Jolly Time's Healthy Pop Caramel Apple Microwave Pop Corn combines the sticky sweetness of caramel with apple-y fun to make completely guilt-free, flavor-packed popcorn—all for just 110 calories and 2 grams of fat per 5-cup serving! Woohoo!caffeine-fix-in-a-flash survival guideCoffee was originally used for medicinal purposes, treating everything from heart disease to fevers and coughs. It wasn't until people started craving the caffeine-buzz «side effect» that coffee took on the hot beverage form we know and love today. But coffee isn't just COFFEE anymore. It's often buried beneath sugar, syrups, milk, and whipped cream. Here's how to have a fun coffee break without downing a gazillion calories.
TOP ATE Ways to Survive a Trip to Starbucks1. Always order your drinks «Nonfat» and «No Whip.»2. Tempted by those Frappuccino Blended Coffee drinks that come in a zillion crazy-delicious flavor combinations? They're ALL available as Frappuccino Lights, most with just about 150 calories and hardly any fat for a 16-ounce Grande.3. If you order a flavored coffee, make sure the flavor comes from the actual coffee grounds as opposed to added sugary syrups.4. Remember that «reduced-fat» pastries aren't necessarily low in calories or fat. (You're better off avoiding cake-y items altogether.)5. Lose the idea that anything with «tea» in its name is diet-friendly. It's not.6. Order a «Short» size drink (it's not on the menu, but your friendly neighborhood barista will happily accommodate you) if you want to indulge without going overboard.7. Skip regular syrups, full-fat milk and cream, and sugar. Always opt for sugar-free syrups, fat-free milk, and no-calorie sweetener.8. For guilt-free tea, order a plain unsweetened iced tea, then ask for a shot of sugar-free syrup and use no-calorie sweetener to flavor it.
Chew the Right Thing!How well do you know the creamer crew?BITE IT! if liquid coffee-mate (or liquid creamer, in general) is your thing, stick with coffee-mate's original fat free (1 tablespoon has just 10 calories). when looking for flavored coffee-enhancers, hit up the powders, in either fat free or sugar free. while they often seem to have more calories than the liquid, it takes far less of the powder to make your drink taste good (typically a teaspoon is all it takes). and a teaspoon of the stuff only adds about 10 calories or so to your beverage.FIGHT IT! avoiding regular flavored creamers (ones that aren't fat-free or sugar-free) is pretty much a given. but know that even the fat-free flavored liquid coffee-mates have twice the calories of the original fat free. each tablespoon of the flavored liquids has about 25 calories. the sugar-free ones are no bargain either, with 15 to 30 calories and at least 1 gram of fat per tablespoon. that may not sound like a lot, but liquid creamers aren't nearly as potent as powdered ones. so it's way too easy to add 100 calories and even several grams of fat to your drink without even thinking!Extra, Extra!Skip these little extras to keep your drink from turning into a liquid fright-fest. .Whipped Cream Catastrophe—That big, scary squirt of whipped cream can add as much as 130 calories and 12 grams of fat to your drink. What a silly idea that is!Syrup Downer—Each pump of those flavored syrups adds 20 to 40 calories to your beverage. The good news? The sugar-free syrups are calorie-free. Weeeee!