“Do you always treat the fourth estate this way, DS Clarke?”

“Sometimes I go for a headlock instead.”

“That’s a good idea, changing your attack,” Whiteread agreed.

“Means the enemy can’t predict your move,” Simms added.

“Why do I get the feeling you three are taking the piss?” Holly asked.

Siobhan had bent down to retrieve her phone and book. She checked the phone for damage. “What is it you want?”

“A quick couple of questions.”

“Concerning what exactly?”

Holly was staring at the army pair. “Sure you want an audience, DS Clarke?”

“I’ve got nothing to say to you anyway,” Siobhan told him.

“How do you know until you’ve heard me out?”

“Because you’re going to ask me about Martin Fairstone.”

“Am I?” Holly raised an eyebrow. “Well, maybe that was the plan… but I’m also wondering why you’re so jumpy, and why you don’t want to talk about Fairstone.”

I’m jumpy because of Fairstone, Siobhan felt like shouting. But she sniffed dismissively instead. The Engine Shed was no longer an option; nothing to stop Holly following her there, taking the chair next to her… “I’m going back in,” she said.

“Watch out nobody in there taps your shoulder,” Holly said. “And tell DI Rebus I’m sorry…”

Siobhan wasn’t going to fall for it. She turned towards the door, only to find Whiteread blocking her way.

“Mind if we have a word?” she asked.

“I’m on my lunch break.”

“I could do with something myself,” Whiteread said, glancing at her colleague, who nodded agreement. Siobhan sighed.

“You better come in, then.” She pushed the revolving door, Whiteread right behind her. Simms made to follow but paused for a moment, turning his attention to the reporter.

“You work for a newspaper?” he asked. Holly nodded. Simms smiled at him. “I killed a man once with one of those.” Then he turned and followed the women inside.

The cafeteria didn’t have much left. Whiteread and Siobhan opted for sandwiches, Simms a heaping plate of chips and beans.

“What did he mean about Rebus?” Whiteread asked, stirring sugar into her tea.

“Doesn’t matter,” Siobhan said.

“Sure about that?”


“We’re not the enemy here, Siobhan. I know what it’s like: you probably don’t trust officers at the next station, never mind outsiders like us. But we’re on the same side.”

“I don’t have a problem with that, but what just happened hasn’t got anything to do with Port Edgar, Lee Herdman, or the SAS.”

Whiteread stared at her, then gave a shrug of acceptance.

“So what was it you wanted?” Siobhan asked.

“Actually, we were hoping to talk to DI Rebus.”

“He’s not here.”

“So they told us at South Queensferry.”

“But you still came?”

Whiteread made a show of studying her sandwich filling. “Obviously, yes.”

“He wasn’t here… but you knew I was?”

Whiteread smiled. “Rebus trained for the SAS but didn’t make the grade.”

“So you’ve said.”

“Has he ever told you what happened?”

Siobhan decided not to answer, unwilling to admit that he’d never let her into that part of his history. Whiteread took her silence as answer enough.

“He cracked up. Left the army altogether, had a nervous breakdown. Lived beside a beach for a while, somewhere north of here.”

“Fife,” Simms added, mouth stuffed with chips.

“How come you know all this? It’s supposed to be Herdman you’re looking at.”

Whiteread nodded. “Thing is, we didn’t have Lee Herdman flagged.”


“As a potential psycho,” Simms said. Whiteread’s eyes flared, and he swallowed hard, went back to his eating.

Psycho’s not the right word,” Whiteread corrected him for Siobhan’s benefit.

“But you had John flagged?” Siobhan guessed.

“Yes,” Whiteread admitted. “The breakdown, you see… And then he became a policeman, his name appearing quite regularly in the media…”

And about to appear again, Siobhan was thinking. “I still don’t see what this has to do with the inquiry,” she said, hoping she sounded calm.

“It’s just that DI Rebus may have insights that could prove useful,” Whiteread explained. “DI Hogan certainly seems to think so. He’s taken Rebus with him to Carbrae, hasn’t he? To see Robert Niles?”

“Another of your spectacular failures,” Siobhan felt compelled to say.

Whiteread seemed content to accept the comment, putting most of the sandwich back down on her plate, lifting her cup instead. Siobhan’s mobile rang. She checked its screen: Rebus.

“Sorry,” she said, getting up from the table, walking towards the drink machine. “How did it go?” she asked into the mouthpiece.

“We got a name: can you start running a check?”

“What’s the name?”

“Brimson.” Rebus spelled it for her. “First name Douglas. Address at Turnhouse.”

“As in the airport?”

“So far as we know. He was another of Niles’s visitors…”

“And doesn’t live far from South Queensferry, so chances are he might have known Lee Herdman.” Siobhan looked back to where Whiteread and Simms sat, talking to each other. “I’ve got your army pals here. Want me to run this Brimson character past them, just in case he’s ex-forces?”

“Christ, no. Are they listening in?”

“I was having lunch with them in the cafeteria. Don’t worry, they’re out of earshot.”

“What are they doing there?”

“Whiteread’s got a sandwich, Simms is wolfing down a plate of chips.” She paused. “But it’s me they’ve been trying to grill.”

“Am I expected to laugh at that?”

“Sorry. Feeble effort. Has Templer spoken with you yet?”

“No. What sort of mood’s she in?”

“I’ve managed to steer clear of her all morning.”

“She’s probably been meeting the pathologists, prior to giving me a roasting.”

“Now who’s the one making jokes?”

“I wish it was a joke, Siobhan.”

“How soon will you be back?”

“Not today, if I can help it. Bobby wants to talk to the judge.”


“To clear up a couple of points.”

“And that’ll take you the rest of the day?”

“You’ve plenty to keep you busy without me there. Meantime, tell the Gruesome Twosome nothing.”

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