'My son's smitten with you, child. It's as simple as that. Raen was always one to pity the poor unfortunates. When he was a boy, he chose the runt of the litter to raise as his own. I'm not suggesting you are an unfortunate, but Raen and I have both noticed Connor's rather cold attitude toward you. I believe that in time, once you've been properly trained to be a good wife, your husband will soften toward you. I noticed he seemed happy to have you at his table last night.'

Brenna wondered what Euphemia would think if she told her she had asked Connor to act affectionate. She could understand why his stepmother would think he wasn't happy. Connor had been rather distant toward her in the past, but he had already changed his attitude, kissed her several times as a matter of fact, in plain view of all of his followers. Still, Euphemia hadn't witnessed her stepson's change of heart.

'What about Raen?' she asked.

Euphemia patted her hand. 'Are you certain you aren't exaggerating this in your mind?'

'Yes, I'm not exaggerating.'

Euphemia pondered the problem for a long minute before saying, 'I'm sure you realize that because Raen is your husband's brother, he is just as important. I suggest you do whatever my son wants you to do. As mistress, you must see to his every request, for he is master of this keep whenever Connor is away.'

Brenna was outraged. 'Are you telling me I should…'

Euphemia interrupted her once again. 'Respect his wishes at all times,' she announced with a nod. 'Surely you realize your value, for I find it difficult to believe women in England are treated any different by their men. You should be honored by Raen's attention. If the king of England favored you, would you turn your back on him? No, of course you wouldn't. I understand how confusing it all is to you. You're very young and tend to overreact.

I wouldn't mention this to Connor, though. He would be furious if you spoke any harsh word against my son. Have faith in… Why, that's the woman's name. Faith. I told you it was odd…' Her gaze slid over to Brenna and her eyes narrowed. 'I believe the girl is one of Baron Haynesworth's daughters.'

'MacNare plans to marry Faith? Mi'lady, are you certain it was Baron Haynesworth's daughter? For he is my father too.'

'I am,' she answered.

Brenna vehemently shook her head. 'My father would have learned from his mistake by now. He wouldn't send his youngest to such a demon.'

'Will that matter?' Euphemia asked. 'Once a bargain's struck, it cannot be undone. MacNare won't be denied. It's rather clever of him, isn't it? He must hate you as well as Connor by now, and what better way to get even than to take something that's so precious to you? He'll take Faith by force if he must,' she added with a nod. 'At least that's what I would expect him to do.'

'No,' Brenna cried out.

Euphemia patted her hand. 'It's a pity, but there really isn't anything you can do about it, is there?'

'She cannot marry him. Someone has to…'

'Lower your voice, Brenna. Ladies don't shout,' she said, yet with the very next breath she did that very thing to get Netta to come into the hall.

'I believe she's in the kitchens,' Brenna whispered.

'No, she isn't. I sent her upstairs to clean my chamber. Ah, there she is. Netta, how many times must I tell you? When I'm in the hall, you must stay near the door in the event I need you. Do you understand?'

'Yes, mi'lady,' Netta answered. Her attention was riveted on her laird's wife now. 'Is something wrong, Lady Brenna?'

'You can see there is. Fetch your mistress a cloth to wipe away her tears. Really, Brenna, you shouldn't cry in front of the servants. It's most unseemly. There isn't any need to carry on so. Accept that nothing can be done about it.'

'Connor will put a stop to this madness,' Brenna whispered.

'I doubt that, child. How can he? He's fully occupied protecting Hugh's followers at the moment. He cannot be in two places at the same time, and you cannot expect him to turn his back on defenseless men and women to go to England. Use your head.'

'He went to pay his respects, not fight,' Brenna argued. She was desperately trying to concentrate on what Euphemia was telling her, but was in such a panic inside for her little sister's safety, she could barely think about anything else.

'It seems MacNare isn't paying his respects. He's waging a war to get Hugh's land before Connor does. The holding sits between the two and would give one a certain advantage over the other.'

'How could you know all this?' Brenna asked.

'I heard some of the soldiers talking about the conflict. All of the MacAlisters know what's happening, even the servants, but you haven't been accepted yet, have you? Perhaps that is why you were left in the dark. Where is Netta? It's taking her entirely too long to fetch a cloth for you. If I were not preparing to leave here, I would have her replaced.'

'Netta?' Brenna asked, trying to understand what she was talking about.

'Try to pay attention, Brenna. As for your sister, I think you should simply put her out of your mind. There isn't anything to be done about her.'

'But Connor could talk to my father…'

'How can you want Connor to go to your father? Surely you realize one would have to kill the other. After all, your husband did start this when he took you away from MacNare. Your sister's fate has been sealed, and neither you nor Connor can stop the marriage. Forget about her,' she added. 'Or offer a prayer for her if that will make you feel better.'

'Yes, I'll offer a prayer,' Brenna answered.

She stood up, bowed to her stepmother, and turned to leave. Netta came running in through the back hall with the cloth Euphemia had ordered.

'I hope by the time you return, you'll be in control again,' Euphemia said. 'I noticed last night everyone enjoyed the food served. Will you admit now that I was right to change the cooks?'

Brenna stared at the woman in disbelief. Why in God's name did she want to talk about food now?

Netta thought Brenna didn't remember her plan to pretend to replace Ada and hurried to nudge her memory before she said something she shouldn't.

'You had Ada replaced, mi'lady. Remember?'

'Yes, I remember,' she answered in a strained whisper.

'Go along now,' Euphemia ordered. 'It distresses me to see you in such a pitiful condition.'

Brenna ran outside before she realized she should have gone up to her bedroom so that she would have complete privacy. She wasn't about to go back inside, because she knew if Euphemia said one more word to her before her panic was under control, she would start screaming and never stop.

She reached the seclusion of the trees, fell to her knees, and broke into heart-wrenching sobs.

Connor… Dear God, how she needed Connor. He would know what to do, and he was strong enough and powerful enough to take on the devil himself.

But how could she ask such a thing of him? Others depended upon him now for their survival. She knew Euphemia hadn't exaggerated the threat to Hugh's followers. Brenna remembered what had happened to her father's soldiers and her own sweet Gilly and knew without a doubt that MacNare would slaughter the peace-loving clan without a moment's hesitation.

If Connor was able to go, would she be sending him to his death? Or would he be forced to kill her father?

No, she couldn't send her husband. Who else could she send to stop this madness?

Greed. It all began and ended with greed. Her father had struck this bargain to gain an alliance, just as MacNare had, and neither man had considered what the ramifications would be. Consumed with lust for power, their greed controlled their minds and their hearts, leaving the innocents to be preyed upon.

But not Faith. Brenna would die before she would let MacNare touch her sister. Please, God, help me think of someone to… help me… help me.

Sobbing, she bowed her head and clasped her hands to her heart, and in that dark moment of desolation, her prayer was answered.

There was another she could send, the man who had taken her hand and vowed to do anything she asked of

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