“You were close, weren’t you, you and Derek?”
“I suppose so.”
“Not every brother would share his password.”
A snort, something almost like a laugh. “I guessed it. Only took me three goes. He was trying to guess mine, and I was trying to guess his.”
“Did he get yours?”
“Bugged me for days about it, kept coming up with new ideas.”
Siobhan’s left elbow rested on the desktop. She bunched her fist and rested her head against it. Maybe this was going to turn into a long call, a conversation Kate needed to have.
Memories of Derek.
“Did you share his taste in music?”
“God, no. His stuff was all shoe-gazing. Sat in his room for hours, and if you went in, he was cross-legged on the bed, head in the clouds. I tried dragging him to a few clubs in town, but he said they just depressed him.” Another snort. “Different strokes, I suppose. He got beaten up once, you know.”
“In town. I think that’s when he started sticking close to home. Some kids he bumped into didn’t like his ‘posh’ accent. There’s a lot of that, you know.
“Where what starts?”
“The aggression. I remember my last year at Port Edgar, we got a letter ‘advising’ us not to wear our uniform in town, unless we were on a supervised trip.” She gave a long sigh. “My parents pinched and scraped so we could go private. It might even be what broke them up.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“A lot of their fights had to do with money.”
“Even so…”
There was silence on the line for a moment. “I’ve been going on the ’Net, looking up stuff.”
“What sort of stuff?”
“All sorts… trying to work out what made him do it.”
“Lee Herdman, you mean?”
“There’s this book, it’s by an American. He’s a psychiatrist, or something. Know what it’s called?”
“Maybe I’d have to read the book.”
“I think he’s saying we’ve all got it in us, the potential to… well, you know…”
“I don’t know about that.” Siobhan was still thinking of Derek Renshaw. The beating was another thing he hadn’t mentioned so far in his computer files. So many secrets…
“Kate, is it all right if I ask…?”
“Derek wasn’t depressed, or anything, was he? I mean, he liked sports and stuff.”
“Yes, but when he came home…”
“He’d rather sit in his room?” Siobhan guessed.
“With his jazz and his surfing.”
“Any sites in particular? Any favorites?”
“He used a couple of chat rooms, bulletin boards.”
“Let me guess: sports and jazz?”
“Bull’s-eye.” There was a pause. “You know what I said about Stuart Cotter’s family?”
Stuart Cotter: the crash victim. “I remember,” Siobhan said.
“Did you think I was crazy?” Kate trying for a lightness of tone.
“It’ll be looked into, don’t worry.”
“I didn’t really mean it, you know. I don’t really think Stuart’s family would… would do something like that.”
“Fair enough, Kate.” Another silence on the line, longer this time. “Have you hung up on me again?”
“Anything else you want to talk about?”
“I should let you get back to work.”
“You can always call again, Kate. Anytime you want to chat.”
“Thanks, Siobhan. You’re a pal.”
“Bye, Kate.” Siobhan ended the call, stared at the screen again. She pressed a palm to her jacket pocket, felt the shape of the envelope.
Suddenly it didn’t seem so important.
She got back to work, plugged the laptop into a phone jack and used Derek’s password to access a slew of new e-mails, most of which turned out to be junk or regular sports updates. There were a few from names she recognized from the folder. Friends Derek had probably never met, except when online, friends around the globe who shared his passions. Friends who didn’t know he was dead.
She straightened her back, feeling vertebrae crackle. Her neck was stiff, and her watch told her it was going to be a late lunch. She didn’t feel hungry but knew she should eat. What she really felt like was a double espresso, maybe with a side order of chocolate. That double combo sugar-caffeine rush that made the world go round.
“I won’t give in,” she said to herself. Instead, she’d go to the Engine Shed, where they served organic meals and fruit teas. She fished a paperback and her mobile phone out of her shoulder bag, then locked the bag in the bottom drawer of her desk-you could never be too careful in a police station. The paperback was a critique of rock music by a female poet. She’d been trying to finish it for ages. George “Hi-Ho” Silvers came into the office as she was leaving.
“Just off to lunch, George,” Siobhan told him.
He looked around the empty office. “Mind if I join you?”
“Sorry, George, I’m meeting someone,” she lied blithely. “Besides, one of us has to hold down the fort.”
She walked downstairs and out of the station’s main entrance, turning left onto St. Leonard’s Lane. Her eyes were on the tiny screen of her phone, checking for messages. A hand landed heavily on her shoulder. A deep voice growled: “Hey.” Siobhan spun around, dropping both phone and paperback. She grabbed at a wrist, twisted it hard, pulling down so that her attacker dropped to his knees.
“Jesus fuck!” the man gasped. She couldn’t see much more than the top of his head. Short dark hair, gelled to stand up in little spikes. Charcoal suit. He was heavily built, not tall…
Not Martin Fairstone.
“Who are you?” Siobhan hissed. She was holding his wrist high up his back, pressing forwards on it. She heard car doors open and close, glanced up, saw a man and woman hurrying towards her.
“I just wanted a word,” her assailant gasped. “I’m a reporter. Holly… Steve Holly.”
Siobhan let go of his wrist. Holly cradled his hurt arm as he got to his feet.
“What’s going on here?” the woman asked. Siobhan recognized her: Whiteread, the army investigator. Simms was with her, a thin smile on his face, nodding approval of Siobhan’s reflexes.
“Nothing,” Siobhan told them.
“Didn’t look like nothing.” Whiteread was staring at Steve Holly.
“He’s a reporter,” Siobhan explained.
“If we’d known that,” Simms said, “we’d’ve waited a bit longer before stepping in.”
“Cheers,” Holly muttered, rubbing his elbow. He looked from Simms to Whiteread. “I’ve seen you before… outside Lee Herdman’s flat, if I’m not mistaken. I thought I knew all the CID faces.” He straightened up, held out a hand to Simms, mistaking him for the superior. “Steve Holly.”
Simms glanced at Whiteread, alerting Holly immediately to his error. He swiveled slightly so the hand was facing the woman, and repeated his name. Whiteread ignored him.