'Oh, yes,' the man said absently. 'We shall transport her to our base-city to the south of Nevada, Las Vegas, and purchase a carpet ticket to her home. You have my word.'

And the word of this dedicated man was good. Zane turned to the virgin. 'When you get home, miss, I suggest you — '

'Oh, yes, sir!' she exclaimed. 'I will marry the boy next door immediately!'

Good enough. She would no longer be at risk as dragon bait. Her job was done.

His own, however, was just beginning. Zane walked up to Luna and took her by the arm, leading her toward his horse. Mortis had simply faded out of the picture and faded back in now that he was needed again. Luna seemed dazed. 'I was scorched, crushed — ' she said, putting her free hand where her wounds had been.

So she remembered! 'Time — that's Chronos, another Incarnation — reversed your sacrifice. You have been spared because I refused to take your soul.'

'But you should not have been summoned for me!' she protested. 'My sin outweighs my good. I should have gone directly to Hell!'

'So we thought,' he agreed. 'But you chose a good way to meet your transformation, seeking and expecting no reward. Your soul is now in balance, as the other Incarnations knew it would be, and you are my direct client. Your life would still have been forfeit, because of Satan's cheating, but I have gone on strike. No one will die until your case is settled.'

'But then what is my status?' she asked, perplexed. She seemed bemused to find herself alive and without physical pain, as well she might be.

'Limbo, I believe.' He considered and realized that the other Incarnations had not told him much. They had simply set the scene, and now he had to play it out. 'I think you can go about your normal life, on bail, as it were, until this business with Satan is settled.'

'My normal life!' she exclaimed incredulously. 'At least I can take you home, where you will be safe with your griffins and moon moth.'

She formed a wry smile. 'I hope you know what you are doing, Zane, because I am not at all sure at the moment where reality lies. I expected to be dead.'

'I'm righting a wrong,' he said. 'Satan conspired against you, and I mean to foil him. It would be the proper thing to do, even if I had not been led into this situation like a puppet on a string, and even if I didn't love you.'

'I hardly think I'm worth it, dead or alive,' she murmured as they reached Mortis.

'Worth saving, or worth loving?'

'Either. I'm just not that important a person. I know I couldn't stand up to Satan, or even to one of his demons.' She shuddered, remembering the demon she had encountered. 'And I doubt that love — '

Mortis leaped into the sky. 'Your doubt doesn't matter,' Zane said. 'Your soul will remain on Earth.'

She hugged him uncertainly from behind, not speaking again. He delivered her to her home and left her there with the admonition to stay indoors and sleep. He would check on her frequently.

'Home, Mortis,' he said, suddenly very tired. The Death steed plunged into the sky.

Chapter 11


The Deathwatch caught his eye. It had clients backlogged. 'Sorry — no action today,' Zane murmured. 'Or for some time to come.'

They arrived at his mansion in the sky, and Zane dismounted. 'I think you'll have a week's good grazing, Mortis,' he said. 'You've been a perfect steed, and I wish you the best.'

The gallant stallion nickered appreciation, shook his body to make the saddle vanish, and headed toward the pasture. Zane went to the house.

The household staff took care of him as always. Zane had a good meal, a shower, a change of clothing, and felt much refreshed. He settled down to watch the news on television, knowing it would be brimming over with his latest scandalous behavior. Everything seemed fine, except for two things: he missed Luna, and he was apprehensive about his future. He knew he faced no easy time. It would not take Satan long, if he had not listened in on the Hot Smoke scene, to realize that Luna had not arrived in Hell on schedule.

'Good evening, Death,' the urbane announcer said from the screen. 'I dislike intruding on your well deserved privacy, but there seems to be a misunderstanding.'

Zane peered more closely at the face. The man's complexion was dark with a red tinge, and two small horns projected from his temples. 'Satan!' he exclaimed.

'At your service,' the Prince of Evil agreed, inclining his head politely. 'Do you have a moment?'

Zane sighed. Already the dread encounter was upon him! Satan was affecting politeness, but he would have his say no matter what Death did. 'I refuse to send Luna's soul to Hell!' Zane said firmly.

Satan laughed. The sound was mellow and good-humored, as if he were enjoying a joke on himself. 'To Hell? My dear associate, she need not come here! I'm sure she will be welcome in Heaven, after her several meritorious acts.'

What was this? 'You don't want her?'

'I want only what is due Me, Death. Luna is a good woman, regardless of what the record may indicate. I can personally guarantee she will not come to Hell. I have no use for her kind here.'

'Then why did you slate her for untimely demise?' Zane snapped.

The Devil's lips quirked. 'I must confess there is a bit of awkwardness coming up. I see no reason to involve such a lovely and good woman in that matter.'

'So you're killing her early!'

'I merely seek the least painful way to alleviate a difficult situation. I regret that this may cause you personal distress. Death, but I am quite willing to compensate you — '

'How can you compensate me for the loss of the woman I love!'

'My dear sir. My organization specializes in compensations! If it is the delights of the distaff flesh you desire — ' Satan gestured off screen, and a truly beautiful brunette joined him. 'My dear, show My esteemed colleague your offerings.'

The woman smiled dazzlingly and unzipped her blouse. A phenomenally full and rounded bosom emerged, untethered by a brassiere.

'She's a succubus!' Zane said, catching on.

'Naturally. I could provide you with your choice of the human beauties of history, most of whom now reside in my domain and any of whom would be overjoyed to delight you eternally. But you would have to come to Hell, for they can not return to Earth in their original bodies. I assume you prefer a creature who can cater to you in life. These highly specialized creatures, the succubi, can entertain you anywhere.'

Zane was silent, taken aback by the sheer audacity of the offer. Satan thought he would accept a female demon in lieu of Luna!

'This one, for example,' Satan continued blithely as the woman-shape continued to strip. 'Note her fairness efface and fullness of feature. You can't match that on Earth.'

Zane found part of his voice. 'But — '

'And that's not all,' Satan said quickly. The succubus was stepping out of her skirt. She turned about as Satan touched her arm, showing her plush buttocks and thoroughly fleshed thighs to the eager close-up camera.

'But that's not — '

'Ah, but it is,' Satan said enthusiastically. 'It is eternal. Living women inevitably change and fatten and age, but a she-demon's flesh never atrophies. You need have no concern at all about degradation of form.' He slapped her right flank, and the ripple of flesh proceeded in measured stages across the right buttock, through the left, and down the thighs before reversing like a wave at the edge of a pool and returning to the point of impact. 'Eternal,' the Evil One repeated softly.

'You don't understand,' Zane said, keeping his voice steady, though his eyes did feel somewhat bugged out.

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