Beware of the condiment bar. Chili, nacho cheese, and mayo are the condiment bar's worst offenders. If you need a condiment fix, go for the ketchup, chopped onions, mustard, or relish. They'll add taste without the extra fat and calories. If you must have soda, make sure it's diet. And, unless you're running a marathon, get a 12-ouncer. No normal human needs 52 ounces of artificially sweetened chemicals. Can't imagine a summer without Slurpees? There are several low-cal options to choose from. Look for Crystal Light and diet soda Slurpees, and save the 240+ calories in the regular ones for things you can actually chew. Stopping in for your morning coffee? Those cappuccino and hot cocoa machines are pumping out tons of calories. Go for flavored coffee (virtually calorie-free) instead. Then add some no-calorie sweetener and fat-free milk. Some stores even stock those yummy sugar-free (and calorie-free) flavored syrups. Yes!

TOP ATE Convenience-Store Staples That Won't Wreck Your Diet

1. Fresh Fruit 2. Hard-Boiled Eggs 3. Light String Cheese 4. Light Yogurt 5. Baked Chips or Soy Crisps 6. Carrot Sticks 7. Lean Deli Meats 8. Mini Cereal Boxes I WANT CANDY! Most convenience stores are a good place to find retro candy. These candies may not be healthy, but they're fat-free and fairly low in calories. And they're certainly better than a lot of the other foods around. Treat yourself to one of these classics every once in a while. Jawbreakers Pop Rocks Blow Pops Ring Pops Red Hots
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