The average BBQ meal contains 3,500 calories! That's at least 1,500 more calories than the average person should have in an entire day. In 2001, Americans consumed 7 billion hot dogs between Memorial Day and Labor Day alone (and we doubt they've lightened up in recent years)! That's a collective 2,205,000,000,000 calories! One serving of BBQ pork ribs delivers an average of 68 grams of fat and 1,360 calories! FYI, it'd take nearly 6 HOURS of post-BBQ cleanup to burn off all those calories! reel deal movies survival guide Eating at movie theaters can be bad news. There simply aren't very many good choices available there. Follow these easy steps to avoid becoming a DOUBLE FEATURE!

Theater Dos and Don'ts DO sneak your own candy into the theater. it's as simple as throwing some long-lasting, low-cal candy in your purse (lollipops, chewy stuff, and hard candies will last you long into the plotline!). DON'T buy king-sized movie candy, even the fat-free kind, unless you're going to share it with a king-sized group of friends! that 8-ounce bag of reese's pieces tips the scales with close to 1,200 calories and 60 grams of fat, and even that 6-ounce twizzlers pack contains more than 550 calories. yeesh! DO smuggle in a pre-popped mini bag of 94 % fat-free microwave popcorn. just pop it up right before you leave the house! DON'T, under any circumstances, indulge in movie theater popcorn! a small container has about 400 calories and 25 grams of fat. . without butter! a large container with butter packs in about 1,500 calories and 130 grams of fat. That's scarier than any horror flick to ever hit the silver screen. DO stick to diet soda or water and save yourself from the sugary, empty calories in regular soda—a 40-ounce soda contains more than 500 calories! if you crave flavored liquid, bring along sugar-free powdered drink mix packets to toss into your water bottle. DON'T think you have to forgo carb-y goodness altogether if you didn't pre-pop your own corn. go for a warm and doughy soft pretzel (a medium one has about 350 calories and only 3.5 grams of fat) and share it with a pal. just be sure your twisted treat isn't drenched in butter, cheese, cinnamon and sugar, chocolate, or any other crazy toppings. Two Thumbs Up! Sour Patch Kids and Lemonheads are fat-free and satisfying, yet not quite as addictive as other candies 'cuz of their sourness. HG Tip: Give away the green and yellow Sour Patch Kids (or whatever your least fave flavors are!) to pals sitting near you—that way, you won't eat those once all the good flavors are gone. Pop To It! Enjoying a movie-thon at home? With so many awesome options, you can really go to town! (Not literally. You can stay home and eat them.) Jolly Time, Orville Redenbacher's, and Pop Secret all make 94 % fat-free microwave popcorn in single-serving bags that contain only about 110 calories and about 2 grams of fat. Plus, each bag pops up a generous 5 to 6 cups of the stuff! LesserEvil's all-natural, fancy Kettle Corns ( will knock your popcorn-lovin' socks off. They come in craaaazy flavors like Peanut Butter amp; Choco and MaplePecan. Each cup of the stuff will cost you 120 calories and 2 grams of fat. Not bad at all for such a decadent popped treat.
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