Ingredients 2 cups peeled and cubed butternut squash (1-inch cubes) ВЅ medium red bell pepper, chopped ВЅ medium onion, chopped ВЅ cup fat-free broth (chicken or vegetable) ВЅ tablespoon olive oil Вј teaspoon pumpkin pie spice Dash of cayenne pepper Salt and black pepper, to taste Directions
SautГ© onion with olive oil in a pan over low heat, until translucent (1 to 2 minutes).
Add bell pepper and continue to cook for 1 minute. Add squash and stir. Turn heat up to medium and add salt, black pepper, pumpkin pie spice, and cayenne pepper. Mix well. Cook for about 7 minutes, until squash starts to soften. Raise heat to high and add broth. Bring to a boil. After 30 seconds of boiling, reduce heat to low.
Simmer until broth evaporates, stirring often. Cover pan and continue to cook for 3 minutes or until squash is tender. MAKES 4 SERVINGS
For a pic of this recipe, see the photo insert. Yay!
Health Benefits of Butternut Squash! Three great reasons why we love our squashy orange friend. .
Butternut squash is an excellent source of vitamin A and a very good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
This winter squash, dense in omega-3 fatty acids, is good for your heart and also your respiratory system.
B-nut squash is also rich in vitamins B 1 and B 5 , which help give you energy. creamy butternut squash 'n apple breakfast treat PER SERVING (ВЅ of recipe): 102 calories, 0.5g fat, 321mg sodium, 26g carbs, 3.5g fiber, 10g sugars, 2g protein