16 cent. The miraculous image of Adlwang, Diocese of Linz, Austria, was torn down and buried by Protestants. It was only rediscovered when mysterious rays of light shone from beneath an ants' nest in the church. It is said that the ants could not be driven out until the image was set up again in its rightful place.

c.1571 Jesus Christ appeared to Anna of St. Bartholomew at Avila, Spain, and urged her to fight against the unfaithful.

1582-1591 The chronicler of the Capuchin Order, Zacharias Boverius, recorded that over many years

30 brothers, who were named by name, had seen members of the Holy Family at different times in different places.

30.10.1593 A gigantic motionless eagle with 'gleaming feathers' appeared above Zittau, Germany.

Rays shot at the bird from all sides, but were powerless against it. An hour later, the apparition vanished.

1594 Mary is reputed to have appeared to Indians who wanted to leave the new faith in Quito, Ecuador, and kept them in the Church by saving them from famine.

1596 The Capuchin Abrosius of Ziron related that he saw the 'fortunate Mother of our Lord' several times in 1580. She commanded him to honour all orders, but to join the Capuchin Order.

1600 When the Araucani stormed the town of Conception, Chile, a miraculous image of the Madonna is supposed to have left the chapel and appeared in a tree, from which it pelted the Indians with clods of earth and put them to flight.

10.9.1602 Christ appeared to Marina of Escobar in the form of a seraph from whose wounds rays were emitted.

6.4.1604 Father Jakob Rem, Ingolstadt, Germany, saw Mary floating above the ground.

1605 The Jesuit Peter d'Anasco was pressed against the breast of a vision of Mary.

1609/10 An image of Mary and the infant Jesus became famous at Chiavari, Italy, owing to two miraculous visions. 'Miraculous events' took place.

15.12.1631 The 'Queen of Heaven' appeared above a corn field near Naples to several Jesuits, to whom she announced the imminent eruption of Vesuvius.

3.11.1637 Mary and the infant Jesus appeared to Frere Fiacre, Paris, in his cell.

1640 Jesus Christ appeared to the Jesuit Brun-Brun, who was awaiting execution in an Ethiopian prison, and told him to have courage.

1654 When he was out hunting, the farmer Dietrich Muufahrt of Aldenhoven near Aachen found in the branches of a tree a miraculous image which he and two friends revered with a miserere every night. It always produced a wonderful light. Today the pilgrimage church stands on the spot.

1647 The Blessed Virgin appeared to a farm girl and a lay-brother in Buenos Aires, Argentine, and ordered them to exhort everyone to do penance.

8.11.1660 A bloody sword that was visible to everybody appeared in the sky at Gorlitz, Silesia.

1671 Marguerite Marie Alacocque, France, had already had visions of Mary in her worldly life; after she entered the Salesian Order she had more visions of Christ.

1679 Wonderful luminous apparitions repeatedly appeared over the pilgrimage church at Albendorf, Germany.

c.l682 Our Lord, with his body pierced with wounds, showed himself to Veronica Giulani at Mercatello, Italy.

1696 The bishop of Quito, Ecuador, had a miraculous cure when he was dangerously ill. The miraculous image of Guapulo had been brought for an evening procession. When the Gloria was sung, Mary appeared as Queen of Heaven.

21.9.1823 Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon religion, had a vision of an angel who disappeared on a shaft of light going up to heaven. Subsequent visions led Smith to a secret place where he found the gold tablets that he translated. That was how the Mormon Bible originated.

1835 In Trinitapoli, Italy, Mary told the six-year-old Joseph Maria Leone, who had fallen into a ditch, to be a good boy and stop playing with his naughty friends.

28.1,1840 In Paris, the nun Justine Bisqueyburu saw Mary with her flaming heart pierced by a sword and wearing a white robe and a blue mantle.

8.5.1840 Jean-Baptist Vianney, the Cure of Ars, and Mme Etienne Durie, saw a vision of Mary in his room. The Madonna was in a white dress dotted with golden roses; her brow was encircled with a crown of stars and diamonds flashed from her hands.

8.9.1840 The nun Justine Bisqueyburu had a further vision at Blangy, Seine-Inferieure, France. It appeared to her in a green scapula.

10.1.1842 Alphonse Ratisbonne, a former Jew, saw the Virgin Mary in a side chapel of the church of St. Andreas delle Fratte in Rome. She looked exactly as she did on the medal he had been wearing for some time.

14.8.1842 The nun Maria-Stanislaus frequently saw the Blessed Virgin in the 'Classroom of the Poor'

in the Convent of the Visitation at Celles, near Tournai, Belgium.

19.9.1846 The Madonna appeared to the children Maximin Giraud (11) and Melanic Calvat (15) at La Salette, Isere, France. She wore a gleaming white robe and held a conversation with them.

12.5.1848 On the morning and afternoon of the same day, the farm labourer Stichmayer of Obermauerbach, Bavaria, saw Mary in the meadows. She wore a pink dress, with a white veil and a gold crown. She sat there motionless and wept.

23.6.1848 Eleven citizens of the village of Montessee, near Lourdes, France, had repeated visions of Mary.

17.6.1849 Three shepherdesses had several visions of Mary at Dolina, near Poggersdorf-Gurk, Karnten, Austria.

19.5.1853 Veronica Nucci of Ceretto in Tuscany, Italy, had frequent visions of the Madonna in a blue robe decorated with flowers and wearing a gold crown.

22.7.1856 Marie-Frederike de Bray saw Mary as Queen of the Angels after a miraculous cure at Assisi, Italy.

11.2.1858 St. Bernadette Soubirous had several visions of the Blessed Virgin at Lourdes, France, when she called herself the 'Immaculate Conception'.

1860 At Green Bay, U.S.A., Mary appeared to Adele Brisse in a white robe with a yellow belt.

6.9.1860 After experiencing several visions of Our Saviour, the mystically gifted Pauline Perie saw the Madonna in the church at Francoules, France. She looked very young, wore a dress dotted with stars and a gold crown, and carried small white flowers in her hand.

1863 Mary, as Queen of the Angels, showed the Reverend L.E. Gestae, founder of the monastery of N. D. du Refuge, Anglet, France, how devils destroyed the world.

13.1.1866 Magdalena Kade, 30, of Philippsdorf, Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, was on her deathbed, when Mary appeared to her and cured her.

15.4.1868 In Bois d'Haine, Belgium, the blessed mystic and stigmatic Luise Lateau had visions of Jesus, Mary, angels and saints.

2.12.1870 Mary appeared to the wounded General de Sonis, former commander of the papal Zouaves, on the battlefield near Potay-Loigny, France, and consoled him.

1871 During a vision of Mary, Maria Kalb was shown a cave in the Inntal near Locherboden, Innsbruck, Austria.

17.1.1871 At Pontmain, France, seven children saw the Blessed Virgin in a dark blue robe with pale gold stars, a black veil, gold crown and broad sleeves 'like a lawyer's'.

4.8.1871 Marie-Frangoise Decotterd, who had been ailing since her youth, experienced two visions of Mary in her sickroom at Chapelles, near Lausanne, Switzerland.

15.8.1871 After several visions of Mary, Barbara Conrad, 9, was suddenly healed of her illness at Walschbronn, France.

25.8.1871 Mary in a white robe and gold crown of stars appeared to Therese Schaffer, who was dangerously ill, at St. Louis, U.S.A.

5.12.1871 In Paris Sister Therese Emmanuel de la Merede Dieu had a revelation of a future Marianist host which the Virgin would follow as recruiting officer.

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