the savior is too.'

'Who is he?'


'Didn't she wonder then why you were there instead of me?'

'She didn't seem to.'

'What am I going to tell my wife, Quinlan? I can't continue to keep her in the dark about her sister. Eventually she'll find out from someone else. Gossip travels like the wind in the Highlands.'

'You'd be right about that. In fact, it sounds as if someone heard about this situation and got to Faith before we did. I doubt it was one of her brothers. He wouldn't let his mother worry so. He'd tell her, wouldn't he?'

'I would assume so. There's only one other man I can think of who would go to such trouble on Brenna's behalf.'


'My brother. This sounds like something he would do, doesn't it?'

'He hates England.'

'But he's fond of my wife,' Connor said. 'I must talk to him before I tell Brenna anything. God willing, Alec has her sister tucked away somewhere. Did you have anything else to report?'

He shrugged. 'Mi'lady's mother sent gifts for her daughter, and she…'

'And she what?' he asked, wondering over his hesitation.

'She kissed me on the cheek. I didn't want to shove her away. She's mi'lady's mother, after all, but I… This isn't funny, Connor. It was awkward. She told me the kiss was for her daughter and she expects me to… give it to her.'

'She wants you to kiss my wife?' Connor wasn't laughing now.


'You're not going to.'

'No, of course not.'

The conversation ended then and there. The two warriors rode to the southwestern tip of the border where the latest attack had occurred.

Aeden arrived an hour later. Shouting at his laird, he dismounted and came running.

'Your wife is fine, Laird,' he blurted out. 'But there was trouble.'

Connor stood perfectly still and didn't say a word until Aeden had recounted everything that had happened. The soldier also repeated every word Brenna had said, and by the time he finished, Connor was in such a rage, he was shaking with it.

'Where is my wife now?'

'With the Kincaids. Crispin's with her. He put Donald in charge of the keep.'

'Is Brenna all right?'

'Yes, she is.'

'You're certain?'

'I'm certain.'

Connor tried to push his fear aside so he could concentrate. 'And Euphemia?' he asked, his manner deadly calm now, for on the surface, he appeared to be in complete control.

'Crispin expects her to take her son's body back north for burial.'

'Is Brenna…'

'She's fine,' Aeden told him once again. 'I wouldn't lie to you. She's needing stitches, and she was badly beaten, but she's going to survive. The women wanted to go with her. Donald had his hands full making them stay inside the fortress.'

It took all of Connor's strength not to double over and let out a roar of anguish. He should have been with her. He should have known what was happening. The bastard. He dared to touch her.

'Laird, what would you like me to do?' Aeden asked.

Connor made himself think about the problems at hand. Aeden had to repeat his question a second time before his laird could answer him.

He called to Douglas, the senior of the soldiers guarding the border and told him he was in charge. 'Move the last of Hugh's clan tonight. As soon as you're finished, all of the MacAlisters are to return home. Aeden will assist you.'

'And you, Laird?' the soldier asked.

'I'm going to my wife. Quinlan, take over the watch at home until I get back.'

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