“Jesus,” Doc whispered. I felt his hands on my thighs, gripping so tightly I thought he might be giving me bruises. Not that I cared. “I’m not going to last long.”

“I want to watch you fuck her.” Carrie turned around, still breathless, stretching out next to me and resting her cheek on my belly.

“You do it.” Doc knelt up between my legs and the sight of him made my pussy throb. “Put me inside her.”

Carrie grabbed his cock, pumping him slowly in her fist, making his eyes half-close, before she rubbed the head of him right against my clit.

“Oh!” My hips bucked up involuntarily at the sensation as she teased me with his cock head, up and down my slit.

“Are you ready?” she murmured. I didn’t know if she was talking to him or to me, but it didn’t matter, we were both more than ready. I felt her sliding the fat mushroom tip of him down toward my hole and tilted my hips up to meet him.

“Oh Dani!” He called my name as he shifted forward, sliding his length into me.

He stopped there, not quite bottoming out, his eyes closed, his breath fast. “Oh. Wow.


I felt an incredible sense of power, seeing his face, knowing how turned on he was, how close he must be to just shooting his load right then. So I squeezed my muscles, clamping my pussy down around his shaft, making his eyes fly wide and his cock jerk inside me.

“Brat!” he gasped, using the flat of his hand to smack my hip. I just giggled, doing it again. “Oh fuck. Dani, really. Don’t.”

“Does it feel good?” I whispered huskily, squeezing rhythmically, first slow, then faster. “Does it make you want to come?”

He gave a low growl and grabbed my legs, pushing my knees back as far as he could, practically bending me in half. His gaze fell between my thighs where his cock was pressed deep into me. Carrie was smiling, leaning on her elbow next to us on the bed, just watching.

“I want you to lick her,” Doc told his wife. “Lick that pussy while I fuck her.”

Carrie perked up, getting to her hands and knees and leaning over me. “My pleasure.”

“Oh! Doc!” I gasped when he slid his cock nearly all the way out and then shoved it back in, deep and hard. Carrie spread me open with her fingers, leaning in to suckle my clit, pulling it into her mouth with a gentle suction and cradling it with her tongue. “Oh my god!”

“Feel good?” Doc gave me a wicked smile, pushing my legs back when they slipped a little, tilting my hips and giving both of them better access to my pussy.

“Yessss,” I hissed, biting my lip as he began to fuck me. It was so good I could barely stand it, the sensation of being pounded like that while Carrie’s tongue worked fast and furious against my clit. I found her pussy with my fingers, needing to feel her wetness. She opened for me easily, letting me finger her, keeping up the same rhythm as Doc.

“Don’t come inside her,” Carrie murmured, taking a momentary break from my throbbing clit, making me whimper at the loss of sensation. “I want to lick your cum off her wet little cunt.”

Doc groaned and shoved deep into me, bottoming out now, again, again. He was fucking me so hard it almost hurt and I didn’t care-I wanted more, my fingers buried deep in Carrie’s pussy, my thumb strumming lightly at her little clit.

“You ready for it?” he growled, reaching a hand down between us, close. So close. My pussy was on fire, my whole body tense and begging for release.

“Do it!” Carrie stopped licking me to pump his cock, spreading my pussy lips wide with her fingers and aiming him at my clit. “Come all over her cunt!”

He gave a low keening wail, throwing his head back as he came, and I saw the muscles in his belly clenching, releasing, again and again, a hot gush of cum flooding my pussy. Carrie kept him tight in her fist, squeezing the head and rubbing him against me as she milked him, his cock erupting in her hand.

“Oh that’s a lot,” she whispered, and then her mouth covered my wet mound, sucking and licking and making me come. I gave into it completely, forgetting about the 126

hand I had buried in her pussy, but she didn’t stop, rocking into my fingers, fucking them and bringing herself off too as we climaxed together.

“Too fast,” Doc complained with a groan as he collapsed on the bed, looking over at us, still twined together in the afterglow of our orgasms.

“We’ve got all night,” Carrie reminded him with a laugh, climbing over to snuggle on his other side.

“We’ve got forever,” I countered, smiling at them both as I pressed Doc between us and twined my fingers with Carrie’s on his chest.

And that night at least, we made good use of our time together.

Chapter Seven

“I got you an early Christmas gift.” Doc put the envelope on the four TV trays pushed together in the middle of the living room that we’d set as a makeshift table with plates and silverware and wine glasses.

“Me?” I glanced toward the kitchen where Carrie was putting the final touches on Thanksgiving dinner. “Doc, no.”

“Yes.” He pushed it toward me, topping off my wine and heading back toward the kitchen. “It’s non- refundable so there’s no way out. Mwuhahaha!” He grinned as he grabbed Carrie’s ass on the way by, making her squeal and poke at him with the meat fork.

“You’re a bad man!” She licked her fingers, stirring something on the stove. “It’s almost ready, except I forgot to make the cranberry sauce yesterday so I guess we’re going to have to eat it warm.”

“It will be like cranberry dessert,” Doc said.

“Hey, you could have just opened a can and plopped it out onto a plate like my mom does.” I couldn’t resist-I peeked into the envelope and when I saw what was in it, my breath stopped. “No way. Oh my god. No way!”

“Yes way.” Carrie smiled over at me, sliding the pot off the heat to the middle of the stove. “I don’t want you here all by yourself for Christmas break.”

I pulled the tickets out of the envelope. “Key West?” I squeaked.

They’d been talking about taking me with them for weeks, once they found out I’d been boycotting holidays with my family all year and had no intention of doing Christmas with my mother and stepfather. Carrie said she didn’t want me to be alone for the holidays. Admittedly, my first Christmas without Isabella had been pretty bad, but I figured I could get through this one without too much trauma-with some Chinese food and Blockbuster videos.

“That’s depressing,” Carrie said when I told her. I think she had planned this little Thanksgiving more for me than anyone when she found out that Doc couldn’t get enough time off to fly back to Boston where Doc’s family lived.

“Okay, come and get it!” Carrie called. “Grab a plate and load ’er up!”

We did, taking big heaping helpings of food and sitting down at our makeshift table. None of us were very religious, but Carrie asked we bow our heads and say one thing we were thankful for.

“My girls,” Doc said, looking between the two of us.

Carrie smiled at him. “Family.”

“Love,” I said. What else was there?

And then we ate.

She’d gone all out-a huge, gorgeous turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans that put the mushroom soup kind my mother made to shame, none of it from a box or a can. She’d even made her own homemade cranberry sauce, which was actually the best part. It was still warm, like a sweet cranberry compote, and I had three helpings of the stuff.

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