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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Parker, Robert B., 1932-

Chasing the bear : a young Spenser novel / Robert B. Parker. p. cm.

Summary: Spenser reflects back to when he was fourteen years old and how he

helped his best friend Jeannie when she was abducted by her abusive father.

[1. Kidnappinga??Fiction. 2. Child abusea??Fiction. 3. Friendshipa??Fiction.

4. Bulliesa??Fiction.] I. Title.

PZ7.P2346Ch 2009 [Fic]a??dc22


eISBN : 978-1-101-03283-1

For Joanie: The One

Chapter 1

I was sitting with the girl of my dreams on a bench in the Boston Public Garden watching the swan boats circle the little lagoon. Tourists fed the ducks peanuts from the boats and the ducks followed them.

'It's a nice place,' Susan said, 'isn't it, to sit and do nothing.'

'I'm not doing nothing,' I said. 'I'm being with you.'

'Of course,' she said.

The swan boats were propelled by young men and women who sat in the back of the boat and pedaled. The

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