
She slowly nodded. 'Yes, I was. I'm not now.'

She bowed to Crispin and started back up the hill. 'Mi'lady? You were afraid of Raen, weren't you?'

She pretended not to hear him, but he followed her and repeated the question to her again. She turned around, smiled, and said, 'I wasn't afraid.'

He felt a stab of disappointment that she didn't trust him enough to tell him the truth.

'I was terrified.'

He blinked. 'Why, mi'lady?'

'I feel I should explain to Connor first when he returns, but I assure you, Crispin, if there was any possibility at all that Raen would be coming back before then, I would tell you everything. Do you understand?'

'I do,' he replied. 'Raen is Connor's stepbrother, and Connor should be the first to hear what you have to say. I'm only sorry you didn't tell him.'

'I'm sorry too,' she said, admitting only to herself she wouldn't have changed anything that had happened last night.

She tried to leave once again. 'Mi'lady, what are your plans for today?'

It wasn't the question that made her laugh. It was the dread she heard in his voice. 'Don't worry. I won't be riding the black today.'

She stayed outside much longer than she'd intended, visiting with several ladies who had taken their sewing outside, and she didn't return to the keep until midafternoon. As she hurried inside, she rehearsed what she would say when she greeted Euphemia. 'She best not call me a child again,' she muttered.

Her bluster was short-lived, and with a sigh, she admitted the woman could call her child as often as she wanted, and she wouldn't say a word to her. Criticizing would never win her approval.

Dear heavens, how long was she going to stay? Brenna tried to think of a way to ask Euphemia, but no matter how she phrased the question, it sounded a mite eager.

She put the problem aside when she entered the great hall. 'Good afternoon, Lady Euphemia. How are you feeling today?'

'Brenna, I know I've mentioned this to you before, but it seems I must mention it again. I prefer being called Lady MacAlister. I realize you don't know any better-you're just a child, after all-but I want you to try a little harder.'

She took a deep breath. 'Yes, Lady MacAlister. I'll try harder.'

'Did you hear the sad news about Hugh?'


'It's a shame, isn't it? He led such a wasted life. Never did amount to anything or do anything worth remembering.'

'I'm certain his family doesn't feel that way,' she replied.

'He never married. No woman would have him. Oh, heavens, I wish I had remembered to tell Connor the news Raen gave the other day. It slipped my mind. I'll probably forget again by the time he returns. Age does that to a body, Brenna. It makes one forget little things.'

'Perhaps if you told me, I would remind you if you should forget,' she offered.

She stood with her hands folded together, waiting for Euphemia to invite her to join her at the table. She didn't dare sit without an invitation, for Connor's stepmother had berated her for doing that very thing just two days ago. She wouldn't make the mistake again. Getting along with the woman was proving to be her greatest challenge, she decided.

'Come and join me, child, don't stand there making me look up at you. I shall tell you the news Raen heard when he was out riding yesterday. I worry when he goes out alone like that, of course, although I know he can take care of himself. Still, it isn't safe to go anywhere alone. I'm not worried about him today, though. There were three others who stopped on their way north. He'll be safe with them.'

'The news, mi'lady? How did he hear news if he was riding alone yesterday?'

Euphemia needed several minutes to think about the question before she finally remembered. 'As fortune would have it, he spotted a unit of soldiers on their way south. Raen knew two of the men and of course stopped to speak to them.'

Brenna remembered that on her way here, Connor had avoided all of the well-trodden paths in favor of cutting through the forest, because he hadn't wanted to encounter anyone.

'I thought Connor might be interested to hear that Laird MacNare's going to get married after all. I pity the woman.'

'I also pity her, mi'lady,' she whispered, aching for the poor woman's future.

'I doubt he'll treat her kindly. Still, one can always hope. Now what was her name? I remember she's from England.'

Where she was from really wasn't important to Brenna. All that mattered was that the poor woman would surfer a terrible fate if something wasn't done.

'Is it too late?' she asked.

'Do you mean to ask me if she's already with MacNare?'


'I don't believe so. The wedding won't take place for several weeks according to what Raen told me. Of course, there's always the chance MacNare will change his mind and send for her sooner.'

'Then there's probably still time,' Brenna said. 'And MacNare might change his mind altogether and decide not to marry her,' she added.

'You shouldn't get your hopes up, child. MacNare sounds like a determined man.'

'Did Raen find out who the woman is?'

'Yes, but I can't seem to remember now. Age, you see.'

Brenna nodded. 'Yes, of course.'

'It was a peculiar name. I remember thinking so when Raen told me the name. Perhaps it will come to me,' she added with a shrug of indifference. 'It's a pity Raen left so soon. He would have wanted to pay his respects to Hugh. My son is an extremely thoughtful man. Word will reach him, of course.'

'Would he turn around and come back?' Brenna asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice.

'Perhaps, depending on when he hears the news,' she answered. 'He would feel it was his duty to stand by the gravesite with the other lairds, but he might be too late. If the others have all gone back home, what's the point? I do hope he hears in time, because I'm certain he'll be missed if he doesn't go.'

'But Raen isn't a laird, is he?'

'He will be laird very soon now,' she snapped.

'Yes,' Brenna quickly agreed to placate the woman. 'If he does hear about Hugh in time, would he stop here on his way?'

'It would be the thoughtful thing to do,' she answered. 'There wouldn't be time before the burial, but he might make time on his way back north. Do you find this possibility unsettling? You look upset.'

'I was just wondering when Connor would be back. I have a problem I wish to discuss with him.'

'If something is wrong, Brenna, you shouldn't bother your husband. You should come to me for counsel. Is this not so?'

She decided to test the water. 'And if this problem concerns your son?'

'Then you most certainly must come to me. I'm his mother, for heaven's sake, and I could possibly settle this… dispute… before it goes any farther.'

'Mi'lady, I doubt I'll ever be alone with Raen again, so the problem…'

Euphemia cut her off. 'Alone with Raen? Explain what you mean, child. Are you afraid of my son?'

Brenna hesitantly nodded. 'He has tried to, that is, he tried to take advantage of… by grabbing hold of me and brushing up against my… and when I asked him to let go of me, he wouldn't listen to me. He said very inappropriate…'

'Enough,' Euphemia snapped. Her eyes blazed with anger, yet

Brenna couldn't tell if the mother's fury was directed at her or her son.

A moment later, Euphemia's attitude underwent a radical change, and she actually looked amused. Brenna found her smile as unsettling as her anger.

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