'Maybe you have to accept them in yourself.'

'And keep calling you to put them back in their cages?'

'Do what you have to do,' Grijpstra said. 'See if I care. I don't drink either now. We can be boring together.'

'This may be another possible aspect of the human predicament in all its horrifying glory,' de Gier said. 'A problem you become aware of when it is too late. I could be programmed not to be able to handle liquor, genetically burdened with the chronic and incurable disease alcoholism, unaware of evil powers that control me.'

'We'd have to go by the symptoms first,' Grijpstra said. 'We haven't even determined whether you pushed or kicked the missing person. We haven't got anywhere. You're no help either. You didn't even tell me what you knew about Aki working for the DEA here.' He gestured. 'I know, I know, that would lead to Hairy Harry and you claim the sheriffhas nothing to do with this, all I have to find is the body. But that sheriff decided to kill me the minute he set eyes on me.'

By then they were out of the restaurant. De Gier opened the car door for Grijpstra, gently pushed him inside.

Grijpstra sat, watching trees flash by. 'I don't need this, Rinus. Hairy Harry's business interferes with what you got me out here for. There's more going on here than your personality disorder. Its like everything I ever try to do: In order to fix Nellie's faucet you have to clean out the shed to find the clamp.'

De Gier parked the car, opened Grijpstra's door, pulled Grijpstra out, held him by the shoulders, aimed him at the Point's dock.

'Sheriff Hairy Harry complicates my life,' Grijpstra said.

De Gier shoved gently.

Grijpstra walked slowly down the path, between junipers and a picket fence covered with flowering vines.

'Nothing changes,' Grijpstra said. 'You're still Mr. Hot Shit. I can't stand you as a client. You should be helping out. You're another complication.'

'Me?' de Gier asked. 'I'm the loser here. I'm underfoot? How can I possibly ever get in your way?'

Grijpstra nodded energetically. 'I keep tripping over you. Like over the sheriff. Hairy Harry's heavy hand is all over these islands. I'll have to fix you fuckers.'

De Gier rowed. Grijpstra sat on the dinghy's back seat. There was no wind and the little boat skimmed along quietly, driven by de Gier's long strokes. A loon floated by, chuckling dreamily, its long head pointed down. Late sunlight lit up white polka dots on the bird's wings. The loon lifted its wings briefly, showing its startling white chest.

'Aki calls it the magic bird of Maine,' Grijpstra said.

De Gier leaned on his oars for a moment. 'You did like Aki, you got that much…'

Grijpstra nodded. 'When fate throws strangers together, briefly


De Gier grunted agreement.

Grijpstra put out his hands in enthusiasm. 'You know, I often think, that must be heaven: brief relationships between sympathetic strangers, no hassle, no sex. Who needs sex? I'm too old.' He patted his belly. 'You don't want to inflict ugliness on a partner. No, just drive up and down that interstate and eat mussels, or what we had at that oyster restaurant in Boston, quahogs? Stuffed…'

'That's nice '

'Know what we did afterward? In the Parker House suite? Aki sat in her huge bed, and I sat in my huge bed, and the waiters rolled in all that room service. Pirouetting, graceful chaps, lifting huge silver lids off huge silver dishes…'

'But you just had those quahogs,' de Gier said. 'What is this? The final feast? You eat instead of…'

'No, no. We did this right. We went to another hotel in between, with a bar and a turning platform, big black man on piano, same hair as your friend Flash but more tufted up, they did that Don Cherry thing you like, a Thelonious theme with percussion, no trumpet, a cello instead, doing both rhythm and solo. What is it called now?' Grijpstra touched his knee with a knuckle. ''Bemsha Swing!''

'… cello didn't get squeaky?'

'… sleeping apart together. That's the way to really partake oftrue intimacy.' Grijpstra pointed a finger. 'Some think they always have to go the whole way… no… the cello was fine…'

'Why did you take a suite in that hotel?' de Gier asked. 'Weren't there any rooms?'

'Why did you buy this two-thousand-dollar dinghy?' Grijpstra asked. 'Aki and I passed a marina. Used dories on sale. Good solid fiberglass. Cheap enough too.'

'A handcrafted cedar dinghy weighing under sixty pounds is more fun.'

'True,' Grijpstra said.

'I was just curious, Henk. I'm happy for you. I don't care what you spend, the more the better.' De Gier frowned. 'It's hard to think of things sometimes, expensive things, I mean. Mostly you don't need them.'

'You could be sailing the Macho Bandido' Grijpstra said. 'But you don't want the hassle. I've mostly run out of things to spend money on too. Nellie didn't even have a mortgage. Her house is just perfect now. I had to break out a wall to fit the new TV in but that was the last luxury she wanted.'

'Spending is easier when you travel,' de Gier said, 'but I think I'm about done with that now. If you can clear this up I might go back with you.'

'Help me out with the agency?'

'I'm open to offers.'

'What if we don't clear this up?'

De Gier pulled on the oars again. He was shaking his head.

Chapter 11

Grijpstra's nap lasted till late evening. He walked along the island's little beaches after that, and set off a bear alarm, a nylon line strung between large boulders, that brought out de Gier.

'Nice here,' de Gier said, putting his camera away. So it was, Grijpstra thought. Moonlight on a calm sea, the never-figure-out-able zillion stars everywhere, seals assuming their tail-up, head-up banana postures on rocks being bared by low tide, a quiet ripple further along, cut, de Gier claimed, by a curious dolphin's dorsal fin.

'Very nice,' Grijpstra agreed. 'Proves things are okay maybe. Here, for instance.'

'But there are lots of Heres. Most Heres are bad'

'Bad enough to row away from forever?'

'But ifI row out ofHere altogether,' de Gier said, 'no bad Here is anywhere.'

Grijpstra frowned.

'It goes further than that,' de Gier said. 'It includes you too. The world needs me to be. You need me to be.'

'If you're not here, none of any possible Heres are here?' Grijpstra asked. 'You know that's all bullshit, don't you? I'll still be here. Eating hundred-dollar crab rolls in Amsterdam and watching people starve in the Here-Too places that the news is always checking out for dying babies.'

'Switch off your TV,' de Gier said, 'then use your unlimited Diners Club credit card and spend the night harmonizing your spirit with the likes of Aki.'

'Just one night,' Grijpstra said. 'One night ofFdoesn't mean that I don't suffer the human problem. Don't get so smart, Rinus.'

'Now that we're on the subject again'-de Gier raised an eyebrow-'did anything between you and Aki, eh…'

'No,' Grijpstra said.

'Look,' de Gier said. 'Maybe we don't agree philosophically but we can still be friends. Tell me. I've got this reputation but I don't really ever know how to be with women. It's very complicated. There's this theory that homosexuality is linked to being immature, and you must have done your fatherly/friendly thing again. You're sure

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