Ingredients1 large butternut squash (big enough to yield 5 cups cubed)4 cups fat-free chicken broth2 cups chopped onions2 whole chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (canned)3 tablespoons fat-free liquid non-dairy creamerВј teaspoon ground cuminSalt, to taste
DirectionsPreheat oven to 350 degrees.Cut ends off of the squash. Slice squash in half lengthwise. Remove seeds and any additional fibers.Place squash halves, flesh-side down, on a baking pan sprayed with nonstick spray. Cook in the oven for 25 minutes.When the squash halves are cool enough to handle, peel them and cut into cubes. Measure out 5 cups and set aside.In a large pot sprayed with nonstick spray, cook onions over medium heat for 5 minutes or until soft.Add squash cubes, peppers, broth, and cumin. Reduce heat to low.Allow mixture to simmer for 30 minutes or until squash is tender, stirring occasionally.Remove from heat and allow to cool for several minutes.Working in batches, place squash mixture in a blender and puree until smooth. Transfer pureed mixture to a large container.Add creamer and mix thoroughly. Add salt to taste.MAKES 5 SERVINGSFor Weight WatchersPOINTS®values and photos of all the recipes in this book, check fourteensurvival guidessurvival of the fittesttaking on any and every eating-out option.These mini survival guides will help you tackle food challenges—anytime, anywhere. No problem!sushi survival 101Get ready to sushi it up without swallowing boatloads of fatty stuff. HG's got the raw facts.